Chelsea Center
Experiential Education Opportunities for ALL students
This week’s featured upcoming Chelsea Center experience is an opportunity to explore careers in social services, world languages, international relations, and helping pathways at the International Institute of St. Louis.
Have you been to the Festival of Nations in Tower Grove Park? Did you know St. Louis ranks 3rd in the nation for fastest-growing foreign-born population? The International Institute sponsors that festival and provides a huge range of opportunities, services, and assistance for immigrants and refugees.
On November 20, the Chelsea Center will take a career exploration trip to the International Institute of St. Louis, which works with the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) to provide opportunities for immigrants and refugees to thrive. We will learn about the various social service careers available as we meet with staff in departments including Education, Economic Development, and Resettlement & Placement.
This trip is open to ALL WGHS students. Interested students should sign up on GivePulse and come to the Chelsea Center for a permission slip. Students are eligible to earn A+ job shadow hours for their participation.
Reminder: We can help students who are pursuing their A+ hours find connections to service learning that include the mentorship or job shadowing components the A+ program requires. Have your students stop by to talk with us, or independently explore their GivePulse account opportunity listings at
Get in touch!
Location: Webster Groves High School, Room 200
Phone: (314) 918-4181