Mustang Fine Arts Update #2
September 22nd, 2023
Centennial Student Receives Top Honors at Western Days
Olivia Fisher, 3rd grade student at Centennial Elementary, received two...that's right, two...first place ribbons at the Western Days Art Show. She received first place Peoples' Choice and first place Judges' Choice. Olivia is an art student of Tina Fruit.
Bronco Arts Ambassadors
Pictured from left to right back row: Presley Harrington, Maison Dolphin, Kelsey Waters, Cameron Woods, Adrei Fugate, Emily Reily
Front Row: Jenna Johnson, Tiffani Bui
The Bronco Arts Ambassadors are a leadership team of students who are working to promote and produce fine arts events around the district and the community. These students were selected from an application process for these positions. In addition to their work in the school district and community, they also advocate for arts education at the state capitol in the spring. These are great leaders!!
High School Marching Band to Begin Competition Season
The Mustang High School Marching Band, under the direction of Ryan Edgmon, will take their 2023 competition show, 'Til Death Do Us Part to perform at several competitive events in the next few weeks. All these events are open the public and the band members would love to have supportive fans in the stands cheering them on! Dates and places for the shows are:
- September 23rd - Deer Creek Invitational Contest - Deer Creek High School
- September 30th - Bands of America Regional Contest - Midland, TX
- October 7th - Mustang Marching Invitational - Mustang, OK
- October 28th - Oklahoma Bandmasters 6A1&2 Contest - Broken Arrow, OK
Theatre Production Alice in Wonderland to Open Soon
MHS Theatre, under the direction of Emily Farnham, would like to invite you to their previews of ALICE IN WONDERLAND, next Monday, Tues, & Thurs (Sept. 25, 26 & 28) at 7pm in the PAC, Door #1, to help them prepare for State on Sat, Sept. 30. The cost is free. It is friendly for all ages. Previews are like a dress rehearsal with an audience. They will be asking audience members for feedback to help improve the show. This will lead to the OSSAA state one-act play competition on September 30th.
The show will open for public performances on October 5th at 7:00 PM for a three-night run in the Mustang Performing Arts Center. Faculty and Staff get into the show for FREE by showing their ID when they arrive (don't order that online), however, any family/friends/children will need to purchase a ticket online or at the door. Cost is $7.00
Arts Education Internship Program: Developing Future Teachers
The Arts Education Internship Program started last spring as an endeavor to help high school juniors and seniors who are considering pursuing degrees in art education gain first-hand experience in an arts education classroom. These students receive high school credit for their internship work at various Mustang middle schools, intermediate schools, and elementary schools. Twelve students are currently enrolled in the program and working daily with their cooperating teachers to learn about the amazing world of teaching visual art and music. They are going to be great teachers in the not-too-distant future. (Just a few are pictured below.)
Dawson Zaugg, music, Canyon Ridge Intermediate
Maison Dolphin, music, Riverwood
Kelsey Waters, Beginning Band, Horizon Intermediate
Canyon Ridge Art Students Recognized at Oklahoma State Fair
Five students received a merit recognition in the Oklahoma State Fair Art Show. These are all students of Breanne George. The students are Alexandria Coffman, Delilah Schroeder, Emily Tucker, Kobie Yandell and Rebecca Varghese. Nine other students have art on display at the fair. They are Ethan Zhang, Jade McMahan, Maddyson Murray, Marisol Becerra Munoz, Miguel Serrano, Molly McDowell, Parker Benge, Raegan Marsh, and Ximena Velasco. You can see all their work on display until the close of fair.
Painted Sky Opera Visits Mustang PAC
Painted Sky Opera presented "What is Opera?" and "Sid the Serpent Who Wanted to Sing" to all kindergarten and first-grade students in MPS on September 6th. This is part of the Bronco Arts Outreach Program produced by Mustang Performing Arts Center Director, Samantha Waldrop.
Prairie View Students Celebrate Dot Day!
Prairie View students and staff celebrated International Dot Day last week! It is based on the book “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds. It reminds us to have courage to show our creativity and to make our mark on the world! For the past few weeks, students worked hard on dot art to get the school ready for this fun and special celebration! Lauren Lynes is the visual art teacher at Prairie View.