Longacre Weekly News
November 18, 2024
Dear Longacre Families,
We hope that your recent parent-teacher conference provided you with valuable insights into your child’s academic and social-emotional growth. This is an excellent time to discuss with your child their personal and academic goals and reflect on the progress they’ve made so far this school year.
At Longacre, we strongly encourage a growth mindset—a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. As Carol Dweck, the author of Mindset, explains, shifting from a "fixed mindset" to a "growth mindset" can have a powerful impact on how we approach challenges, both in the classroom and in life.
Below are a few examples of how we can reframe our thoughts to embrace a growth mindset:
Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
Fixed Mindset: "I’m not good at this."
Growth Mindset: "I can become good at this."
Fixed Mindset: "This is too hard."
Growth Mindset: "This will take time and effort, but I can do it."
Fixed Mindset: "I’m awesome at this!"
Growth Mindset: "I’m on the right track, and there’s always room to grow."
Fixed Mindset: "I give up!"
Growth Mindset: "I need to try a different strategy."
Fixed Mindset: "I made a mistake."
Growth Mindset: "Mistakes help me learn and improve."
Fixed Mindset: "I can’t do math."
Growth Mindset: "I can train my brain to do math!"
We encourage you to share these examples with your child and talk with them about how a growth mindset can help them approach challenges with confidence. Together, we can help our students develop resilience and a love of learning!
For more tips on how to help your child develop a Growth Mindset, visit the following website: https://www.mindsetworks.com/parents/growth-mindset-parenting. There is a helpful resource for parents called “Say this not that” which includes statements that encourage a growth mindset. For example saying, “That was really hard. Your effort has paid off! Next time you’ll be ready for this kind of challenge!” reminds children of how they were able to overcome challenges by putting forth a lot of effort, which cultivates a growth mindset. There are also videos from the Greater Good Science Center at the bottom of the link on how to praise children, focusing on effort not achievement and embracing kids’ failures.
As always, feel free to contact me or our main office at 248-489-3733 if you have any questions or need assistance.
With Longacre Pride,
Rhonda Henry, Principal
Upcoming Events
November 1-26 - Good Fellow Canned Food Drive
Wednesday, November 20: 6:00 p.m.- PTA meeting in the media center
Friday, November 22: LOC Credit Union is open for banking transactions
November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 2- School resumes
Wednesday, December 4- Family Game Night- 6:00 p.m.
Friday, December 6- Popcorn Friday
Lego League Update!
Congratulations to Longacre's Lego League Challenge team who competed at Troy Athens High School on November 9th. Special thanks to Jessica Erickson for coaching the team. The team worked hard and demonstrated impressive teamwork!
Good luck to our three Explore teams who will present their work at an event at Rochester High School on Sunday, December 15th.
PTA Reflection Winners!
We want to give a huge thank you and congratulations to all of the participants in this year's Reflections contest. Here are this year's winners:
K-2nd grade visual arts
1st place: Ananya Mandal
2nd place: Tanvitha Chintareddy
3rd place: Raghav Janarthanan
3rd-5th grade visual arts:
1st place: Violet Tipton
2nd place: Amelia Elizabeth Williams Olu
3rd place: Manogna Sai Panchumarthi
3rd-5th grade literature:
1st place: Kshitij Mandal
Thank you again to every student who entered. All of the entries were thoughtful and beautiful, and made us very proud to be Longacre Leopards!
Longacre Choir Performs National Anthem!
The Longacre Choir performed the National Anthem at the U of M men's basketball game on November 15th! The students did an amazing job! Thank you Ms. Bailey for providing this wonderful opportunity for our students!
LOC Credit Union open on Friday, November 22nd
Join us for Family Game Night!
Please join us for our annual Family Game Night on Wednesday, December 4th from 6pm-7pm. Several of our Longacre staff/teachers have volunteered to play games with the students during this family friendly event. The PTA will provide a variety of games that are suitable for our K-5 age groups that the kids can rotate through.
Each student that attends will be entered into a raffle to win one of the games played that night.
To help us plan accordingly, please use the SIgnUp Genius to let us know if you can attend and how many STUDENTS will be participating.
This is a favorite event for both our teachers and students and we hope that you are able to join in the fun!
November's Leader in Me/Positive Behavior Support Lessons
During the month of October, students will be working on the skill of self-awareness and Habit #2: Begin with the End in Mind. Self- Awareness: The abilities to understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior across contexts. Such as: Identifying emotions, linking feelings, values, and thoughts, having a growth mindset.
LIM HABIT: 2 Begin with the End in Mind
Leader in Me Home Connections
We are excited to share the 7 Habits® with our families. We invite you to use the menu below to select a habit to focus on each week for the next 20 weeks.
For weeks 21–40, return to the top of the menu and challenge your family to focus on the habit not selected the first time around. Consider keeping a family journal to reflect on your learning or track your efforts with photos.
Super Saturday's Free Tutoring
New Ways November- Action for Happiness
Links to Save
Follow us on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/longacreleopards/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LongacreElem
Instagram: @longacreleopards
Website: https://www.farmington.k12.mi.us/lon