Our Lady of the Mission
January 23rd, 2022
This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Message from Fr Cyp
Greetings and welcome!
Fr Francis and I warmly welcome you here at Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish; parishioners and visitors alike. We pray and hope that you feel truly safe and at home in this our place of prayer, worship and personal encounter with our risen Lord. May the Holy Spirit ever pray in us more than we can ever imagine and bind us together in the love of our Heavenly Father. Whitford Catholic Parish is home to over seventy nationalities represented by our parishioners and frequent visitors. We take pride in our young people; those in our parish primary and secondary schools, those enrolled in our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) and our parish youth group. They are not just our future Church but a vital part of our Church today and now. We value our young people and endeavor to have their voices heard at every level of our administrative and pastoral engagements. We are ever grateful to the many individuals and groups that volunteer in various ministries of our parish life. To one and all, know that you are valued and appreciated in your own right. We cannot be what we are without you. With ever-changing COVID-19 restrictions, we renew our collective commitment to keeping OLM a COVID-Safe community. Our priests, office staff, cleaning ministry team are doing their bit. We ask you to do your bit in assisting us in this resolve. Together, we will be victorious over this pandemic. Fr Francis and I thank one and all of you for your ongoing prayers, concern, encouragement and support. Rest assured of our daily thoughts and prayers. We commend you as always, into the powerful intercessions of our Blessed Virgin Mother of Good counsel, and into those of St Joseph, patron of the universal Church.
Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP.
Prayer of the Week
Lord, may our faults and weaknesses never cause us to cease our striving to follow you.
This Sunday has been designated by the Church as the Sunday of the Word of God. It is a day for us to experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of his word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches.
1st Reading: Nehemiah 8:2-6. 8-10
After their return to their homeland from exile, the people of Israel are moved to tears by the public reading of God’s word.
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:125-30
St Paul teaches that we together are Christ’s body, made up of many different parts.
Gospel: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
The beginning of Luke’s Gospel: Jesus proclaims God’s word and sets out his mission statement.
Antiphon to the Psalm:
Yours words, Lord, are spirit and life.
Parish Notices - Sunday 23rd January 2022
1. COVID-19 Protocols at Church: In accordance with WA State Government’s COVID-19 regulations, we are allowed 100% capacity and no requirement to observe 2sqm rule in places of worship. However, we strongly recommend that you maintain a reasonable hand hygiene and avoid unnecessary physical contact with others and things in and around Church premises. We are all required to wear masks indoors. Our parish priests, staff, cleaners and volunteers are doing their very best to keep this space safe for us all. We remain grateful to one and all of you for supporting us in our resolve to keep OLM a CovidSafe community. Keep well, safe and God bless.
2. COVID-19 Contact Register: Unless you have a SafeWA App and have checked yourself in using QR code provided at the entrance, we please ask you to provide your contact details in the WA state government’s Covid-19 Contact Register provided in the foyer. Thank you.
3. Communion on Tongue: If you are keen on receiving communion on tongue, we kindly request that you consider coming last in the queue and please approach the priest; NOT acolytes or special ministers. Thank you for your cooperation.
4. Australia Day Mass: Please note, there will be only one Mass at 9.00am on Australia Day, Wednesday, 26th January.
5. Martin & Jacki Retiring: For over fifteen years, Martin & Jacki Wilcock have been minding our Church entrance gardens; keeping them alive and colourful throughout the year. They now have come to a point they want to retire from this ministry. If you think you can give a hand, kindly contact Fr Cyprian and or the parish office and we will work out what needs to be done. We are hoping to have two teams of two people each who can take turns so that the work is not too much for one person or one team. Our sincere thanks to Martin & Jacki for their dedication over the years.
6. Free Just Faith Magazine: Please take home a copy of our 2021 Christmas edition of Just Faith Magazine if you have not taken one as yet. Plenty of stories and photos featuring various aspects of our parish community.
7. 24:7 Whitford Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group is now closed for the Christmas period. Return date for 2022 will be Friday 4th of February. We look forward to seeing you then.
8. Eucharistic Adoration: Eucharistic adoration has resumed and runs every Wednesday and Friday; 9.30am to 7.00pm. Please liaise with Eileen the coordinator on 0407 471 256 for more info. Thank you.
9. Josephite Calendar 2022: Available for only $8 from the Piety Stall.
10. Donation for Eregi Mixed Primary School: Sincere thanks to all who supported Fr Cyprian's appeal for his old primary school last couple of weeks. If you are still in a position to support please make a bank transfer to the following details: BSB Number - 016 494 Account Number - 4157 14697 Account Name: Fr Cyprian & Wendy Ensell - Reference: Donation for Eregi.
11. St Vincent de Paul: Whitford request for volunteers for the Grace Cafe at Joondalup. Grace café provides free hot meals, teas, coffees and friendship for any people who are on low incomes, isolated in the community, homeless or disadvantaged. Food is sourced from local charities and Sacred Heart College Sorrento. The cafe is open on Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm.
The café operates as a multi-faith cooperative at the Grace Anglican church on the ground floor of Shenton House (SE corner of Grand Boulevard and Shenton Ave) at Joondalup. Volunteers from a number of churches in the northern suburbs run the café. They are rostered to help a maximum of once/ 4 weeks.
Duties include café set up, meal and drink preparation, serving and chatting to guests, wash up and pack away. For more information, please contact Peter on M; 0491 048 207 or E: ryansite@tpg.com.au
12. URGENT APPEAL: OLM Overseas Mission Group & Rotary Club of Hillarys have been asked to support the appeal by a non for profit organisation BUCKETS FOR JESUS for URGENT collection of supplies to be sent to the Philippines after typhoon Odette a week after Christmas devastated many provinces, leaving victims with no food, water or power. Collection toiletries & canned food & any donation to help with cost of sending supplies. Please if any donations, leave at the back of church and they will be collected. Any further information please contact Linda Sweeney 0449101720 or linda.sweeney@hotmail.com. We would like to thank Fr Cyprian and all Parishioners for your very generous donations and support so far.
13. Pastoral Visits: Fathers Cyprian and Francis conduct weekly pastoral visits to our sick and home-bound parishioners. On their visits, they bring prayer, sacraments of Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Holy Communion; and certainly, a listening ear. If you know any of our parishioners who may benefit from such a visit, please let the parish office know or you can contact Fr Cyprian directly. Thank you.
14. The First-Class Relic of St Mariae Goretti: has been donated to the Parish by Pat Fraser. The Relic is ‘housed’ in a Reliquary which is kept by the Statue of Our Lady at the back of the Church. Parishioners may take the Reliquary to their homes and keep it as long as required then return it to the Church. Please call the office 9307 2776 or Shirley-Ann 0424 813 890 and advise when the Reliquary is taken and returned.
15. Divine Mercy: If you or your family members and acquaintances require these special prayers, please do not hesitate to send a text message stating the name of the person whom prayers are needed for and the reasons. If you would like Divine Mercy Prayers to be said at the bedside of the sick at hospitals or aged homes this can be requested also. Please text 0410 289 725.
16. Parish Religious Education Program 2022 Enrolment: Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish offers the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) for children who are attending Non-Catholic Schools from PP/Year One through to Year Six. PREP is a comprehensive developmental and sequential religious education program mandated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth and includes the preparation of children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation. Enrolment for PREP 2022 is now open. PREP classes are held every Thursday during school term from 3.45 pm to 5.00 pm and will start next year on Thursday, 3rd February 2022. PREP Enrolment Forms are available at the Church Foyer and Parish Office. Please complete the enrolment form and submit it to the Parish Office before 30th January 2022. For more information, kindly contact the Sacramental Coordinator on 93072776 or email sacramental.whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
17. Whitford Catholic Primary School: Whitford Catholic Primary School is a
community that celebrates faith and achievement and promotes excellence in all we do. Please visit our website www.whitfordcatholicps.wa.edu.au, our Facebook page or call (08) 9404 4200 for more information. We are currently taking expressions of interest and interviews for enrolment across the seven-year groups.
18. Padbury Catholic Primary School: Padbury Catholic Primary School is a welcoming, inclusive, and faith-filled community which caters for students from Pre-Kindy to Year 6 in a double-stream setting. We actively promote our school values of Respect, Excellence, Sacredness and Togetherness. Please visit our website www.padcath.wa.edu.au or call 9404 4000 to express your interest or request an interview (no interview required for Pre-Kindy.
General Notices
1. Aid to the Church in Need: A message from Aid to the Church in Need Australia: As we begin a new year we ask for your support to help the Suffering Church. Your offering allows ACN to aid our suffering brothers and sisters to keep the faith alive in countries that are becoming increasingly harder to practice the faith. Please visit www.aidtochurch.org
Parish Religious Education Program 2022 Enrolment
PREP is a comprehensive developmental and sequential religious education program mandated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth and includes the preparation of children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation.
Enrolment for PREP 2022 is now open. PREP classes are held every Thursday during school term from 3.45 pm to 5.00 pm and will start next year on Thursday, 3rd February, 2022. PREP Enrolment Forms are available at the Church Foyer and Parish Office. Please complete the enrolment form and submit it to the Parish Office before 30th January, 2022.
For more information, kindly contact the Sacramental Coordinator on 93072776 or email sacramental.whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
Rosters - 30th January, 2022
RELIGIOUS GOODS STALL: Hyacinth Adie/ Fera Widodo/ Lyn Smale/ Vilma Batt/ Samantha Thompson.
READERS: Linda Sweeney & John Clift/ Celine Chaperon & Liana Angove/ Corina Gill & Natasha Gill/ Amgela Sanderson & Clare Penaranda/ Bernie Smith & Volunteer.
COUNTERS: Sunday, 6th February: Jennifer Lalani/ Connie Sanders/ Liz Williams/ Rachel Hargrave/ Antoinette Monisse-Redman.
CLEANERS: Friday 28th January: Marisa Gazey/ Tara Griffiths/ Nicole Cornwall/ Shannon Davies/ Kylie Giles.
STATUE OF FATIMA: From the 29th of January to the 5th February, 2022 the Statue of Fatima will be with the Scaffidi family in Perth. Please call 08 9446 6132 if you wish to say the Rosary.
DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS: Is held on the first Friday of every month during 9.00am Mass. The next Devotion will be on Friday the 4th of February 2022.
EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration is held every Wednesday & Friday from 9.30 am – 7 pm.
BAPTISM: We welcome Jasper Westrope, August Westrope, Lana Lake, Glen Brooke, Kibet Too, George Kihara into God’s family this weekend.
PRAY FOR THE SICK: We pray for all those in our parish’s Book of the Sick. You are most welcome to add names to this book in the foyer of the Church. Please cross out when our prayers are no longer needed.
Death & Anniversary
Our Prayers this week will be offered for Maureen Sweeney, Billy Harrison, Martin Brown, Theresa Corcoran, May Guildea, Bernadette Burns, Tony Multari, Audley Constance, Chi-Tuen Chow, Barry Luntley, Ronald Goss, Carlos Henrriquez, all Souls in Purgatory, Prema Chrisostom Gooch, Roy, Isabel Moore all Doctors, Nurses and Heath Care workers who have died from Covid-19, for all our departed loved ones, all Holy Souls, all victims of Covid-19, all those recently deceased and those who have their anniversary around this time.
Stewardship Corner
The U.S, bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reinforces today’s reading from 1 Corinthians: “Because its individual members do collectively make up the Body of Christ, that body’s health and well-being are the responsibility of the members – the personal responsibility of each one of us. We all are stewards of the Church.”
Safeguarding Notices
Safeguarding Commitment Statement: Use the following link to view the Safeguarding Commitment statement - Commitment Statement – Safeguarding Office (perthcatholic.org.au)
Reading at Mass: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – C
Entrance Antiphon: Psalm 95: 1, 6
O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. In his presence are majesty and splendour, strength and honour in his holy place.
Opening Prayer:
Almighty ever-living God, direct our actions according to your good pleasure, that in the name of your beloved Son we may abound in good works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
First reading: Nehemiah 8:2-6,8-10
All the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law
Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly, consisting of men, women, and children old enough to understand. This was the first day of the seventh month. On the square before the Water Gate, in the presence of the men and women, and children old enough to understand, he read from the book from early morning till noon; all the people listened attentively to the Book of the Law. Ezra the scribe stood on a wooden dais erected for the purpose. In full view of all the people – since he stood higher than all the people – Ezra opened the book; and when he opened it all the people stood up. Then Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people raised their hands and answered, ‘Amen! Amen!’ Then they bowed down and, face to the ground, prostrated themselves before the Lord. And Ezra read from the Law of God, translating and giving the sense, so that the people understood what was read. Then Nehemiah – His Excellency – and Ezra, priest and scribe, and the Levites who were instructing the people, said to all the people, ‘This day is sacred to the Lord your God. Do not be mournful, do not weep.’ For the people were all in tears as they listened to the words of the Law. He then said, ‘Go, eat the fat, drink the sweet wine, and send a portion to the man who has nothing prepared ready. For this day is sacred to our Lord. Do not be sad: the joy of the Lord is your stronghold.’
Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 18(19):8-10,15
Response: Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life.
The law of the Lord is perfect, it revives the soul. The rule of the Lord is to be trusted, it gives wisdom to the simple. R.
The precepts of the Lord are right, they gladden the heart. The command of the Lord is clear, it gives light to the eyes. R.
The fear of the Lord is holy, abiding for ever. The decrees of the Lord are truth and all of them just. R.
May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favour in your sight, O Lord, my rescuer, my rock! R.
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30
You together are Christ's body, but each a different part of it
Just as a human body, though it is made up of many parts, is a single unit because all these parts, though many, make one body, so it is with Christ. In the one Spirit we were all baptised, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves as well as citizens, and one Spirit was given to us all to drink. Nor is the body to be identified with any one of its many parts. If the foot were to say, ‘I am not a hand and so I do not belong to the body’, would that mean that it stopped being part of the body? If the ear were to say, ‘I am not an eye, and so I do not belong to the body’, would that mean that it was not a part of the body? If your whole body was just one eye, how would you hear anything? If it was just one ear, how would you smell anything? Instead of that, God put all the separate parts into the body on purpose. If all the parts were the same, how could it be a body? As it is, the parts are many but the body is one. The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you’, nor can the head say to the feet, ‘I do not need you.’ What is more, it is precisely the parts of the body that seem to be the weakest which are the indispensable ones; and it is the least honourable parts of the body that we clothe with the greatest care. So our more improper parts get decorated in a way that our more proper parts do not need. God has arranged the body so that more dignity is given to the parts which are without it, and that there may not be disagreements inside the body, but that each part may be equally concerned for all the others. If one part is hurt, all parts are hurt with it. If one part is given special honour, all parts enjoy it. Now you together are Christ’s body; but each of you is a different part of it. In the Church, God has given the first place to apostles, the second to prophets, the third to teachers; after them, miracles, and after them the gift of healing; helpers, good leaders, those with many languages. Are all of them apostles, or all of them prophets, or all of them teachers? Do they all have the gift of miracles, or all have the gift of healing? Do all speak strange languages, and all interpret them?
Gospel Acclamation: Luke 4:18
Alleluia, alleluia! The Lord sent me to bring Good News to the poor and freedom to prisoners. Alleluia!
Gospel Reading: Luke 1:1-4,4:14-21
'This text is being fulfilled today even as you listen'
Seeing that many others have undertaken to draw up accounts of the events that have taken place among us, exactly as these were handed down to us by those who from the outset were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word, I in my turn, after carefully going over the whole story from the beginning, have decided to write an ordered account for you, Theophilus, so that your Excellency may learn how well founded the teaching is that you have received. Jesus, with the power of the Spirit in him, returned to Galilee; and his reputation spread throughout the countryside. He taught in their synagogues and everyone praised him. He came to Nazara, where he had been brought up, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day as he usually did. He stood up to read and they handed him the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Unrolling the scroll he found the place where it is written: The spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour. He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the assistant and sat down. And all eyes in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to speak to them, ‘This text is being fulfilled today even as you listen.’
Prayer over the Offerings: Accept our offerings, O Lord, we pray, and in sanctifying them grant that they may profit us for salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Communion Antiphon: John 8: 12
I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
Prayer after Communion:
Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, receiving the grace by which you bring us to new life, we may always glory in your gift. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
New Year Blessing
God our Loving Father, you command us in the Name of Your only Son Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit not to be afraid. As we begin this new year, we once again entrust ourselves and all our loved ones to Your divine care. We pray for good health, safety, peace and the wisdom to discern what You have in store for each one of us. Deepen our faith in You who alone have the power over all and in all. Bless us with the grace of sincere trust in You and gratitude to You for all You reveal to us amidst our joys and struggles – whatever they may be. We implore the powerful intercession of the Blessed Ever Virgin Mary, Your beloved daughter and Mother of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Pope Francis Reflection
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In today’s Gospel, before presenting Jesus’ programmatic speech in Nazareth, Luke the Evangelist briefly recounts the work of evangelization. It is an activity that Jesus carries out with the power of the Holy Spirit: his Word is original because it reveals the meaning of the Scriptures; it is an authoritative Word because he commands even impure spirits with authority, and they obey him (cf. Mk 1:27). Jesus is different from the teachers of his time. For example, he doesn’t open a law school but rather goes around preaching and teaching everywhere: in the synagogues, on the streets, in houses, always moving about! Jesus is also different from John the Baptist, who proclaims God’s imminent judgment. Instead Jesus announces God’s fatherly forgiveness.
Now let us imagine that we too enter the synagogue of Nazareth, the village where Jesus has grown up, until he is about 30 years old. What happens is an important event, which delineates Jesus’ mission. He stands up to read the Sacred Scripture. He opens the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah and takes up the passage where it is written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor” (Lk 4:18). Then, after a moment of silence filled with expectation on the part of everyone, he says, in the midst of their general amazement: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (v. 21).
Evangelizing the poor: this is Jesus’ mission. According to what he says, this is also the mission of the Church, and of every person baptized in the Church. Being a Christian is the same thing as being a missionary. Proclaiming the Gospel with one’s word, and even before, with one’s life, is the primary aim of the Christian community and of each of its members. It is noted here that Jesus addresses the Good News to all, excluding no one, indeed favouring those who are distant, suffering sick, cast out by society.
Let us ask ourselves: what does it mean to evangelize the poor? It means first of all drawing close to them, it means having the joy of serving them, of freeing them from their oppression, and all of this in the name of and with the Spirit of Christ, because he is the Gospel of God, he is the Mercy of God, he is the liberation of God, he is the One who became poor so as to enrich us with his poverty. The text of Isaiah, reinforced with little adaptations introduced by Jesus, indicates that the messianic announcement of the Kingdom of God come among us is addressed in a preferential way to the marginalized, to captives, to the oppressed.
In Jesus’ time these people probably were not at the centre of the community of faith. Let us ask ourselves: today, in our parish communities, in our associations, in our movements, are we faithful to Christ’s plan? Is the priority evangelizing the poor, bringing them the joyful Good News? Pay heed: it does not only involve doing social assistance, much less political activity. It involves offering the strength of the Gospel of God, who converts hearts, heals wounds, transforms human and social relationships according to the logic of love. The poor are indeed at the centre of the Gospel.
May the Virgin Mary, Mother of evangelizers, help us to strongly perceive the hunger and thirst for the Gospel that there is in the world, especially in the hearts and the flesh of the poor. May she enable each of us and every Christian community to tangibly bear witness to the mercy, the great mercy that Christ has given us.
Contact us!
Parish Priest: Fr Cyprian M. Shikokoti
Ph: 0450 464 678
Assistant Priest: Fr Francis Quoc Tran
Ph: 0466 909 282
Parish Office
Secretaries: Christine List & Mary McGrath-Yek
Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am –4pm
Ph: 08 9307 2776
Email: whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
Sacramental Coordinator: Brigid Fredericks
Ph: 08 9307 2776
Email: sacramental.whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
Missioncare: Donna Moxey (Meals, Visiting & Family help)
Ph: 0434 637 355
Youth and Young Adult Contact Details
Youth Choir: Tara Prentice - 0424 205 011
Youth & Family Choir: Fran Christie Zscherpel - 0433 852 967
24:7 Whitford Youth Group: Stefan 0406 050 035 or Monica 0408 499 985
Safeguarding Officers:
Rachel Wood 0400 958 513
Margy Reeler 0458 509 054
Andrew DeMaio 0422 236 051
Email: whitford@perthcatholic.org.au
Website: olm.myparish.net.au
Location: 270 Camberwarra Drive, Craigie WA, Australia
Phone: 08 9307 2776
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Our-Lady-of-the-Mission-Whitford-Parish-105788500874671/?ref=br_rs