March 2018
Upcoming Events:
- May 18th - 20th 2018 MARS BB and Under Meet
- June 14th - 17th 2018 10th Annual Bill Nixon Memorial & 50 Free Shootout
Mid-Cities Arlington Swimming
Email: officemanager@marswim.org
Website: marswim.org
Phone: 817-271-1537
Facebook: facebook.com/Mid-CitiesArlingtonSwimming
Be part of the super or elite group below!!!
Super Parents
Cindy and Shawn Wheeler
Erin and Brent Ross
Tim Barrington
Jill and Bryan Schwartz
Alexis Himsieh
Elite Parents with 100 plus hours
Pamela Cartwright
Lori and Brent Joray
Eva and Lee Miller
Lap and Marie Pham
Amy Powell
Coaches Corner:
Greetings from the pool deck!
The end of the short course season is here. Our BB & Under swimmers had a fantastic meet last weekend at our meet in Grapevine, our A swimmers swam marvelously at their two meets at The Colony and in Rockwall. As I write this, the state championship for 14 & Unders, TAGS, is happening in The Woodlands. We’re rocking it there. We are also competing in College Station at the Speedo Sectional Championships. Busy times on MARS!
The end of a season is time to reflect and refresh for both swimmers and coaches. We all need to ask ourselves the questions, “what did we do really well?” and “what can we do better?”. Our entire coaching staff has been having a series of meetings, asking ourselves these very questions. We’re in a very good place. The excitement and enthusiasm on the team is great. We’ve got some new training ideas that will be introduced over the course of the first several weeks. These are exciting times. I hope everyone is ready. Our staff is.
The LSC calendar has finally been approved this past week. We will host meets in May, October and December at the GCISD Swim Center, and the Bill Nixon A meet in June at the Lewisville WAC. Stay tuned for more info on these events.
As we enter into our annual two-week spring break, here’s a few reminders about the upcoming long course season. I do not expect any changes in the afternoon summer schedules. We will begin the morning workouts for AG2 and above groups at UTA and LISD WAC officially on June 11th. The summer long course tuition for the additional morning workouts will be charged to accounts in AG2 and above from June-August. Coaches will be discussing summer plans in their early season meetings with their swimmers.
Finally, as the both the training and competition summer schedule comes together, please consider the timing of our swim meets with your family vacation plans. If you have questions please look to our website calendar or ask your child’s coach.
Have a great spring break! We’ll see you again on March 19th.
Coach Brian
Parents Corner
- When temps drop - please remember to have your swimmer(s) always fully clothed when walking into practice. As well as, change out of suit and into warm/dry clothes before leaving practice!
Ask MARSian Parent
Q: When should I buy my swimmer a tech suit and when can they use it?
A: Every coach as their own opinion on this subject. Before you spend several hundred on a tech suit, talk with your swimmer's coach. There are many physical and mental aspects on getting and using a tech suit. Your swimmer's coach has the experience and expertise to help.
Q: Are there going to be any training classes for us to learn different volunteer positions to get service hours?
A: YES!!! Look for an email and a Facebook invitation soon!!!
Q: Why do we have to volunteer at our meets?
A: In order for us to host a successful and safe meet, we need our MARSian families to be part of every meet we host. We all lead very busy lives. However, I can promise you that your swimmer will feel even more supported seeing you as a timer, head timer, meet runner and/or working concessions or hospitality room. Everyone is good at something which means everyone has something to offer. Please be on the lookout for upcoming dates for training classes for each of our volunteer positions. ***Each person will receive volunteer points for attending the training class. ***Please Note: You will receive the points once you put that training into action at our hosted meets. In addition to the points you will receive for your volunteer work at the meet.
Q: Do the service hours start over in January?
A: Yes, service hours are per calendar year (January 1st through December 31st).
Q: How many service hours will we owe for 2018?
A: We will each owe 18 service hours for 2018 per family that have swimmers in Bronze and above groups.
Q: What is OnDeck Parent application and why do I need it?
A: OnDeck Parent is an IPhone or Android application which allows you as a swim parent to manage your MAR's account and follow your swimmer's accomplishments. See these web sites for more information about the application and download instructions. iPhone or Android
Once you download and install the application on your device you can login by filling in the following entries:
Username - Is your email address that you used to login to the MAR's (TeamUnify) web site.
Password - Is your password used to login to the MAR's (TeamUnify) web site.
Team alias - ntsmars
Q: How do I set up the SMS messaging?
A: How to set up and receive SMS from your coach's about pool updates or quick important info.
1- log-in to your account
2- Click on My Account then under the drop down click on My account again
3- Add up to two SMS number and the Carrier and click save
4- Then go to click on Not Verified and you will receive a code via text message that then you type in and hit verify.
5- Set to start getting text from the team when a pool is closed or we need to get you fast information.
Do you have a question for the MARSian parent? Email at askmarsparent@gmail.com
Celebrating March Birthdays:
Eunice Tjio, Sarah Drori, Sriyam Joshi, Annabelle Sherrill, Marin Kirby, Paul Capps, Cade Land, Isaac Pham, Caleb Moran, Naomi Drori, Sierge Gay, Joeun Kim, Josephine Bunkley, Reese Brown, Gregory Brown, John White, Rhyder Nicolle, Hannah Seay, Mitchell Mead, Bayron Cruz, Ryan Bradburry, Hannah Caudill, Ava Stevulak, Kayla Pompa, Manav Patel, Audrey Bielefeld, Ophelia Shultz, Lindsay Church, Jared Fletcher, Anja Dangelmaier, Aarav Pawar, Lilah Cotter, Landon Becker, Nathanael Mapp, Karoline Pompa, Ian Voland, Andrew Lee