FAC Weekly Update
November 17, 2023
Good Afternoon, FAC Family
We hope you had a great week! As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, please know how grateful we at the FAC are for the opportunity we have to work with your child. It is an amazing gift to be part of the FAC community. Thank you for your support!
Congratulations to the students of the FAC Percussion Studio for their outstanding concert last night! The student musicians are doing a fabulous job, and we appreciate the mentorship of their instructor, Mr. Wesley Strasser.
Here's the latest from the halls of the FAC...
This Week's Student Leadership Lesson
Things That Don't Require Talent - Part 2
Things that Do Not Take Talent:
3. Passion
"Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion. You must light your own fire."
- Prioritize your life according to your passion.
- Passion is the first step to achievement.
- Passion is the fuel for vision.
4. Courage
"Greatness, in the last analysis, is largely bravery. Courage is escaping from old ideas and old standards and respectable ways of doing things."
- Courage is an everyday test.
- We need courage to seek the truth when we know it may be painful.
- We need courage to change when it is easier to remain comfortable.
- We need courage to overcome obstacles when progress will come no other way.
- We need courage to learn and grown when it will display our weakness.
5. Encouragement
"Encouragement is oxygen to the soul."
- Most people don't believe in themselves. In life, it's not what you are that holds you back; it's what you think you're not.
Congratulations - Region Orchestra
Congratulations to the following FAC Strings Chamber Music students on earning a spot in Region Orchestra!
9-10 Orchestra
- Violin 1 - Sara Miller, Concertmaster; Johann Bobb, Associate Concertmaster; Hannah Jones
- 2nd violin- Padmini Duvvuri; Rebeca Gotshaw; Sammy Perry; Bailey Burke
- Viola - Benny Gilles, Principal; Caridee Morris
- Cello - Benjamin Webb, Principal; Madison Shamis; Isaac Tamayo
- Bass - Rachel Robertson; Marc Baker
11-12 Orchestra
- Violin 1 - Evelyn Barrett; Madeline Arnheiter; Lola Jantz
- Cello - Carter Saccocio, Assistant Principal; Charles Price; David Ropp; Jasmin Pro-Munoz
- Bass - Nicholas Meekins, Principal
Congratulations - SCNATS
Congratulations to the following students on the results of the SCNATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing - South Carolina Chapter) Classical Competition!
Regional Qualifiers:
Ava Arnold
Brady Green
Peyton Kakouras
Sarah Poinsette
Claire Shirley
Room Winner & Honors Recital Performer:
Brady Green
2024 Elevate Showcase Sponsorships
The Fine Arts Center is proud to present its third annual showcase at the Peace Center, Elevate 2024. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Center Partners, Elevate 2024 features outstanding student performers from the FAC Performing Arts Programs - Dance, Theatre, Creative Writing, Theatre, and Music. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the rising stars of the Greenville arts scene!
While tickets will not go on sale until February, it is time to save the date for this phenomenal event - FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024. Ticket info will be released early next year.
For those who are looking to take their support of the FAC to the next level, especially small business owners or those in the corporate world, please consider becoming a sponsor of Elevate. You can learn more about how to invest in the showcase and the benefits you get in doing so. Click on the following link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qkKGUhv1Ieecqhgk06h0G6R0gQpLr-v/view?usp=sharing
Vote for Riley Fincher-Foster!
Riley Fincher-Foster (Grade 9, FAC Theatre) is featured singing on Broadway World's website for moving to the 2nd round in Broadways' Next on Stage High School Competition. You can see the video and cast your vote for Riley at the following website - https://www.broadwayworld.com/nextonstagehighschool/riley-fincher-foster.
Good luck, Riley!
From the FAC Parent Guild
We Still Need Volunteers!
We still have a few open slots for volunteers for FAC events during the month of November. Please help us out by clicking on the following link.
If you have any questions about volunteering, please email nikidpeters3@gmail.com. Thanks for your support of the FAC students and teachers!
We Still Need Our Next Merchandise Chairperson!
We are looking for someone to shadow our current Merchandise Chair, Michele Turner, as she is leaving this role after her son’s graduation from the FAC in the spring. The future chair will shadow Michele to learn about our current inventory, vendors, and sales events and be ready to take over this position next school year. The Merchandise Chairperson will collaborate with Mr. Popat to come up with new ideas for merchandise as well as facilitating ordering and distribution of the items.
Please speak with Michele if you think you may be interested in this role. She can be reached at micheleturner@me.com or 864-968-5090.
FAC Students Performing in the Community
Ashley Flowers - Visual Artist
Ashley Flowers (Grade 9, Visual Arts) will be selling some of her art and crafts at the Rudolph Gordon PTA Holiday Market on Saturday, November, 18, 2023 from 9am - 1pm. Please stop by RGMS to support her!
SC Children's Theatre - Mary Poppins
Three FAC students are part of the cast of the SC Children's Theatre production of Mary Poppins!
- Vi Hix -Theater
- Ayden Woo - Voice
- Nora Woodward - Voice
Please click on the following link for show details and ticket information.
Ronnie Elliot - Wheel Session Jazz Series
Ronnie Elliot (Grade 9, Jazz Studies) will be headlining a show at Greenville's Wheel Session jazz series on December 7th at 7:30 p.m. His band will feature Kevin Korschgen drums, Phillip Howe piano, and Kevin Kehrberg bass. Ronnie is the youngest musician to ever headline at the series. For tickets, please go to - https://www.wheelsessions.com/next-show.
International Ballet - The Nutcracker
Don't miss International Ballet's performances of The Nutcracker. FAC students performing in this production include Dance Program students Lillian Mozie, Grace Bucci, Marcy Roseveare, Abigail Kate Fowler and Jazz Program student Sam Shoemaker.
Friday, December 8 at 7:30 pm
Saturday, December 9 at 7:30 pm
Sunday, December 10 at 3 pm
Tickets: https://www.peacecenter.org/events/detail/23-ib-nutcracker
Is your child performing in the Greenville community?
College Corner
The "College Corner" is a resource for FAC Seniors and their families that we include in our Weekly Updates. If you have any questions about these or additional college resources, please reach out to our School Counselor, Gloria Collins. mailto:gcollins@greenville.k12.sc.us
Scholarships for FAC Seniors
In order to streamline our Weekly Update newsletter, we have consolidated all available scholarships into a Google Doc. Please click on the following link to access the doc, and check back often for updates - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OLP88nz2RdKe9rGFvf9FqLZmbhxAiONVT7F7hnu6TiY/edit?usp=sharing
Coming Up...
- Tuesday, November 21 - FAC Winds Chamber Music Fall Concert; 7:00 p.m., Sutherlin Recital Hall; Tickets - $10 for adults, free to students and children 12 & under
- Wednesday, November 22-Sunday, November 26 - Thanksgiving Break
- Tuesday, November 28 - Theatre Fall Presentations; 7:00 p.m., Black Box Theatre; Tickets - $10 for adults, free to students and children 12 & under
- Thursday, November 30 - FAC Voice Fall Concert; 7:00 p.m., Sutherlin Recital Hall; Tickets - $10 for adults, free to students and children 12 & under
- Saturday, December 2 - All-State Orchestra Workshop at FAC; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Friday, December 8 - FAC Winter Showcases; in-class performances for students
- Wednesday, December 19 - Half Day; no PM classes for FAC
- Thursday, December 20 - Tuesday, January 2, 2024 - Winter Break
- Wednesday, January 3 - Employee Workday; no school for students
- Thursday, January 4 - First day of Semester 2
Helpful Links
Fine Arts Center - Greenville County Schools
Preparing dedicated students for 21st-century careers through rigorous, pre-professional arts training in a dynamic, inclusive, collaborative learning community.
Core Values
Email: vpopat@greenville.k12.sc.us
Website: https://www.fineartscenter.net
Location: 102 Pine Knoll Drive, Greenville, SC, USA
Phone: (864) 355-2550
Twitter: @FACGreenville