Broad Street Newsletter
August 8, 2024
A message from Ms. Alexander, Principal
Hello! I hope you are having fantastic summer break. My summer break has been busy but lots of fun. I spent a lot of time outdoors hiking and biking. Gideon has enjoyed lots of time swimming in the water and taking long naps. I have included some pictures below for you.
Now that August is here I am back at Broad Street. I am very excited for this school year and have been working with staff to prepare for the upcoming school year.
Speaking of the upcoming school year, tomorrow, Friday, August 9th starting at 8:00 a.m., your child’s teacher assignment letter will available to view in the Sapphire Parent Portal. See below for directions on how to access your child's assignment letter.
When you log in to the Sapphire Community Portal also take a moment to update and confirm the emergency information form. Your child's emergency information needs to be completed each school year for your student prior to the start of the year. Thank you for taking the time to update it now!
Finally, August 26 and August 27 for students in grades K-3 will be a staggered start. This will allow students to acclimate to the school, teacher, classroom, peers, and routines of their classroom in a small class size.
⭐Staggered Start on August 26 and August 27⭐
- Students whose last name begins with A-K will attend school on Monday (8/26)
- Students whose last name begins with L-Z will attend school on Tuesday (8/27)
- ALL students will attend school on Wednesday and Thursday (8/28 and 8/29)
- No School on Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 2
Important Dates
August 21 - Meet the Teacher - Classroom Visitation
- 3:00-4:00 p.m.
First Week of School Information for students in grades K-3
Monday, August 26
- First Day of School for students with last name beginning with A-K
Tuesday, August 27
- First Day of School for students with last name beginning with L-Z
Wednesday, August 28 & Thursday, August 29
- All students attend school
Friday, August 30 – Monday, September 2
- NO SCHOOL – Labor Day Weekend
Thursday, September 5
- Back To School Night 6:-7:30 p.m. (Adults Only)
See the attached document for dates for the year. A hard copy will be sent home with your child.
Student Assignment Letters
Student assignment letters will be posted to the Sapphire Community Portal on Friday, August 9th. A hardcopy of this letter along with transportation information, teacher welcome letter, and supply information will be mailed the same day.
When you log-in to the Sapphire Community Portal to view your child's assignment letter I ask that you also update and confirm the emergency form. Emergency information needs to be completed each school year for your student prior to the start of the year.
Do you need directions to log-in to the Sapphire Community Portal or to set up an account? Click HERE
Student Emergency Forms
- Student Emergency forms must be filled out EVERY year for each student. Please complete your child's form before August 25th.
- Sign on to the Community Web Portal here to complete the STUDENT EMERGENCY FORM
- Directions can be found on the MASD website here.
- If you need any assistance with the Community Portal, please contact Maggie Stern -
Student Arrival and Dismissal Information
* Student arrival and dismissal times will be as follows this year:
Kindergarten Academy:
Parent drop-off - doors open at 7:30, come to the office if arriving after 7:45.
Dismissal begins @ 2:10.
Broad Street
Parent drop-off - doors open at 7:30, come to the office if arriving after 7:45.
Dismissal begins @ 2:20.
see below for specific arrival and dismissal information for Broad Street
Elmwood Academy
Parent drop-off - doors open at 7:30. Come to the office if arriving after 7:45.
Dismissal begins at 2:25.
Broad Street -- Arrival and Dismissal Information
The document on our website under NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS outlines Traffic Flow Details along with a map. The document is also below for your reference.
Students can arrive between the times of 7:30 - 7:45 AM.
- Parent car drop off will occur in the front loop of the building. Staff will be there to support.
- For safety purposes, students should exit cars on the passenger side
- Drop off will take place between the orange cones
- Buses and school vans will drop off in the bus loop
****Students should not arrive prior to 7:30 AM
Student Dismissal
Student dismissal will begin at 2:20 PM in the following order:
- 2:20 - Buses 1 & 2 and District Van riders
- 2:22 - Daycare Vans & MLC
- 2:24 - Parent Pick-ups and Walkers
Parent pick-ups will occur outside the main doors of the building - staff will walk students out of the building. Parents should park along Keller and Broad Streets and walk to meet students. This is the same procedure used last year. NO cars will be permitted in the front loop during dismissal
Staff Updates...
Joining our Grade 2 team:
- Mrs. SanFelice will be the Long Term Substitute for Mrs. Meassick through December 13th.
- Miss Mitchell will be the Substitute for Mrs. Souder through October 11th
Joining our Grade 3 team:
- Miss McWilliams
- Miss Fickes
- Currently Interviewing for this position - Learning Support Teacher
- Miss Matthews - ES Aide/Student Teacher
- Mrs. Heiter - Instructional Support Aide - LS
- Miss Desouki - Instructional Support Aide - EL
- Ms. Crawford - Certified School Nurse (CSN)
- Miss O'Donnell - Music Teacher
Miss Kepple is now Mrs. Armond
Absence Information
Parents are still expected to call or email the school within the first hour of the school day to report absences.
- Phone - 717-691-4574 or email:
Food Service Information
The following are the meal prices for the 24/5 school year.
- Student breakfast will be FREE for all students
- Elementary student lunch $2.85
- Secondary student lunch $3.10
- Reduced price student lunch FREE for qualifying students
- Adult lunch $4.30
- Milk $.60
Breakfast will be served in the lobby as grab and go.
Lunch meal choices: (all meals include fruit, vegetable and milk)
- Regular Lunch - Hot meal of the day
- Deli Lunch - sandwich of the week
- Go-Yo Lunch - yogurt, string cheese, corn chips
- Wildcat Lunch - peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Regular lunch choice the first week of school is:
- Monday - Cheese Stuffed Sticks
- Tuesday - Cheese Stuffed Sticks
- Wednesday - Chicken Nuggets
- Thursday - French Toast Sticks
Need to add money to your child's meal account? Sign up or log into the My School Bucks account HERE
- checks made payable to MASD Food Service or cash is also accepted.
- Place in an envelope with your child's name, "meal account" and the amount enclosed. The student should turn the envelope into their teacher first thing in the morning.
Household applications for free or reduced price meals are required to determine free and reduced eligibility for the 2024/2025 school year unless a student is directly certified.
Household application for free or reduced price meals HERE or scan QR code below.
Karin Marlin, Food Service Director at 717-691-3437 or
Before or After School Care
- MLC - (717) 766-2439
If your child will be attending either before or after school care, please email Mrs. Bradley ( so that she has the information for our arrival/dismissal schedules and can pass the information on to teachers.
Emergency Drill Notice
MASD schools practice secure in place and/or lockdown procedures when conducting a security drill. Schools are required to conduct one emergency drill within the first 90 calendar days of the school year in place of a fire drill and a second security drill during the second semester.
Broad Street Elementary will be conducting emergency drills following these guidelines throughout the year. If you have specific questions about these drills, please consult the student handbook.
2024 - 2025 District Calendar
Click HERE to view the 2024-2025 district calendar
3rd Grade PSSA Testing Window
- English Language Arts (ELA) - April 22-25, 2025
- Math & Make Up Testing - April 28 - May 2, 2025
Educational Trip requests and medical appointments will not be honored on testing dates.
3rd Grade Fall Girls On the Run (GOTR)
Please see the attached flyer for details or scan the QR code to register.
*Team size is limited.
Broad Street PTO
Mark your calendars:
- September 10
- November 12
- February 11
- April 8
- May 13
September 15 - PTO Back to School Social at Paulus Farm 3:00 - 5:00 - more information to come
Contact Information:
Phone: 717-691-4574 || Fax: 717-697-7392