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Federal Programs Welcome Back
Welcome Back Edition
![Federal Programs Welcome Back Welcome Back Edition](https://cdn.smore.com/u/b414/c9fbd77c7e6dcaf57d77781ae88ae6c3.jpg)
Welcome Back Edition
A message from Mrs. Gonzalez
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the Federal Programs departments and staff, we’re thrilled to welcome everyone back to another exciting school year! We’re excited to share our Fall Newsletter, which showcases the achievements and partnerships that highlight the success of our students and families. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you, and we look forward to continuing our work together this year.
Teresa Chavez-Gonzalez
Federal Programs Director
Federal Programs Department
The Sharyland ISD Federal Programs Department is responsible for district-wide strategic and campus planning, managing all formula funding grants, evaluating the implementation of specific education programs and initiatives, and communicating results to the Texas Education Agency, Sharyland ISD board, Sharyland ISD staff, and community. Federal programs department facilitates funding as authorized by law to schools in support of programs and initiatives to improve student performance.
Simple Goals for Effective Family Conversations
Effective communication is the foundation of a supportive and functioning family unit. Conversation starters are the perfect way for your kids and teenagers to start talking. Use them around the dinner table, in the car, before bedtime, or during family outings. Place your favorite questions in a jar and take turns picking them!
Conversation Starters for Family-Friendly Conversations:
Who are two people that have encouraged you at some point in your life?
How can you show someone that they’re special to you?
What would you do with your life if you didn’t have to worry about money?
In what year would you most like to have grown up?
If your parents misbehave, what punishment should you give them?
What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?
What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
What is something you like about each person here?
What would you do with your time if all electronics were taken away?
What was the nicest thing you did for someone this week?
Share an experience you had with someone different than you.
What was your favorite childhood story and why did you like it?
If you were President, what would be three things you would change today?
What is something you have never done that you would like to try? Why?
If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach and why?
What are the most important qualities you look for in a friend?
If you could meet one leader, whom would you meet and why?
Tell me about a time you felt guilty. How do you feel about it now?
Do you believe it’s more important to live for yourself or others?
If your best friend wrote a book about you, what would they title it?
What person from history would you like to have been friends with and why?
How do you define integrity and do you have it? Is integrity important? Explain your thinking.
Has anything bad ever happened that turned out to be for the best?
What school subject has been the easiest for you? Why?
Tell us about your favorite person. (It can be a relative, friend, or teacher). Why is he/she so special to you?
How do you feel when someone ignores you? How do you react when it happens?
When you are sad, what do you do to feel better?
Who would you want to see if you could have front-row seats at any concert?
Share an experience you had with someone less fortunate than you.
What are you afraid of? Why?
What do you wish you were better at saying “no” to?
Who is someone you miss?
Which of your personality traits do you like the most? The least? Why?
Be Attentive
Listen actively and show genuine interest in your child's responses. Offer empathy and encouragement based on what they share, especially if they discuss challenges or concerns.
Use Open-Ended Questions
Encourage your child to share more by asking questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
Be Patient
Give your child time to express themselves without rushing or interrupting.
Federal Programs Department Highlights!
Professional Development provided to staff at our LevelUp: Educator YOUniversity
Uniting Forces!
Mrs. Teri Gonzalez and Mrs. Lori De La Garza presenting to district educators on how to achieve student success through conducting effective teacher-parent conferences.
Bilingual / ESL Presentations to Staff
Pictured are Ms. Elizabeth Gongora, Ms. Melissa Galaviz, Ms. Karla Anzaldua, and Mrs. Berenice Gomez
Helping staff LevelUp!
Superintendent Dr. Elaine Howard
Our very own Superintendent of Schools hosted a session for staff.
Back to School Shopping Event
Our department was honored to support some of our students by providing clothing and school supplies. It is our mission that our students are provided opportunities to reach their full academic potential with the confidence and resources they deserve. We are proud to be part of such a caring and compassionate community! #StudentSupport #BackToSchool #CommunityLiaisons
Thank you to our wonderful office staff for always supporting our families and students.
Rosa Rodriguez (Federal Programs Secretary)
Alicia Jardon (Migrant Clerk)
Sharyland ISD Convocation
Our department had a great time at our district convocation! Excited to kick off the school year and thankful for the valuable back-to-school engagement opportunity provided for all of our district staff. Let's make this year amazing! 🎉 #BackToSchool #EducatorEngagement #DistrictPride
Bilingual / ESL Program
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to see our students, teachers, and parents in school once again! We continue to work together with our campuses to ensure every child has the best educational opportunities each and every day.
In our Bilingual/ESL Department, our focus is on ensuring that every student feels welcome and that every language is viewed as an asset for learning. The multicultural experiences our students and families bring to our classrooms enrich our learning environment.
Texas Education Agency Parent Portal
Please take a moment to subscribe to the Texas Education Agency portal for Emergent Bilingual students at this website: https://www.txel.org/Parents-And-Families
You can also select the language of your choice at the top left-hand corner of the website.
We have an amazing district team of ESL Strategists and Bilingual Interventionists! They provide support to our bilingual and ESL students and teachers at the campuses they serve. Below, you will find the names of the person supporting your child’s campus:
Shary Elementary - Ms. Alma Sanchez
Garza Elementary - Ms. Diana Ortiz
Jensen Elementary - Ms. Mayra Valencia
Martinez Elementary - Ms. Karla Anzaldua
Hinojosa Elementary - Ms. Jenny Gonzalez
Bentsen Elementary - Ms. Jenny Gonzalez
Shimotsu Elementary - Ms. Karla Anzaldua
Wernecke Elementary - Ms. Melissa Galaviz
B.L. Gray Jr. High - Ms. Melissa Ramirez
Sharyland North Jr. High - Ms. Ruby Barcenas
Sharyland High School - Ms. Liza Cantu
Sharyland Pioneer High School - Ms. Aracely Garcia
Sharyland Advanced Academics Academy - Ms. Nancy Stockton
At our central office department, Ms. Berenice Gomez serves as our District LPAC Clerk along with Ms. Elizabeth Góngora who serves as the Coordinator for Bilingual/ESL Programs. We work together with our Campus Assistant Principals who serve as the LPAC Administrators. We are confident that working together we will support your child’s needs for a successful school year!
We encourage you to be a partner in the education of your child. Keep lines of communication open between you and your child’s teacher(s) throughout the year. You can ask for their conference time so you know when you can schedule an appointment with the teacher.
Useful websites:
Visit our Sharyland ISD Bilingual/ESL website for more information: https://www.sharylandisd.org/departments/bilingual_e_s_l
¡Colorin colorado! - many ideas, tips, videos and articles on helping your child have a successful school year and learning another language.
Texas Education Agency (TEA) Supporting Emergent Bilingual Students in Texas: Parents & Families
We look forward to another amazing school year!
Parents of Students in Bilingual/ESL Program
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024, 09:00 AM
Sharyland ISD Central Office - Diamondback Room
Social Work Services
The goal of Sharyland ISD is to support all students and be the link between school, home, & community.
- Case Management for McKinney-Vento and Foster Care students
- Collaboration with families, school staff, and community agencies/organizations.
- Provide families and student information and referrals for local community agencies/organizations.
- Advocacy for students and parents.
District Social Workers
Karla Cisneros-Lopez - (956)580-5200 Ext. 1062
Cynthia H. Guajardo - (956)580-5200 Ext. 1194
Click on image to access a running list of local resources.
McKinney-Vento (Homeless)
- “Homeless children and youth” means children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those who are sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; staying in motels, trailer parks, or camp grounds due to the lack of an adequate alternative; staying in shelters or transitional housing; or sleeping in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, or similar settings. 42 U.S.C. §11434a(2).
- “Unaccompanied youth” includes homeless children and youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. 42 U.S.C. 11434a(6).
Local Homeless Resources
To speak with a caring person at any time, call 1-800-Miss-You to reach Miracle Messages, or 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Life Line.
About the Find Shelter Tool
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Find Shelter tool provides information about housing, shelter, health care, and clothing resources in communities across the country. Click on one of the categories above, enter your location, and click Search to get started.
Homeless Shelters Directory
The most complete list of shelters in Texas. The shelters listed below are emergency shelters but many are general homeless shelters or transitional housing opportunities.
The National Coalition for the Homeless
We envision a world where everyone has a safe, decent, affordable and accessible home.
Our mission is to prevent and end homelessness while ensuring the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness are met and their civil rights protected.
We believe that safe, decent, and affordable housing is a human right (as written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article Twenty-Five, Section One).
Foster Care
What is Foster Care
When children can't live safely at home and no appropriate non-custodial parent, relative, for close family friend is willing and able to care for them, the court can give temporary legal possession to CPS. CPS temporarily places these children in foster care. Foster care settings include:
- Foster family homes.
- Foster family group homes.
- Residential group care facilities.
- Facilities overseen by another state agency.
Foster care is meant to be temporary until a permanent living arrangement is found. However, it can become permanent - usually when a foster parent adopts or accepts permanent managing conservatorship of a child.
When children can't live safely at home, CPS tries to find relatives and family friends who can provide stability while the children can't live with their parents (see kinship care). If no one can be found, the court can give temporary legal custody to CPS, who then places the children in foster care (learn more). DFPS offers many resources for people who want to become foster parents, or who already have, or who want to foster as a first step towards adoption. Many of these resources can be found on the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TARE).
Local Foster Care Resources
Foster Youth Transition Centers
Foster Youth Transition Centers help older foster youth, young people who are homeless, and those from ages 16 to 25 who may face challenges. These centers offer different services all in one place, such as:
- PAL (Preparation for Adult Living), which helps young people prepare for adult life
- Job assistance
- Help enrolling in higher education
- Help with food and housing needs
- Mentorship and support
BCFS Health and Human Services-McAllen
211 N 15th St, McAllen, TX 78501
Angels of Love
provide victims of domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault, and their families with individualized services in a safe and loving environment in order to provide them with the tools necessary to restore each woman and child to a healthy self-worth and healthy family setting.
Rainbow Room 🌈
non profit operated by community volunteers in partnership with Child Protective Services to protect and assist children and their families.
Foster Parent Support Group
TEA Foster Care Student Success Guide
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Foster Care Liaison Handbook
Texas Foster Youth Justice Project
Children’s Commission Foster Care & Education Committee Webpage
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Foster Care Webpage
DFPS Career Development and Education Program
DFPS Education Training Voucher Program
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act
Migrant Program
Parent and Family Engagement Program
Meet your Parent and Family Engagement Team!
Hello Parents,
My name is Lori De La Garza, M.L.S., and I serve as your district Parent Engagement Specialist. My role is to coordinate parent engagement activities and support our district Parent and Family Engagement Program. Our program focuses on empowering and supporting our families in their parenting journey.
Here’s an overview of what our Parent and Family Engagement Program aims to offer:
- Parenting Classes: We provide sessions on various topics, including how to navigate raising children in today’s digital age (Webinar Wednesdays), understanding student academic expectations from the state and our schools, and addressing the needs of our parents and families.
- Parent Engagement Academy: For parents who are looking to improve their English skills and learning about our school system, we offer classes to help you communicate more effectively. Our classes may start later this Fall. If you are interested in becoming one of our students for parents, please call 956-580-5200, Extension 1215.
- Early Childhood Literacy Classes: These classes are designed to help you support your young child’s early literacy development.
- Campus Support for the Parent and Family Engagement Program: We are a team of Community Liaisons and front office staff that work together to support our parents and families. Reach out to our campuses to participate as a parent volunteer. Together, we can build a strong support system for our children’s success and well-being.
Community Lesions and/or Designated Parent Contact Person at our campuses:
Shary Elementary - Ms. Laura Contreras
Garza Elementary - Ms. Merary Enriquez
Jensen Elementary - Ms. Dora Gonzalez
Martinez Elementary - Ms. Deyanira Ramos
Hinojosa Elementary - Ms. Nora Anda (Counselor’s Secretary)
Bentsen Elementary - Ms. Mayra Gomez
Shimotsu Elementary - Ms. Lily Cardenas (Principal’s Secretary)
Wernecke Elementary - VACANT POSITION
B.L. Gray Jr. High - Ms. Kristine Bish
Sharyland North Jr. High - Ms. Gloria Cabrera
Sharyland High School - Ms. Sonia Gonzalez
Sharyland Pioneer High School - Ms. Carmen Munson
Sharyland Advanced Academics Academy - Ms. Deyanira Ramos
Proven Strategies for Helping Your Child Get Organized for Back-to-School Routines
Forming a habit takes time, and it's commonly estimated to take between 21 and 66 days of practice. While habits generally begin to form within this period, the exact time can vary. Keeping children and teenagers organized for school can be a balancing act, but they can develop healthy organizational habits with the right strategies. Here are some tips to help:
1. Create a Routine: Establish a consistent daily schedule for homework, studying, and chores. A routine helps kids manage their time better and reduces the likelihood of last-minute homework completion or forgotten assignments.
2. Use a Planner: Encourage them to use a physical planner or a digital calendar. Writing down assignments, deadlines, and important dates can help them keep track of their responsibilities.
3. Set Up a Study Space: Designate a quiet, organized area for studying and homework. Make sure it’s well-lit and free from distractions. Keeping this space clutter-free can help improve focus.
4. Break Tasks into Manageable Steps: Large projects or assignments can be overwhelming. Help them break tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, and set deadlines for each step. Teach them to prioritize tasks by importance and deadlines. Understanding what needs immediate attention versus what can wait is key to effective time management.
5. Regularly Review and Adjust: Regularly review and adjust their organization systems to fit their evolving needs, such as doing a Saturday morning check to ensure everything is in order. Promote good habits like returning items to their proper places, handling papers and assignments promptly, and maintaining digital organization by sorting and deleting unnecessary files.
6. Teach Stress Management: Organizational skills can be closely tied to stress management. Help them find ways to manage stress, like exercise or mindfulness, which can improve overall focus and organization. Consult your doctor for the best exercise activities for your body.
- YouTube Stress Relief for Kids Video
- YouTube 6 Daily Habits to Reduce Stress & Anxiety Video
- 8-Minute Beginners Meditation
- Calm (mobile phone App)
- InsightTimer (mobile phone App)
Be Attentive
Use Open-Ended Questions
Be Patient
Texas Parent and Family Engagement Statewide Initiative Portal
Would you like to explore a website designed to offer valuable resources and strategies for families with children in Texas Public Schools? Family support and encouragement play a crucial role in a student's academic success and overall development.
Discover topics including:
Coming later this Fall 2024: Navigating the School System
Expert Parenting Sources to Know:
Parent Learning Series - Session
Follow the link to register and obtain additional information.