The Weekly Update #4
June 21st, 2024
Summer Office Hours
The building is open Monday - Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm.
Bus Request Update
Bus Transportation Requests for 24-25 ended on August 6, 2024. If your child needs the bus and is a new rider, and you did not request it, it may take two weeks before they are eligible to ride. Students who live within 1 mile of the school are not eligible for the bus since this is considered to be the walk zone.
Reminder: K2 forms need to be updated each year. This is the form that allows students in kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade to get off the bus alone or with a caregiver other than a parent. The form needed is called a bus drop off form and it can be found here.
Beginning of the Year Paperwork
Thank you to all the parents that have completed your Beginning of the year (BOY) paperwork. For parents of new kindergarteners, if your child attended Pre-K, you still need to fill out a BOY. BOY allows parents to update emergency contacts, phone numbers, and FERPA. For Beginning of the year paperwork (2024-2025) click here
Become a Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering at Williams, you must go through Volunteer Orientation. Click here for more info.
*Our Fall Book Fair will be 9/16 - 9/20 and we will need volunteers for that.*
Link your Vic Card at Harris Teeter!
Cards must be linked each Year. MCW is 4253
IMPORTANT - New Students to North Carolina and Kids starting School
The NC health assessment form (specific document) is due the first day of school and must be signed by a licensed healthcare provider. Please visit for current health assessment required for school enrollment. This is required when a student enters Kindergarten or the first time a student is enrolled in a North Carolina public school in any grade. If you have any questions about the health assessment, please contact the nurse at the school of registration. By state law, the health assessment must be presented within 30 days of enrollment or the student shall be excluded from school until proof is presented. EnglishPDF/Español
IMPORTANTđ©For 1st-5th Graders New to Williamsđ©
This document is required for any student who has attended either a public or private school in this or any other state. By state law this is required before the student can begin school and must be notarized.+ English PDF/ Español
âSchool Supply Listsâ
Kindergarten Supply List
1 box of Crayon crayons
1 pack of pre-sharpened pencils
1 pack of glue sticks
1 pair of kid scissors
1 pack of black Expo markers
2 containers of Lysol wipes
2 boxes of tissues
1 roll of paper towels
1 box of sandwich bags
1 box of gallon sized bags
1 bottle of liquid hand soap
1st Grade Supply List
Box of Black Expo markers
4 boxes of Crayola crayons
2 boxes of sharpened pencils
1 pair of scissors
1 pack of Elmer's glue sticks
1 solid green folder
1 pack of large pink erasers
1 plastic rectangle pencil box
1 wide-ruled spiral notebook
1 pack of post-it notes
2 boxes of tissues
1 bottle of liquid hand soap
Lysol wipes
Paper towels
2nd Grade Supply List
2 packs of black Expo markers
2 packs of 24 count Crayola crayons
2 boxes of pencils (pre-sharpened)
4 single subject spiral notebooks (red, yellow, green, and blue)
2 two-pocket folders
1 pencil pouch (no boxes please)
1 large pink eraser
1 pack of pencil toppers
1 pack of Elmer's glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
1 pack of highlighters
2 1-inch binders with clear view front
1 pack of yellow post-it notes
2 large disinfectant wipes (Clorox, Lysol)
2 boxes of tissues
2 rolls of paper towels
1 box of gallon Ziploc bags
1 box of sandwich Ziploc bags
1 hand sanitizer
1 bottle of liquid hand soap
3rd Grade Supply List
Crayons or markers
1 pair of scissors
2 packs of pencils
Black Expo dry erase markers
Glue sticks
Post-it notes
2 composition notebooks
2 boxes of tissues
Ziploc bags (any size)
Disinfectant wipes
Hand sanitizer
Pencil top erasers
Fabric pencil pouch
1 bottle of liquid hand soap
4th Grade Supply List
4 packs of pre-sharpened pencils
2 spiral notebooks
1 composition notebook
2 folders
1 whiteboard eraser
Dry erase markers (minimum of 16)
1 pair of scissors
1 pair of headphones or earbuds
4 highlighters
1 pack of sticky notes
1 large pencil pouch
1 pack of colored pencils
2 packs of Clorox or Lysol wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
2 boxes of tissues
1 bottle of liquid hand soap
5th Grade Supply List
1 1-inch binders with clear view front
3 pocket folders with holes to put in a binder
1 pencil pouch with holes to put in a binder
1 pack of pencils
1 pack of Expo markers
1 pack of post-it notes
4 three-subject notebooks
1 pack of notebook paper
1 pack of colored pencils
1 bottle of liquid hand soap
Edulog Lite App Helps Track Your Student's Bus
K2 Forms for 2024-2025
A K2 form is used by Transportation to allow students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade to get off the School bus with someone besides a parent, or to get off the bus alone. These forms can be put into place if they are being met at the bus by a grandparent or babysitter. They are also used if the K-2 student is getting off the bus with an older sibling.
If a parent is running late to the stop, and is not there when the bus arrives, their child will be brought back to the school and the parent will be notified.
**Note** If a child has a K2 form in place, but for any reason feels uncomfortable getting off the bus alone, they will be brought back to the school and the parent will be notified to come and pick up the student from the front office.
These forms are only good for 1 school year so if you have a child that will be in K-2 and they rode the bus last year, they will need a current K2 form filled out. Attached is a link to the form that can be printed and filled out and emailed to either or
Join the PTA
Parent/Grandparent Membership - $7.00
Please show your support of our PTA by becoming a member here. Your membership fee helps support our students and staff throughout the year.