Huskie Howler

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January 27, 2025
Dear Huskie Community,
There is a lot of information in the Howler below so I will keep this intro brief. Please take a few minutes to give it a read.
Have an outstanding week. Go Huskies!!
Jay Wachtel
Naperville North Fine Arts Presents RENT, the Musical!
- Audition Workshop:
- Monday, January 27 | 6:00 - 8:00 PM | NNHS Music Wing
- General Auditions: (sign-up for an a one hour audition time - sign-up links provided at workshops)
- Wednesday, January 29 | 3:30 - 9:30 PM | NNHS Music Wing
- Monday, February 03 | 3:30 - 9:30 PM | NNHS Music Wing
- Audition Callbacks: (callback list posted after general auditions)
- Wednesday, February 05 | 5:00 - 9:00 PM | NNHS Music Wing
No experience is required to audition and participate in the production. We look forward to a large RENT cast!
For information about participating in the technical crew for the production, please contact mtoledano@naperville203.org. For information about participating in the costume crew for the production, please contact slove@naperville203.org. For information about auditioning for the RENT pit orchestra, please keep a lookout for upcoming audition information or reach out to jgonzalez6@naperville203.org.
For further information about the North spring musical or fine arts in general, please stop by the activities and fine arts office, or reach out to njanssen@naperville203.org.
Explore Greece in Summer 2026! This trip is pending D203 Board of Education approval for the 2025-2026 school year.
Attention current 9th and 10th grade students and families! Experience the best of Greece on an unforgettable journey through ancient history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes! Students will explore iconic sites like the Acropolis, Parthenon, and Knossos Palace, stroll through charming neighborhoods in Athens and Santorini, and sail to Spinalonga Island for a glimpse into the island’s past. From the black sand beaches of Santorini to the picturesque sunset views of Oia, every day promises new adventures. The trip concludes with a lively Greek evening of delicious food, traditional music, and dancing! Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to create lifelong memories—join us on this once-in-a-lifetime tour!
Parent Information Session:
Date: Wednesday, January 29
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: NNHS Learning Commons
Reserve your spot today at bit.ly/Greece26.
For questions, contact Brian Glasby at bglasby@naperville203.org and view our past travels at bit.ly/naperlifeabroad.
On Tuesday, February 4th NNHS Student Government, along with Home & School, are hosting their annual NNHS Winter Blood Drive from 8am to 1pm in the Field House.
- All students that are 16 years of age may donate blood by providing a parental consent form provided by the Student Activities office or a Student Government representative.
- All students who are 17 years old can donate without the form.
This blood drive is open to all Huskie relatives and neighbors. Should outside folks wish to donate, please enter through the main office check-in station and provide a valid state ID. .
Please e-mail Mr. Brian Nierman at bnierman@naperville203.org if you do not give consent to allow your 17-year-old son or daughter to donate. Please see Mr. Brian Nierman if you have further questions.
Blood Drive Sign Up:
To Volunteer:
The Spanish National Honor Society (SNHS) is now accepting digital applications!
Requirements for SNHS:
• Complete at least 3 semesters of Spanish at the high school level
• Maintain GPA of 3.75 while a member of SNHS and maintain GPA of 3.5 in Spanish
• Discipline and behavior in good standing at NNHS
• Must have Leadership and various Service activities
• Must be enrolled in a Spanish class in order to maintain SNHS status
• Applications due Friday, February 21, 2024 by 3:15pm. Please Contact Veronica Baracaldo at vbaracaldo@naperville203.org with any questions.
Application LINK:
Senior Celebration
Senior Celebration website updated and volunteer links are active!
- Website - Check out our Senior Celebration Website for EVERYTHING you need to know about April 12th’s Senior Celebration all in one place! You can buy tickets, execute the required permission form for your student, volunteer for Friday’s (4/11) Set Up and/or Saturday (4/12) at the Party, buy a volunteer t-shirt, donate needed Prizes and Food, and learn about all the pictures (and firm submission deadlines!) for our Memory Hallway and Huskie Hallway needs. Site Link: Senior Celebration Website
- Join our Fun Team - Last vacancy! We are still looking for a Technology Lead to coordinate tech requirements for our Area Leads and to help our Photo Chair create the end of the night slideshow. Our Tech Lead from prior years is involved this year for guidance. Please reach out directly to Tracy Ford to express interest at: tracydford65@gmail.com
- Pictures being collected for Memory Hallway and Huskie Hallway - Our amazing teams create incredible photo displays for the party but we need your pictures! Collection boxes for printed pictures will be at NNHS by the Campus Supervisors desk beginning February 10th through March 27th. Our website has more detailed information and drop off addresses if you’d rather drop at their homes.
- Memory Hallway
- We need THREE pictures of EACH SENIOR for a keepsake poster. Submit 3 pictures of your student (one as a baby, one young child/elementary school, and one recent photo). Any size but no larger than 5 ”x 7”. A keepsake poster will be made by our committee for each student and they will get their keepsake poster at the end of the party in their check out bag.
- We need group pictures (printed copies - they will not be returned) of kids together in preschool through 8th grade. Please label the elementary or junior high school on the back of the photo.
- Huskie Hallway
- We display tons of photos of NNHS Seniors from school sponsored activities during their senior year of 2024-2025. We rely on YOU to fill the Hallway! Here are the details: Send PRINTED photos, size 4”x6”, any paper is accepted. Please indicate the club, sport or event on the back of the picture. These photos will NOT be returned.
- Senior Celebration Prizes: We are excited to ensure that every student goes home with a special gift after the party. To make this possible, we are kindly requesting prize donations from our wonderful parent community. You can choose a gift from our Amazon list, use the sign-up genius to purchase gift cards, or purchase something else entirely. Visit the website for all the information. Senior Celebration WebSite
TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Join us as students from the Class of 2025 model the latest fashions from several local stores.
- When: Sunday Feb. 23rd, 2025
- Doors open at 3:00pm. Show starts at 4:00pm
- Where: Large Cafe at NNHS
- Tickets now on Sale via GoFan! https://hq.gofan.co/events/1960764/view
- VIP ticket $65 / General ticket $35
- NNHS Student ticket $10 - includes one raffle ticket for door prize!! Top Dog free ticket code will arrive in your email. Come ready to purchase your raffle tickets for amazing baskets filled with great prizes!! Raffle tickets will be sold the day of the event. Cash, Credit Card and Apple Pay accepted. Concessions will be available.
Let us advertise your business with special signage along our red carpet, social media sites and program guide. Cost of Sponsorship - $200. Please email nnhsboostersfashionshow@gmail.com for more information.
Volunteers for Backstage hands on the day of the event are needed. This is the perfect way for parents of underclassmen to get involved. Please email nnhsboostersfashionshow@gmail.com.
Back by popular demand, we will also have an instant wine cellar at the raffle! Please consider donating a bottle of wine with a retail value of around $20. Donations can be dropped off at Coyanne Inglis’ home or Kristen Porter's home. There will be bins by the front doors for the donations. If your preference is to donate via Venmo or Zelle, please contact Coyanne at 714-292-1650 or Kristin at 773-655-5594, and they’ll do the shopping for you! Venmo- @Coyanne-Inglis or @Kristin-Porter-24.
Check out our WINTER menu on the new website! https://nnhsboosters.org/concessions. We can always use a helping hand. Check out the Sign Up Genius for all winter concession opportunities. It will be cozy and fun working indoors this winter. We hope you can lend a hand! https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0A4DABAD2CA0FBC34-52923307-2024
Boosters Meeting
All Boosters members are invited to join us for our first meeting of 2025 on 1/27/25 at 7 PM in room 108. It’s never too late in the year to get involved with our school community through NNHS Boosters. In January we also start to look forward to the next academic year and exploring open board positions. There are so many opportunities to support our Huskies. Come see how you may be able to help
Are you Driven to Join, Driven to Volunteer, Driven to Donate or Driven to Sponsor? Check out our updated website https://nnhsboosters.org. The website is the hub of information for all things related to Boosters. The website highlights our social media, contains sign ups for concessions, provides sponsorship opportunities and features our fundraising events. Another new addition is that tickets to our fundraisers, like Fashion Show, through our Boosters GOFAN account. Everything related to Boosters is at your fingertips on our website, so bookmark the site today.
Our KidsMatter High School Board has been working on an amazing event that will take place on Sunday, February 23rd at the DuPage Children’s Museum. It is the 3rd annual that our High School Board has created, planned and executed and it just keeps getting better! We would love your help in getting the word out about this event – Empowering Yourself from the Inside Out. It is two hours of casual, fun, inclusive social time. With events from yoga to rock painting, service projects and food, it is a great way to meet people and just have fun! KidsMatter has students from all schools across our district and private schools on our Board. This week and next, these students will be talking with their teachers and club leaders at their schools asking them to help promote this event. We would love your support in sharing this with teachers and club leaders and asking their support in sharing with students and when KidsMatter board students reach out to them.
KidsMatter High School Board Presents…
Empowering Yourself from the Inside Out
DuPage Children’s Museum
Sunday, February 23rd
5:30 – 7:30 pm
Fun activities, service projects and service hours earned, food, friends, and fun!
Dress Up 203 believes every student should have the opportunity to attend their school dance in style. This organization is dedicated to making prom dreams come true for NNHS and NCHS students who do not have the means to afford formal attire. Their mission is to provide youth in need with the opportunity to attend their prom with confidence and style. They believe every young person deserves the chance to experience this memorable milestone without financial burdens. Please help us thank our Platinum Partner PEACHES BOUTIQUE who is helping make this possible! We hope the entire community will support Peaches when they shop for their next dress. Please mention Dress Up 203 when you get your dress at PEACHES for your free Swag as their way to say thank you. www.peachesboutique.com
College of DuPage Continuing Education
College of DuPage offers continuing education for adults through 3 programs: Adult Basic Education, High School Equivalency, and English Language Acquisition. Classes are offered at 2 locations:
Naperville North High School Location
- Classes meet Monday and Wednesdays, 6 to 8:50 PM.
- First Class begins on Monday February 3, 2025
- Placement Testing Dates:
- Monday January 27, 2025 at 6pm
- Wednesday January 29, 2025 at 6pm
COD Naperville Center Location
- 16-Week Class Schedule
- Classes Meet on Saturdays, 8:30 AM to 12:35 PM
- First Class begins on Monday February 8, 2025
- Placement Testing Dates:
- Saturday February 1, 2025 at 8:30 AM
- 12-Week Class Schedule
- Classes Meet on Monday and Wednesday, 6 to 9:20 PM
- or, Tuesday and Thursday, 9 AM to 12:20pm
- First Class begins on Monday March 3rd or Tuesday March 4th, depending upon the location
- Placement Testing Dates:
- Monday February 24, 2025, 6 PM
- Tuesday February 25, 2025, 9 AM or 6 PM
- Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 6 PM
- Thursday February 27, 2025, 9 AM or 6 PM
For more information, please click on the flyer below.
Additional Resources
- Check out this month’s Counselor Connection, with grade-level & college/career updates!
- Link to 2024-2025 NNHS Calendar
- Join the principal's community Remind: text @nnhsupdate to the number 81010
- The archived Howlers can be found HERE
Questions or Concerns?
If you have questions about any of the items above or other concerns, please contact Jay Wachtel, Principal, at jwachtel@naperville203.org. or Susan Brown, Administrative Assistant at sbrown1@naperville203.org. Follow NNHS Official on X at wachtel_NNHS and Instagram at nnhs_jay_wachtel.