Friday Update
Weekly Update
Hello Foster’s Finest,
My hope is that this is the last update about the new playground. The inspection took place on Wednesday. We cannot occupy it until the certificate of inspection and report are completed. We anticipate that it will be open when we return from break. Thank you all for your patience. As for the rest of the project, they have almost finished raising the elevation seventeen feet on the spot that the building will be built upon. They have almost completed the prep work for the two retaining walls as well as the new road that will run behind the school.
There are many exciting events coming up. Preparations are under way for our yearly talent show. I have not had the pleasure of having a talent show before in my career, so this is very exciting. The auditions are coming up in early March so students should be thinking about their acts. The Math Olympics are coming soon, please see the information below about them. In addition to this event in March, we also have the Boosterthon coming. This is another fun event for our students to enjoy and raise money for the PTO.
Finally, we are heading towards the MCAS testing windows starting in April. I am attaching the testing calendar in this newsletter for parents of students in grades 3-5. It has always been my experience that students who test on the same days as their peers, are much more successful than students who take a make-up test. Please do your best to plan around these dates so that our students have the greatest chance for success.
I hope the vacation regenerates our students and staff for the next stretch of the school year.
Mr. Scheufele
Elected Officials to Host 'Office Hours' for Feedback on Proposed Budget Override
Select Board member Liz Klein and School Committee Vice Chair Nes Correnti will be hosting joint office hours, making themselves available for community members to discuss and provide feedback on the budget proposal for this spring’s Town Meeting.
When: Wednesday, March 1 from 7 – 8 p.m.
Where: East Hearing Room, located on the third floor of Hingham Town Hall, 210 Central St.
See link for more information.
Calling all inventors… CAMP INVENTION Returns!! We are bringing Camp Invention back to Foster School this summer, the week of July 10th through the 14th. From 9:00 AM until 2:30 PM students entering grades two through five will have the opportunity to participate in this national program. Inquiry-based, hands-on activities focus on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The price for the week is $335. This will be our 11th summer hosting camp at Foster School, and every year it gets better! This summer we will be offering the WONDER™ Program - you can learn more about the program and register for camp at **REGISTRATION OPENS Wed, March 1st at 8pm. Reach out to camp director, Michelle Katnani at, with any questions. We can’t wait to see you at Camp Invention 2023!!
Next General PTO Meeting:
Save The Date Thursday March 16th, 6pm @ Foster Library
Get Smart About Art Program Coming in Fall 2023
ONLY If YOU Can Help Us!
Have a Passion For the Arts? Do you want to come into the classrooms to teach our kids about famous artists? Would you prefer to just participate in the art projects themselves or simply plan behind the scenes? We are looking for volunteers to be the GSAA leaders for each grade, spearhead the art projects as well as someone who wants to run the entire GSAA program at Foster and collaborate with the GSAA leaders at East, PRS & South.
The goal would be for each grade to learn about 3 different artists per year.
GSAA is a parent run/PTO funded enrichment program that happens during school hours. PTO volunteers coordinate times with the teachers and go into the school to teach the kids about different artists. Each GSAA session starts with a parent giving a quick presentation about the artist and then after the presentation you would have 2-3 additional parents in each classroom with you who help coordinate an art project in the style of that day’s artist. Kids art projects would be displayed throughout the year.
Interested in learning more and helping to get this program started please email
Don’t Forget to Register Your Math Olympians!
Math Olympics is back! The Math Olympics is a ten-week program designed to be a fun and engaging math challenge which will enhance the development of your child’s problem-solving skills. The program is open to all children in grades K-5. The goal of these Olympic Games is participation and perseverance. Parents are encouraged to help and get involved.
Click here for schedules and additional information on the program.
To register your student(s), click here.
To volunteer as a corrector (we need your help!), click here.
Thank you for your participation and support. If you have any questions about the program, please reach out to Caitlin
WE ARE LOOKING FOR ALL GENTLY USED BOOKS K-12 & ADULT TOO. Clean out those bookshelves over February break and drop off your books into the front lobby when you come back!
If you’re looking to volunteer to help with this great event please reach out to Ally Forrest @
Save the Date: March 29th = 5th Grade Family Bingo Night @ Foster
Boosterthon Glow Run Save The Dates: March 22nd – 31st
For our spring fundraiser the PTO is partnering with Boosterthon to transform Fosters gym into a glowing, neon racetrack with rope lights, disco balls, tents, flags, cones, and tunnels. During the week leading up to the run students will learn & focus on a different theme each day (Gratitude, Stewardship, Bravery, Perseverance & Wonder). Students who wish to participate can work to get pledges for how many laps they can run and receive awards/prizes for achieving milestones. At the end of the week students who want to participate will run up to 35 glowing laps to fun, high-energy music. Special accommodations will be made for any student that may require them. We are looking for volunteers. Please contact Meg Tomasello for more info:
Check out: Glow Run Video
K-5 Foster Talent Show UPDATE:
We are getting ready to welcome Foster’s Finest to the stage for The 2023 Foster Talent Show!
About the Show
The Foster Talent Show celebrates the performing arts. Examples of student performances include but are not limited to – vocal, dance, and instrumental talent, both solo and ensemble. Other examples may include stand-up comedy or drama/ improv/poetry. Acts featuring sports or other similar skills must be a choreographed routine not a skills demonstration.
Save the Date for the Show and Other Important Events
Saturday, May 6 @ Hingham High School Time, 2:30 PM
Auditions: Monday, March 5 & Tuesday March 6 @ Foster Elementary, 2:30-3:30PM
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: Friday, May 5 @ Hingham High School, 4 - 6:30PM
About Auditions
The “audition” process ensures your child is comfortable performing in front of others and will be successful on stage. It also gives our parent volunteers a chance to see each act which helps as we plan the order of the show. More information about auditions will be sent home next week.
Want to Get Involved?
Do you love the performing arts or just want to help out? We would love the help or any interested parent, grandparent or caregiver! Volunteer work can be done on your own schedule or just as a day of volunteer for auditions, rehearsal or the day of the show. If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions about the show, please email:
5th Grade Spring Dance:
Save The Date: Friday May 12th 5-7pm
Location: The Hingham Community Center, 70 South Street.
More details to follow from The 5th Grade Committee.
For the latest information on all things PTO please remember to follow the PTO on Instagram @Foster_PTO_02043, Facebook: @Foster PTO & Be sure to join the PTO Facebook Group too: Foster PTO News.
Please check out our website:
Community Info:
Spring Registrations are LIVE for 2023 – Softball, Baseball, Girls LAX Links Below:
Hingham Girls Softball. Open for all girls from Kindergarten through 8th Grade!
Sign up before February 10 and get 15% off by using the code EARLYBIRD15 at checkout. The season runs from early April through mid-June, with girls second grade and older playing 2 games during the week. Younger girls (Kindergarten and 1st grade) will play on Saturdays. Divisions are based on the 2022-23 school grade.
Hingham Little League Baseball Registration is OPEN until March 17th.
Open for ages 5 – 12!
Register Here:
Practices starting April 3rd
Monday at Carlson Field 4:30-5:30
Games starting April 1st
Saturday at Carlson Field 9-10
*You must also register your daughter for US Lacrosse separately from our registration, link included on registration page
March 11th 2:30-3:30 PM, HPL will have local pediatrician, Dr. Katie McBrine, here to teach tweens and teens about first aid. She will walk them through some of the basic first aid actions as they build a mini first aid kit they get to take home with them. Finally, participants will even learn how to suture a fake wound. Register online:
Hingham Unity Council Presents Words with Neighbors
Saturday, March 4 from 1-3 PM @ Hingham Heritage Museum
Spend a fun afternoon honing your understanding for easier, more effective conversations about diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging.
Register here: