Shawsheen Tech Guidance Newsletter
Welcome Back!
Who's my counselor?
Mr. Matt Smith (masmith@shawtech.org) 9th grade counselor: Last Name M-Z
Mr. Greg Harrison (gharrison@shawtech.org) 10th-12th grade counselor
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Auto Collision Repair & Finishing
- Automotive Technology
- Dental Assisting
- Medical Assisting
- Metal Fabrication & Joining Technologies
Ms. Terry Henry (thenry@shawtech.org) 10th-12th grade counselor
- Business Technology/Marketing
- Drafting
- Graphic Communications
- Health Assisting
- Masonry
Ms. Kelly McFadden (kmcfadden@shawtech.org) 10th-12th grade counselor
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Plumbing
Ms. Amanda Samaha (asamaha@shawtech.org) 10th-12th grade counselor
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts/Hospitality Management
- Electronics/Engineering
- Information Support Services & Networking/Programming & Web Development
Meet & Greet Parent/Guardian Teacher Night- Thursday, September 26th
Thursday, September 26, 2024 from 6PM-8PM will be a 'Meet & Greet' with a full schedule. Parents and guardians will rotate through their students’ schedules to learn more about the classes, teachers, and grade-level expectations their students will experience during the 2024-2025 school year.
Grade level presentations will follow the schedule below:
6:00-6:56PM - Freshman Parent/Guardian Presentation + Q&A (Cafeteria)
6:30-6:56PM - Junior Parent/Guardian Presentation (Auditorium)
7:00-7:26PM - Senior Parent/Guardian Presentation (Auditorium)
7:30-7:56PM - Sophomore Parent/Guardian Presentation (Auditorium)
Attention Freshmen Parents/Guardians & Students
The Freshmen Counselors had the pleasure of visiting all their homerooms and are currently in the process of meeting all their students individually. Should students need to meet with their counselor prior to this first personal introduction, please encourage them to visit!
Congratulations to all the ninth graders for completing their first of fourteen Exploratory rotations. Please remind your children of the importance of the Exploratory program. Every cycle should be greeted with an open mind and effort even if it is not a shop of interest. The placement process is competitive and every cycle counts! As a friendly reminder, please make sure you review the following "What to Wear/Bring to Exploratory Shop Week" prior to your student's shop week so they are prepared.
Gratitude/Self-Affirmation project
The Freshmen Counselors are excited to introduce a year-long project that centers around two Evidence Based Practices: Gratitude and Self-Affirmation.
Every ninth grader was given a journal notebook to record “gratitude” entries on every academic Wednesday for the duration of the school year. In addition, students will receive an affirmation sticker each Wednesday to stick alongside their entries. It has been proven that these two practices improve our overall mental health, making us happier, more successful, and more productive. We hope that this practice enhances the mental health of our students! The project is simple—we ask that the students write a minimum of one thing he/she/they are grateful for and put the sticker on the same page of the journal entry (Homeroom teachers are also participating as this occurs during Homeroom).
By the end of the school year, every ninth-grade student who participates (as this is voluntary) will have a resource to assist them with self-management and self-regulation, which are two areas that we focus on teaching as part of our developmental guidance curriculum. As previously stated, there are multiple studies as well as extensive research to prove that both affirmation and gratitude exercises improve a person’s overall happiness, success, productivity, and relationships. We hope by doing this activity, we will promote healthy self-management strategies for all our ninth graders.
A link to the registration form can be found below or students can pick up hard copies in the guidance office.
College & Career Planning Night- Class of 2025 & 2026
Financial Aid Night- Wednesday, November 6th
Attention Parents & Guardians of 11th & 12th grade students: on Wednesday, November 6th from 6:00-7:30PM, we will hold our Finanical Aid Night. Amy Staffier, Director of Financial Aid from Simmons University, will be presenting information regarding the financial aid process. The target audience for this event is parents/guardians but students are welcome to attend.
Upcoming Military Visits
- October 7th- Sgt Josh Ainsworth from the US Army will have an info table during lunches to speak with any interested students
Attention Class of 2025:
The Shawsheen Tech Guidance Office created the following College Admissions Checklist as a tool to help you complete the steps required to apply to college. If you plan to apply to a 4-year college, please review the document and reach out to your counselor if you have any questions or need clarification. Counselors will be visiting students in Related to give a general overview of the college application process but a 1-1 appointment with your counselor is recommended, especially if you plan to apply to college with an “Early Action” deadline (typically on or around November 1st).
Get Involved!
Are you looking to get involved? Check out our list of clubs & activities we have to offer. Be sure to listen to the morning announcements for meeting dates & times.
Helpful Information
RMV/Union paperwork: Parents/Guardians: you may email your request to guidanceoffice@shawtech.org
*Please give 48 hrs. notice for this request*
Work Permits: Please complete the following form and submit to the Guidance office: Work Permit Application
Where to find us:
Email: guidanceoffice@shawtech.org
Website: shawsheentech.org
Location: 100 Cook Street, Billerica, MA, USA
Phone: 978-667-2111
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shawsheentech/
Twitter: @shawtech_hs