SFSS Family Newsletter
February 23rd, 2024

March is around the corner!
We have many activities happening.
We have three fundraising efforts:
- Pie Orders are due March 6th.
- Math-a-thon continues until March 14th. We will be posting a video of our math fun each week to share with you, families, and donors. At the time of publication we had raised $660.
- Simply Sweet Bakery will host a fundraiser for us. More details to come.
Also, our school administration is focused on marketing and enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year. Please work on completing your enrollment for next year. Also, we have posters and brochures if you know some place we should post in the community where families go often. Enrolling early helps us plan for next year's staff and course offerings.
Enrollment and Financial Aid
Please take some time to open your child's enrollment packet for next school year. This is found through the Family Portal.
We started enrollment early this year to help us determine staffing needs. Please help us by completing your enrollment as soon as possible.
Just a reminder of some of our dates to help make enrollment smoother this year.
· March 1st: Parish Commitment must be submitted and signed for 2024-2025 school year. Families who fail to return form will be changed to the Non-Parishioner rate. Forms may be turned in before March 1st.
· April 1st: Families contact local school districts for transportation requests - Requests can be made before April 1st.
· April 20th: Financial Aid due
· August 1st: First Tuition Payment is due.
Forms may be found on our website: https://www.stfrancisststephen.org/admissions/financial-assistance/
Mrs. Caito-Capozzi is available to assist you in all your enrollment questions.
Red Wings Jersey Contest Voting is Here!
Thank you all for submitting your jersey designs for this year’s Catholic Schools Day!
The voting is active on our social media channels, so feel free to share with your families! Here are the links:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/C3nPu6nsMZW/?img_index=1
X - https://twitter.com/RocRedWings/status/1760312654038528308
Threads - https://www.threads.net/@rocredwings/post/C3nPjhkMudM
These will be active for about a week and then a winner will be crowned!
Current Fundraisers
This year we are going to have a math-a-thon.
To raise money for the school. (We would love to make improvements to both the bathrooms and technology.)
To encourage more math thinking, solve math challenges, and encourage more fluency.
During School Activities:
Each day there will be a theme.
Each class will complete a daily theme activity during homeroom, morning meeting, math class, or tech/flex time.
Each week, the school will create a slideshow of the math activities completed in the week to show you, our donors, and potential donors.
- Spread the news about our fundraiser. We have a $8,000 goal. Here is the link to the main page: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/2024mathat
- Complete the tic-tac-toe board. Those who complete a tic-tac-toe will earn tickets for the Family Night Door Prizes.