What's Happening at the Warren County Career Center

Dear Warren County Community,
I’m excited to welcome our staff and students to campus this fall. The Warren County Career Center is a special place with special people and we’re united in our mission to help students find their passions in life. We welcomed 986 high school students to our campuses this week and will reach thousands more through our satellite programs in the surrounding school districts, adult education, Aspire, and Project Search programs. We believe career technical education is a gateway for so many students, and I’m already looking forward to celebrating our students’ successes as the year goes on.
Joel King
Warren County Career Center
Main Campus Welcomes New Director
Ron Corradini Joins WCCC
After spending the last two decades in the Kings Local School District, Ron Corradini made the jump to his “dream job.” Corradini is welcoming students and staff to campus this week as the new Main Campus Director for the Warren County Career Center. “This really is a dream job for me,” Corradini said. “I love to help students find their passions and become the best versions of themselves, and I’m excited to do that at a place like this.”
Education runs deep in the Corradini family with both of his parents being teachers and his wife a science teacher at Little Miami High School. “Family is everything to me, and they understand when I say that being in education isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle.” Corradini is a high energy personality who brings a variety of different experiences into his new role and we’re glad he’s here!
New Satellite Program Aims to Build
Construction Trades Added at Franklin High School
As our home schools continue to grow, so do the Warren County Career Center offerings there. New for the 2024-25 school year is a Construction Trades satellite program at Franklin High School. Developed jointly with the Franklin High School and Warren County Career Center administrations, this program aims to fill a need in the Franklin community and help prepare students for life after high school.
Dustin Baynes is excited to launch the program and is making the transition into education after a career as a project manager for construction companies. “I am most excited to expose kids to many different rewarding career paths that you can take within construction and carpentry field,” he said. “I know that this program will give students who have a passion for working with their hands a pathway to finding positive, fulfilling careers.”
The program will open doors to various career fields in construction and what it will take to thrive in those environments. Baynes is excited for the chance to build a program, after years of building other things. “I know that this program will give students who have a passion for working with their hands a pathway to finding positive, fulfilling careers. I believe this program will allow students to make a positive impact in Franklin not only while in high school but immediately when they graduate as well.”
Teacher of the Year Aims Higher
Banks Embracing Her Educator Era
“This is still really crazy for me to wrap my head around,” said Kim Banks, pre-nursing instructor at WCCC when asked about being named the 2024 Teacher of the Year for the District. Banks begins her sixth year teaching this year after working as a nurse. The new school year brings all sorts of excitement, and she is looking forward to continuing to grow her program.
“We’re implementing a whole new certification into Pre-Nursing this year: Medical Assisting. I am excited to see where this leads some students. I am also implementing a reading program in my lab to encourage students to read! I have a few ideas but I haven’t worked it all out yet,” she said.
“We’re so lucky to have her,” said Kim Gambill, WCCC Atrium Campus Director. “She does great things with our students and I love the program she’s built here.”
Refusing to be content, Banks aims to continue her growth with a goal this year to connect more with the community in different areas of healthcare.
“My favorite part is seeing the students come full circle- when I get an invite to a graduation or when I get a visit from a former student telling me how well they are doing, whether they are in healthcare or not, my heart literally feels like it might explode and I’m so grateful I was given the opportunity to be a tiny part of their journey.”
Elevate Your Life, While Helping Others
WCCC Adult Education Can Help
The Warren County Career Center's office of Adult Education can help anyone from anywhere better their standing in life. Our in-demand job training can help prepare you for a new career. The adult education medical programs offered by WCCC include dental assisting, medical assistant, phlebotomy technician, and STNA and are completed at the beautiful Atrium campus and prepares students to step right into the workforce. For more information on these programs and how to apply, email Teresa Orloff, Medical Programs Coordinator, at teresa.orloff@mywccc.org.
Reminder for Students
Check your email!
Upcoming Dates
September 2- Labor Day, School Closed
September 19- WCCC Board of Education MeetingSeptember 26- Industry Advisory Committee Meetings