CALA Panther Parent Newsletter
Lead With Impact!

Week of August 18th
Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
This is when supervision begins. Please do not leave leaders on campus before 7:30 a.m.
2nd Week of School
Be sure your child arrives on time to school each day. Announcements begin at 8:00 a.m. and instruction begins at 8:05 a.m.
We will begin passing out technology this week. Students will begin setting up/accessing Beanstack accounts where they can keep an account of the amount of books they've read.
All parents are encouraged to apply for device insurance. Information is below.
This week we will begin MAP growth assessments. All students in grades K-4th grade complete the MAP tests. The Measures of Academic Progress or MAP tests are norm-referenced, achievement measures in mathematics, reading, language usage, and science that are delivered to students on the computer and assess and measure growth over time. Students view each question on the computer screen, then select an answer using the mouse or the keyboard. Soon after we finish, students will record their data and begin preparing for fall parent conferences. Be on the look-out for invites to late September data conferences.
Tardies begin at 8:00 a.m.
Tardies impact:
- perfect attendance record
- leadership opportunities
- missed instruction/learning
- missed morning celebrations/recognitions
Late pick up begins at 4:00 p.m.
- please pick up students at 3:30 to avoid late pick up
- unexpected long day for students
- staff members working unplanned overtime
- staff members unable to take care of their work and families on time
If you have not, be sure to let your child's teacher know:
- arrival - how your child will get to school
- dismissal - how your child will go home each day. Pick up your dismissal tags. PK through 1st grade students are dismissed via bus/day care or carline only. PK-1st grade will not be dismissed with the walkers. All siblings will be grouped for pick up with their youngest sibling. Be sure to list them on each other's Skyward accounts for easy linking.
- medical needs - inform the teacher of any medical needs your child will have while at school (also visit the nurse's station).
- school supplies - click the links to see the lists (english) (spanish) below. Label ALL ITEMS w/ your child's name in permanent marker. This is the best time to bring all or as many supplies as possible.
- be patient and remember that dismissal will continue to take time as we welcome more new students. Some ways to make it speed up are to have your current car tag visible in the window from the time you get in line until you have your child. Only parents of PK3 leaders are allowed to walk up to the gym door to pick up their child. They should have their child's car tag with them.
- UPDATE SKYWARD WITH THE NAME OF ANYONE who might pick up your child. Ensure the person brings their photo ID or the car tag for smooth dismissal.
Attendance Matters
Medical Needs
Morning Arrival
Students are free to unload from cars once you stop in the car lane. We will open car doors of our youngest students who may have trouble opening their door and unloading on their own. For the safety and security of everyone, please ensure students only walk on the sidewalks or crosswalks and not in the driving lanes at all. Parents who choose to park at Kennemer and walk up with students or send them over to the campus should ensure they stay on the grass and walk around to the gym.
The school building is opened for students at 7:30am and staff supervision begins at that time.
No students should be sent walking to school or dropped off at school before 7:30 a.m.
Breakfast is served 7:30-7:55am and is free for all students.
Students arriving by car will be lined up at the front of the school.
PK3 & PK4 students will be dropped off in the back of the building and meet in the cafeteria.
Parents are NOT allowed to accompany students into the building beginning 8/15 through the rest of the year unless notified due to an event.
PK3 & PK4 students will eat in the cafeteria with their teacher/para.
Kinder-4th grade will go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast then report straight to class. K-4 students not eating breakfast will report directly to class. NO FOOD is allowed in the classrooms for breakfast unless otherwise notified by the principal. Everything must be eaten in the cafeteria only. Please ensure your child has enough time to eat each morning in order to arrive to class on time.
Car Riders
Bus Riders
Please leave all traffic cones in place. They are for safe travel and walking.
Traffic Flow Procedures - Front:
Parents enter the drive from Wheatland then split into 2 lanes after the curve.
The center lane is not to be used as a passing lane.
Cones/barricades will distinguish the lanes.
Ensure your child's seat belt is ready for quick removal, items are packed up and goodbye rituals have been completed before pulling up to the drop off spwt
Parents will exit by merging into one lane circling around the parking lot and back out the drive.
Traffic Flow Procedures - Back:
Parents will enter the back drive from the gate off Clark Road (behind Walmart) or through the side gate from the front drive.
Parents will drop off students, with the assistance of teachers, under the awning in the far right lane.
The left lane will be used as a passing lane for those leaving as well as those parking.
Parents will exit the drive through the Clark Road gate.
The middle lane is used for safe separation and is not a through traffic lane. It should not be used for travel.
We ask that you follow all traffic signs and faculty directions. Please stay in your car and do not get out in the lane or other area unless you are parking in the parking lot and coming into the campus for an appointment. Parents will only be able to walk students to class on the first 2 days of school, 8/13/24 & 8/14/24. Students will only be permitted to cross the street at designated walkways. Please help us keep everyone safe.
Late Arrivals
Kindergarten - 4th grade students are eligible to be bus riders.
Only 2nd-4th grade students are eligible to be a “walker,” to Kennemer.
All car riders will be released from the designated exits.
PK3 = back awning
PK4, K, 1st= main front doors
2nd, 3rd, 4th = side doors on the back
Sibling car riders will go to the youngest sibling’s dismissal location.
bus/daycare will dismiss form the cafeteria
walkers will leave out of the side facing the playground. They will go all the way to the tree near Kennemer.
Parents of PK4 - 4th grade students should not walk up to the door to get students but should be in the drive with their car tag.
If there is a concern with the dismissal guidelines we have in place above, me message Mrs. Linwood directly.
During lunch students will be seated 6-10 students to a table.
Late Arrival/Early Departure/Appointments
Due to supervision and safety guidelines doors will not open before 7:30am. Early departures are not allowable after 2:45pm. to allow for end of the day report completion and dismissal prep.
Meet Your House!
If you are a returning leader, your house will remain the same - for life :-) You're welcome to come dressed in your house colors to carry on the tradition of being on a dynamic team! New leaders will be assigned to a house during the second week of school. We will be dressed as sports or game players.
Pay $9 & Sign up for PTA!
Capture The Spirit Store
Now is a great time to order a spirit shirt! Students may wear their house colors or dress in other spirit gear on any day. We have spirit days EVERY Friday beginning the second week of school and wear our spirit gear. The store link will be available soon.
Parent Liaison
Sign up for after school care. 1, 2, & 3 day prices are also available!
Make Sure Your Skyward Account Is Accurate
- Stay up to date with everything happening on campus by having a working phone number and e-mail address on your child's account.
- Make sure all communication information is open to receive messages and not blocked. If it is blocked in any area, your family will not receive calls or any electronic information/notices from the school or district.
- Ensure that anyone you anticipate picking up your child during the year is listed on your child's Skyward account with their full name (as printed on their identification) and phone number.
- Please make sure that you respond to the photo/media release section. We take pictures and videos of things happening throughout the year and post them to our social media accounts and in newsletters. Be sure to let us know in Skyward if you do not want your child's image to be posted to our social media account.
Have you completed the online school lunch application?
ALL Families Are Asked To Complete The Lunch Application
Information will be updated here soon.
All families regardless of income are encouraged to complete the school lunch application. Your application helps our school even if you don't qualify.
Friday, August 23rd is Dress Like A Scientist/Engineer Day
Read the fully illustrated book online!
Click here to read the book online!
Website also includes:
Instructions to print and bind your own copy of the book
Inspiring #ActualLivingScientists in their science gear
A curated list of at-home STEM resources and activities