Shining Bright @ Madonna!
MCS News - Sunday, June 2nd 2024
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
The Last Supper is an important event in the life of Jesus Christ when he shared a final meal with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion.
The bread and wine point to the body and blood of Christ to be sacrificed on the cross for our salvation.
As Children of God, we remember this event in the
Lord’s Supper and Holy Communion.
“Take; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly, I say to you, I shall not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26
3 - Monday
- Faith Assembly at 9 AM
- Kinder & 2L @ Strathcona Wilderness Center
- Grade 1-4 Last Library Book Exchange
- Kindergarten All Library Books - Thank you for bringing them back!
- Grade 4 Boys Friendship Workshop
- Grade 4 Art Club
- Prayer Club in the Chapel at First Recess
- Students Services Team meets to ensure success for all students
- Early Dismissal at 2:13 PM
- Spirit Day: Dress like your Teacher
- Grade 4 students leave to Drumheller
- Grade 4 students in Drumheller and returning
- Year End Mass at ABJ from 9:45-10:45 - All are Welcome!
- Year End Carnival at ABJ! 11:00- 12:00 - Bring $2 donation
- Kindergarten @ Woodbridge Farms
- Hot Lunch for those who ordered
Learning About Holy Communion at Prayer Club
Open Air Mass MCS & ABJ
Carnival After Mass!
It's Carnival Time!
This Thursday after mass Madonna K-3 students will be gifted the opportunity to participate in a Carnival put on by Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School Students!
Here are a few details to ensure everyone has a great time:
- Bring a TOONIE: Thank you for bringing $2 cash (or more) to the Carnival as a donation to support the Stollery Children's Hospital. Several ABJ staff and students have family currently at the Stollery. Thank you for bringing hope to them!
- Games & Prizes are Free! All games and activities are free, thanks to the ABJ Leadership Team! Children are invited to bring a donation for the Stollery Children's Hospital.
- Dress for the Weather: The carnival will be outside, as will mass. Children are encouraged to wear a hat (yes we can wear it at mass) and sunscreen along with clothing for the weather.
- Bring a water bottle: As we will be outside most of the morning, children are encouraged to stay hydrated to fully enjoy all of the events.
Special thank you to ABJ's Student Leadership Team for organizing this incredibly amazing event!
Loose Parts...Need More Parts!
We are calling on your help for more parts for our Loose Parts Play!
We are looking for the following items:
- shovels
- gently used blankets
- milk crates
- flex/accordion dryer venting (clean) - DONATED! THANK YOU! The kids LOVE IT!
- used cooking & kitchen items (no rust please)
- thick rope
- used ski poles
- PVC pipes of all lengths and diameter
Now that the weather is fantastic, Loose Parts Play is becoming more popular. Thank you for your help in providing MCS students with more opportunities for creative outdoor play!
Thank you in advance for your donations. Items can be brought to the office. On your most generous behalf, we will happily deliver items to the Loose Parts Play Team!
Got GOTCHA Prizes?
We have an EXCELLENT problem!
So many of Madonna students are spreading God's light and winning GLOW tickets that we are running out of GOTCHA prizes! Again, a good problem to have!
If you have prizes to donate, we are going to have a Grand Finale GOTCHA Prize Draw at the end of June and we are calling for donations for prizes.
Thank you to everyone who has generously donated this year - the kids adore your prizes!!!!
Thank you for sending/bringing prizes to the office. Thank you in advance for all your support in encouraging children to GLOW!
Gotcha GLOWING Winners
2L's Teddy Bear Picnic with Grandma Vicki from Linking Generations!
Breakfasts are Mondays & Fridays in June!
The Nutrition Program provides:
- healthy breakfasts to children
- many options to introduce new foods
- sustenance for optimal learning.
We can always use more help!
If you can spare a little time, we could really use your help! And it doesn't need to be during the breakfast program hours! There's plenty to help with!
For more information or to help on a regular basis, please contact Jem jemliveyoung@yahoo.ca
Please see Mrs. Roberts in the office for volunteer forms.
Is your school fee balance $0?
Thank you to all of our families who have kept up-to-date with their school fees and ensuring there is a $0 balance on them!
In these last few months of the school year, it is important that all school fees are paid. This means that field trip fees are paid before your child's field trip in order for your child to participate.
To pay for your child's school fees or check your balance, please click here to access your PowerSchool Parent Portal
If you have any questions about field trip fees, please contact your child's teacher. Should there be a challenge paying school fees, please contact Mme Gravelle at 780-467-7972.
GrACE Newsletter
Please click here for this month's
OLPH Parish News
Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM and 7:00 PM.
If parents have any questions, they can also contact the church by phone 780-467-5470 or email sacraments@olph.ca
Upcoming Events:
11: All Library books are due!
11: 1 S/W Reading to the Horses & Farm Visit
12: 1B Reading to the Horse & Farm Visit
13: 3V, 3&4G, 4P going swimming
17: 2/3O, 3V and 3&4G Field trip to Telus World of Science
17: Gr 4 visit to St.T's
18: Kindergarten & 4P Strathcona Wilderness Center Field Trip
19: Transition Day - Student's Visiting the next Grade Classroom!
21: National Indigenous Day
24: Grade 4 Farewell at 1PM
25: School Fun Day
26: Last Day for Students
Pamela Gravelle Principal