AHS Tiger Tales
October 28 - November 1, 2024
Information for All Students:
- Youth in Government: Do you have someone at school who supports or brings you joy? Send them a Grateful Gram! Youth in Government is selling Grateful Grams for $2.00 through November 15th. Each Grateful Gram includes a choice of sweet treat and a handwritten message of gratitude, to be delivered before Thanksgiving Break! All proceeds will help our members attend the state legislative conference in Montgomery. Youth in Government is grateful for YOU!
Click HERE to order!
- November is Military Family Appreciation Month!
Join us every Tuesday in November during all lunch waves to connect with Armed Forces Representatives. They will be available to discuss scholarships, career pathways, and answer any questions you may have. Do not miss this chance to explore exciting opportunities with the Armed Forces!
November 5th
Alabama Air National Guard
US Army-Active Duty/Reserves
US Coast Guard
US Navy-Active Duty/Reserves
US Marines
(The lineup will change weekly, based on availability.)
For more information, please contact your Career Coach, Mr. Bailey, at wcbailey@auburnschools.org.
- Mid-morning Break Procedures: We are adjusting our mid-morning break/breakfast procedures. We will continue offering a second breakfast opportunity in the cafeteria from 9:51 to 10:01 and on Wednesdays 9:41 to 9:51. However, we will stop allowing students to enter the serving line at 9:56 and on Wednesdays by 9:46. This change will ensure that students have enough time to eat as well as enough time to get to class before second block begins. Please communicate this and the following additional information with your student so they are aware of the change.
- Students must be in the line to order by 9:56 and on Wednesdays by 9:46
- Students not eating will be sent to class
- Students are expected to be in their second block class on time; breakfast does not excuse being tardy to class
- You are invited to the SUSCC Technical Division Open House on November 7, 2024, from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. Join us for an evening of exploration where students and parents can tour our facilities and learn about 12 of our technical programs, including the exciting new aviation technology program.
- For more information, please email technical@suscc.edu.
- Location: 301 Lake Condy Road, Opelika, AL
- FFA is excited to announce our Southern Heritage Specialty Meats Fundraiser! Ordering will close on November 5th. Delivery is expected the week before Thanksgiving.
If you’d like to support us, please place your order using the MySchoolBucks link below or the attached QR code. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/stores/catalog/getproduct.action?productKey=ZZ64TAE5E0CUJIA&clientKey=ZZIAFK2GVA05MW9
The ASVAB test is coming up on Wednesday, November 20th, at 9 a.m. in the SCHOLA! Whether you are considering a military pathway, exploring career options, or just wanting to understand your strengths, the ASVAB is a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and your future possibilities. This test provides valuable insights into your skills and interests that can guide your career and educational choices.
All interested students must sign up in the counseling office by November 19th. If you need more information, contact your Career Coach, Mr. Bailey, at wcbailey@auburnschools.org.
- AHS Spirit Shop: The AHS Spirit Shop is selling sweatshirts again!
Both of the sweatshirts (navy with white "AUBURN" embroidery and light blue with navy "AUBURN" embroidery) are corded sweatshirts. The sweatshirts are $60 each. The link and QR code for purchase will be open from now until Monday, November 4. Questions? Contact AHS's Ms. Elizabeth Lundey, School Library Media Specialist.
Information for Seniors:
- Cap and Gown Orders: Seniors were able to begin to collect information packets for ordering Cap and Gowns and Announcements on October 23 from the front office. Additional order forms are available from Mr. Yeager. If a senior was absent, it is his/her responsibility to retrieve a form for ordering.
Balfour/PDA Grad Sales is the official vendor for Cap and Gowns and Announcements. Auburn High School does not collect the orders. Please contact the local Balfour office at 334-821-0613 with questions relating to orders. See packet for more detailed information.
Orders will be collected Thursday, November 7, 2024 from 8:00-3:30, and Friday, November 8, 2024 during all lunches outside the Athletics Offices. Orders can also be made online at pdagradsales.com. If only ordering a Cap and Gown (line 20 -- $54), the total price with shipping and tax is $68.86. Be aware that the GRAD PACK packages come with a cap and gown, so no additional order is required. All cap and gown orders come with a tassel. Please remember to bring your order form and payment in full. Balfour will be located outside the Athletic Office. Parents and guardians should enter from East University to access the Athletic Lobby. Do not enter from the front of the school.
Please be aware that Balfour sales announcements for graduation. These are not invitations and do not include the graduation guest tickets. Seniors will receive 8 guest tickets in late April / early May.
Additional Late Fees apply after this date and all orders must be mailed directly to Balfour at 2214 Executive Park Dr. Opelika, AL 36801 or made online. Orders may also be called into Balfour at 334-821-0613 with a card. AHS DOES NOT COLLECT ORDERS.
Cap & Gowns will be able to be collected in late April.
Please visit the senior website for additional details as well as direct ordering links: https://sites.google.com/site/auburnseniors/home/capgowninfo
- Project Graduation Information: Project Graduation needs sponsors to make this year’s event the best yet! Our goal is to collect $50,000 in cash and in-kind donations AND every senior who secures at least $250 in sponsorships will be put into a special drawing for a prize that night. Thanks in advance for your help and support for our Class of 2025!!!
- Diploma Name Verification: Seniors, please complete the following form to verify your name for your diploma before the end of Quarter 2. Seniors will need to login with their ACS credentials. Parents, please follow up that your senior has completed this important task. Parents cannot complete this form due to needing the ACS credentials. Any major error should be directed to the AHS registrar for correction as well before the end of Quarter 2. Seniors are responsible for paying for any reprinted diplomas if this form is not completed and errors are found in May or if the form is completed incorrectly. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Mh7UKHBPp0uWjDLAC0Fp7llZjormI8JHiLcfU9nSEdNUQ0FIVzg1QzBBNUxGWFJYRklCUktPUlJTRC4u
- Attention Seniors!!! Seniors may purchase a space to include a baby picture and a quotation in their Senior yearbooks for $15. Payment is required on My School Bucks. Also, the form included must be completed. The QR Code is in the image at the bottom. The deadline is Friday, December 6. Questions? Contact AHS's Ms. Kayla Bradford or Ms. Jamie Smith, English teachers.
- Yearbook Senior Ad Purchase: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A00017800 The deadline for Senior Ads is December 6, 2024. Senior students should have brought home a postcard with Senior Ad information.
Information from Previous Weeks:
- Yearbook Purchase Information: Yearbooks are on sale until November 22 for $75. After that, the price will increase. Yearbooks may be purchased using the following link: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A00017800
- Photography Contest: The Sheet is hosting a Photography Competition now through November 4th. The theme is MOTION. Students are only permitted ONE entry to the submission form linked to the QR code in the Photo Competition flyer. Remember: keep it school appropriate, have fun, and submit your best work. Students should see Mrs. Muschara in room 1343 or Ms. Smith in room 1341 with questions.
- Girls Tennis Tryouts: November 4-8 @ AHS Tennis Courts from 4-6:30
- Day 1:New athletes only (those not part of the JV or Varsity program during the 2023-2024 season).
- Day 2: Callbacks from Day 1 and JV players from the 2023-2024 season.
- Day 3: Callbacks and Varsity players from the 2023-2024 season.
- Day 4: Callbacks.
- Day 5: Final day of tryouts, if needed.
Girl Tennis Tryouts 2025 Players
Boys Tennis Tryouts: November 18-22 @ AHS Tennis Courts from 4-8
Boys Tennis Tryouts 2025 Players
- Day 1: New athletes only (those not part of the JV or Varsity program during the 2023-2024 season).
- Day 2: Callbacks from Day 1 and JV players from the 2023-2024 season.
- Day 3: Callbacks and Varsity players from the 2023-2024 season.
- Day 4: Callbacks.
- Day 5: Final day of tryouts, if needed.
Student Organizations:
Monday, November 4:
Hi Def- 7:15 AM, Rm. 3126
Environmental Action Committee- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1338
Tuesday, November 5:
FCS- 7:15 AM, Rm. 3132
Wednesday. November 6:
National Honor Society- 7:15 AM OR 3:45 PM, AHS Cafe.
Student Council- 7:45 AM, Schola
Book Club- 3:45 PM, rm. 1313
Chess CLub- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1218
HiDef- 3:45 PM, Schola
The Sheet- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1343
Thursday, November 7:
Biology Club- 7:45 AM, Rm. 1222
Diversity Council- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1110
Forensic Science Club- 3:45 PM, Rm. 1222
FCCLA Culinary- 4:00 PM, AJHS
Psychology Club: Tuesday, November 19, 3:45 PM, Rm. 1209
NAHS: Tuesday, November 12, 3:45 PM, Rm. 1224
Upcoming College/Recruiter Visits
Important Dates to Remember
Veterans Day Holiday - Monday, November 11
ALL students need to join the Counseling Schoology Page, access code CDKZ-ZVQ7-GTSJS.
Late Arrival, Early Release, and Off-campus Dual Enrollment students must secure reliable transportation to be on campus for AHS Traditional courses and off campus otherwise.
Students' Schoology logins are their school username and their school lunch number (ex: jjsmith/1234)
Where to Find Help
Medical/Health Needs: Contact our school nurses!
Nurse Alissa Compton, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Nurse Krystal Lorton, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Nurse Ashley Wiggins, ahsnurses@auburnschools.onmicrosoft.com
Academic and/or General Assistance: Contact our school administrators!
Families with Last Names A – D: Mr. Alfonzo Frazier, adfrazier@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names E – K: Dr. Shay Baugh, smbaugh@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names L – Q: Mr. Jamie Rice, jsrice@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names R– Z: Ms. Beth Antoine, ecantoine@auburnschools.org
Auburn High School Principal: Dr. Shannon Pignato, sjpignato@auburnschools.org
Academic and Emotional Support: Contact our school counselors!
Families with Last Names A – D: Ms. Isalie Corneil, icorneil@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names E– K: Ms. Marie Harris, mnharris@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names L – Q: Ms. Heather Langford, khlangford@auburnschools.org
Families with Last Names R – Z: Ms. Nichole Warren, nmwarren@auburnschools.org
Mental Health Counselor: Ms. Sheryl Smith, ssmith@auburnschools.org
Ways to Stay Informed: Visit these websites!
Auburn City Schools - https://www.auburnschools.org/
Auburn High School - https://www.auburnschools.org/ahs
Auburn High Twitter - https://twitter.com/AHSAuburnTigers
Auburn High Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AHSAuburnTigers/
City of Auburn - https://www.auburnalabama.org/
Auburn High Schoology - https://acs.schoology.com/login/ldap?&school=297955122
Alabama Department of Public Health - http://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/
Auburn High School
Website: https://www.auburnschools.org/ahs
Location: 1701 East Samford Avenue, Auburn, AL, USA
Phone: (334) 887-2120
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHSAuburnTigers/
Twitter: @AHSAuburnTigers