The Weekly Update
October 21 - 26
Hello everyone,
Another beautiful fall weekend is in the books and, hard to believe, but Quarter 1 of the 24-25 school year is in the books as well. Parents should be getting their student's grade reports in the mail this week, but hopefully you are able to access Powerschool to see grades already. If you are not, please let us know in the office and we can get to work to get you access! As we transition to the second half of semester 1, it is time to double down on attendance and keeping up with grades! Let's finish this semester strong Lumberjacks!
We also have testing coming up this week for all grades 7-12. 7th - 9th grade will be taking ISAT Interim Tests, 10th - 11th grade will be taking PSAT tests, and 12th grade will be taking the ASVAB. These tests are important for student success, so it is important to do our best on these tests! Please remind your students to charge their chromebooks Monday night!
Speaking of transitions, fall sports are starting to transition to post season with both cross country and volleyball participating in district competitions this coming week and football finishing up their regular season. Thursday was also Senior Night for our lone senior on the volleyball team! It's time to root our Lumberjacks on to state and a great finish to already great seasons!
How Sick is Too Sick?
As we move into colder weather, as it always happens (and has already happened!), so too comes colds, flu, and sickness. Going to school or work when you don't feel well, is never fun, but how sick is too sick to go to school? Use the resource at the link below to find some helpful guidelines for parents to determine whether your student is too sick for school.
Jr. High Student of the Week: Cole Eppich - nominated by his teachers for always working hard and doing his best in class, and for always doing what is right. Way to go!
High School Student of the Week: Samara Gratton - nominated by teachers for being kind and polite, having a good work ethic, and doing quality work. Great job!
Monday October 21
- FCCLA District Conference @ Boise
Tuesday, October 22
- ASVAB/PSAT/ISAT Interims testing
Wednesday October 23
- District VB Tournament @ McCall
- District XC Meet @ Eagle Island State Park
Thursday, October 24
- Q1 Rewards Trip to Zim's
Friday, October 25
- HS FB @ Salmon River, game time 7:00
Saturday, October 26
- District VB @ McCall
- XC Fun Run - 1 Mile/5K Fundraiser
Week of Oct. 28 - Nov. 2
Mon. Oct. 28 - 2 Week Grade Check
Th-Sat. Oct. 31-Nov. 2 - Volleyball State Tournament @ Canyon Ridge HS
Fri. Nov. 1 - District PD
- HS FB Playoff Game TBD
Sat. Nov. 2 - XC State @ Eagle Island S.P.
Week of Nov. 4 - 9
Mon. Nov. 4 - First Day of Girls Basketball Practice
Tue. Nov. 5 - Election Day!
Fri. Nov. 8 - FB Play-off Game
Week of Nov. 11 - 16
Mon. Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day Assembly @ 11:00
- 2 Week Grade Check
Fri. Nov. 15 - FB Play-off Game TBD