The Bobcat Bulletin
Message from Mrs. Moretz
Dear Buchanan Elementary Families,
It’s hard to believe we’re already approaching the halfway mark of the first nine weeks! School is in full swing, and it’s been a joy to see our students engaged in learning as I walk through the halls. From fact families and neighboring counties to types of sentences and letter recognition, our students are diving into their studies with enthusiasm.
Thank you for your continued partnership in ensuring your child is prepared and ready to learn each day. Your support makes a significant difference in their success.
We look forward to seeing you next week at Back-to-School Night. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to visit your student's classroom, meet their teacher(s), and get a glimpse of what they’ve been working on. It’s also our first PTA meeting of the year—a great time to connect with other families and get involved.
A special thank you to all of our families who have joined the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Your involvement is crucial in helping us provide the best possible education and experiences for our students. Together, we can make this school year a success.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Catey Moretz
Principal, Buchanan Elementary School
Back-to-School Night
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 06:30 PM
Buchanan Elementary School, Schoolhouse Road, Buchanan, VA, USA
The Power of Reading Aloud: A Daily Tradition that Transforms
At Buchanan Elementary School, we believe that fostering a love of reading begins at home, and one of the most impactful ways to do this is by reading aloud with your student. Reading aloud is more than just a bedtime ritual; it’s a powerful tool that can set the stage for your student's academic success and emotional well-being.
Why Reading Aloud Matters
Reading aloud to your student introduces them to new words and ideas, providing a rich language experience that goes beyond everyday conversations. As you read together, you’re not only teaching them how to enjoy books, but also modeling fluent and expressive reading. This shared experience helps students develop key literacy skills, such as rhyming, letter recognition, and understanding story structure—skills that are essential for becoming a confident reader.
By exposing your student to a diverse range of books, you help them build empathy and a broader understanding of the world around them. Whether you’re exploring the adventures of a beloved character or delving into a new subject, reading aloud is a way to journey together through real and imagined worlds.
The Benefits Go Beyond the Page
Reading aloud is a wonderful way to strengthen family bonds. It’s a time to relax, snuggle up, and enjoy each other’s company. This daily tradition can help nurture a lifelong love of reading by associating books with the warmth of family time. Plus, it promotes social-emotional development, as many children’s books explore important topics like friendship, managing emotions, and problem-solving.
Tips for a Fun and Engaging Read-Aloud Experience
- Choose the Right Books: Pick books that match your child’s age and interests. Let them choose some of the books too, especially as they get older.
- Make It Interactive: Talk about the pictures, discuss new words, and connect the story to your student’s world. Ask questions and encourage your student to share their thoughts.
- Keep It Routine: Just 15 minutes a day can make a big difference in developing a love of reading. Make reading aloud a cherished part of your daily routine.
Remember, reading is a journey that opens up endless possibilities for learning and imagination. By making reading aloud a regular part of your family’s life, you’re giving your student the tools they need to thrive in school and beyond.
Bobcat Challenge Launch Date
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 06:30 PM
Buchanan Elementary School, Schoolhouse Road, Buchanan, VA, USA
Welcome Our New Instructional Assistant: Lauren Clayton!
We are thrilled to introduce Lauren Clayton, our new instructional assistant at Buchanan Elementary School! Lauren brings a wealth of experience, passion, and a heart full of enthusiasm to our Preschool team.
Lauren grew up in the beautiful coastal city of Durban, South Africa. She and her family made the life-changing move to the USA in September 2016. They began their new life in Botetourt County, and while they currently reside in Alleghany County along the scenic Cowpasture River, they hope to return to Botetourt.
Lauren's dedication to her family and education is evident. She and her husband have been happily married for nearly 23 years and are proud parents to three wonderful children. Matthew, their eldest, is on his way to becoming a teacher himself and is recently engaged to his fiancée, Abby. Hannah, their daughter, is starting her freshman year, and Joshua, their youngest, is entering the 7th grade.
Lauren’s background in education is extensive, having worked as a preschool teacher in South Africa, where she cared for and taught children aged 1-6. Her experience and passion for early childhood education make her a perfect fit for our PK team at BUES.
When she's not in the classroom, Lauren enjoys enjoys being at home with her family which includes four indoor cats and four dogs, each with a unique and heartwarming story.
Lauren’s favorite colors are blue and green, and she has a special appreciation for any meal she doesn't have to cook!
Please join us in giving Lauren a warm welcome to the BUES community! We are so grateful to have her on board and look forward to the positive impact she will make in our school.
Planning for Our Veteran's Day Program Has Begun
Are you or someone in your family a Veteran? If so, Buchanan Elementary would like to honor them on our Wall of Honor in November and invite them to our Veterans Day assembly. Simply fill out the Google Form.
Bobcat Challenge
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 07:30 AM
Buchanan Elementary School, Schoolhouse Road, Buchanan, VA, USA
PTA News
Don't forget to join the Buchanan Elementary PTA. We are still having our membership drive. The class with the highest amount of PTA participation by September 13th will win an ice cream social. PTA Membership is $5.00. You can sign up to join the PTA at Back-to-School Night or use the Givebacks link below.
PTA Scheduled Events for the 2024-2025 School Year
*9/10 - “Back to School” @ 6:30 PM
9/20 - (Rain Date 9/27) - Bobcat Challenge During Encore Times
*10/8 - Talent Show @ 6:30 PM
10/25 - Movie Night and “Trunk-or-Treat”
12/6 - Jingle Bell Jam 5 PM-7 PM
*2/11 - “The Marriage of Q and U” @ 6:30 PM
*3/11 - Maker’s Market @ 6:30 PM
*4/8 - Fine Arts Celebration @ 6:30 PM
* indicates PTA meeting
Kroger Community Rewards
If you are a Kroger customer, please consider signing up for the Kroger Community Rewards Program to help support Buchanan Elementary School. You can even encourage your extended family to participate, regardless of where they live. It's a simple process: just log into your Kroger account, go to your profile, click on Community Rewards, and use our organization number JF994.
Thank you in advance for your support! It truly makes a difference for our students.