Goodrich Middle School
November 2020
End of the First Marking Period
It is hard to believe that the first quarter of school is now behind us as today is the end of the first Marking Period! Report cards will be available via ParentVue on November 5, 2020.
Please see below for directions on how to obtain/determine grades as the process differs for Face-to-Face and Virtual Students.
Report Card Grades for Face-to-Face Students:
Report Card Grades are now available in ParentVue/StudentVue for our face-to-face students. As a reminder, paper copies of report cards are no longer mailed home. Please call the office if you need a paper copy.
Grades for Virtual Students:
Since our Virtual Program is more of an asynchronous learning platform, final course grades for Virtual Students are not being issued at this time. Final Grades will be reported/issued, per course, at the end of the semester. Parents, please login to Canvas to check your child’s grades to see where they currently are. Directions on how to do so are located below. As a reminder, Modules 1 and 2 were due October 30th and should be completed already. It is our goal that all virtual students complete Module 3 by November 20th.
Process for Virtual Students/Families to check grades:
- Click on “Grades” in the list towards the left of your main canvas screen.
- Pick the class for which you would like to see your progress.
- Under “Arrange By”, click on “Module” and hit “Apply.”
- Your current grade for the course is found in the upper right hand side of the screen
- You can scroll down through the grades for each assignment.
- When you see the Module Test grade, that will signify the end of that module which will be the last grade assigned for that module.
- Look through this list of assignments to see if you are missing grades for some assignments. If you turned it in and it is not yet graded. If there is a line (-), that means you did not turn it in. If there is a number, that is your grade for the assignment.
Second Marking Period Elective Rotation Courses
Please make sure your child checks their Second Marking Period schedule on StudentVue before coming to school on Monday, November 2nd! Some of their classes (electives) may have been revised since the beginning of the school year!
As we have seen a slight increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in our State, and as more people begin to gather and socialize indoors in the cooler weather, we would like to offer a couple of gentle reminders for the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.
It is important to assess your child's health daily, before reporting to school.
If they have one primary or two secondary suspicious symptom(s), please keep them home and contact your physician or seek medical advice before you send them to school.
If your doctor performs a COVID test on your child, they MUST remain home until you receive the test results.
REMEMBER: Per the Health Department, we can not accept the Rapid COVID Test Results.
Please keep in mind that the we are doing everything we can to keep Goodrich students in front of their teachers for their educational, social and emotional growth. The results of reckless behavior can have an impact on our families and community. Please remember to properly wear a face covering, physically distance by staying 6 feet away from others, and practice proper hand hygiene. Thank you so much for caring for our students and staff members, by using caution in your choices. You are making a significant impact on everyone around you.
Breakfast and Lunch Program
Why do we need Goodrich families to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application this year, if all meals are free?
Completing a Free & Reduced Meal Application means your student/family qualifies for:
- Assistance with Pay to Participate fees for Athletics/Clubs
- Programs that provide food support (weekend backpacks, holiday meals, etc.)
- Programs that provide field trip support (reduced rates or scholarships for free field trips)
- Programs that provide school supplies or assist with school fees (like testing fees)
- Programs that provide holiday support (meals, holiday gifts, opportunities for students to shop for gifts at no cost)
The Christmas season is just around the corner and we have extended our deadline for this service. If you feel your family could benefit from our holiday giving program, providing food baskets, Christmas gifts and clothing for children, you will need to complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application and a Sharing Information Form linked here, and return to Megan Burny, Food Service Director by Wednesday, November 4th.
This data is also used in the determination of numerous federal and state funding allocations for school districts, including, but not limited to:
- State Section 31a At-risk funding for all districts
- Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B funding for all Districts
- Federal Title I Part A funding for all districts
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) status, districts that qualify receive free meals for their entire student population
Districts that are unable to fully collect this income data will lose funding and/or CEP status. If you have a financial need and have not done so already, please complete the Free and Reduced Price Meal application by Wednesday, November 4th.
This application can also be accessed through the www.goodrichschools.org website under Departments>Food Service>Free and Reduced Application.
Please call Megan Burny, Food Service Director at (810)-591-3236 if you have any questions.
November Students of the Month
Student Council and Lion's Club Join Forces for Food Drive
GMS Student Council is once again joining forces with the Goodrich Lions Club to sponsor a Canned Food Drive from Wednesday, November 4th through Tuesday, November 17th. The food will be used to make food baskets here in Goodrich so all families can have a Happy Thanksgiving.
There will be a competition along with our food drive! The grade that brings in the most items gets to have a movie day on the half day before Thanksgiving. And better yet, IF OUR ENTIRE SCHOOL can bring in over 1,000 items, our WHOLE SCHOOL gets to have a movie day!
So, beginning on Wednesday, bring in cans of food to your first hour teacher to help everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!
2020-2021 GMS YEARBOOK
Hello All GMS Families,
GMS Yearbook welcomes you to the 2020-2021 school year!
We’re here to share some exciting news with you regarding the 2021 yearbook. Guess what? You’re officially on the yearbook photo staff! Yes, you read that right! This year, more than ever, we ask that you join us in helping to create the book.
What are some ways you could help us achieve this task? Consider:
-Send us pictures (and questions) to gmsyearbook@goodrichschools.org
or send them through our picture collection form
-When you see an email in regards to the yearbook, open it! Complete the form requesting information and pictures! Easy.
-Capture CANDID moments and send them to us. By candid we mean non-posed.
-Student organizations definitely deserve some love: help us gather memories of meetings, practices or virtual events.
-Calling all athletes: we are talking about school sports or extracurricular sports. Share your stories and photos!
-If you or a parent you know takes pictures at student events, please email us.
-Take photos of ANYTHING that happens in your home that connects back to our school, whether virtually or in-person.
-We want to feature any students who are doing something awesome.
Virtual Families...
Please take a moment to fill out a short survey so we can better create content for our virtual learners inside the yearbook:
The Yearbook Staff wants to include as much as possible from our virtual learners in this year’s yearbook. Please take the time to take candid photographs of your learners doing interesting activities that we can include in the yearbook. Photos can be emailed to gmsyearbook@goodrichschools.org at any time.
This yearbook is unique in that it will be created by the whole school. We hope to create a yearbook that encompasses all of our GMS Students this year, and you can help make that possible. Thank you in advance for being a part of this historic year.
The friends. The classes. The teachers. Safeguard the memories, big and small, by ordering a 2020-2021 yearbook. On sale now!
Please note that yearbooks can ONLY be ordered online,
cash and checks will not be accepted in the office.
Student Announcements
Parents, did you know you can see the daily announcements that our students hear each day online at https://gms.goodrichschools.org? Important updates, news and information will be listed under "Student Announcements."
MS Rules and Procedures - Quick Reference Guide
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
11/1: Daylight Savings Time ENDS (turn clocks back 1 hour)
11/2: 2nd Marking Period Begins
11/4-11/17: Student Council/Lion's Club Food Drive
11/26-11/27: NO SCHOOL - Happy Thanksgiving!
1/4/21 - School Resumes
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at https://gms.goodrichschools.org/calendar
for additional information!
PTO Updates and News
The Martian PTO is always looking for parents who would like to get involved and volunteer their time.
Spirit wear can be purchased at any time through the K & C’s Special T’s website - https://kcspecialts.com/
For more information, please contact PTO President Sandy Cooper @ 810-444-7849, email the Martian PTO at Martianptoinc@gmail.com or visit the Martian PTO Facebook page.
Student Drop-Off
Students are permitted to enter the building starting at 7:00am. Please do not leave your child unattended outside of the building before that time.
Upon entering the building, students should report directly to the gym until 7:20am. Parents should use the circle drive at the front of school to drop children off. The south end parking lot (by the gym) is for bus drop off only. DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILDREN BY THE BUS DROP OFF/GYM ENTRANCE!
After School Pick-Up and Transportation
Please note the following important safety rules for after-school pick-up and sports practices:
- After-School pick-up is at the north end parking lot ONLY.
- When picking up your student(s), please pull ALL the way forward. Your child(ren) will meet you along the sidewalk. They will be exiting from doors at the north end of the building.
- For safety reasons, students not picked up by 2:45pm will be sent back into the building to wait near the main entrance.
The circle drive near the flag pole/main entrance is for emergency vehicles ONLY.
- The circle drive AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick-up area for middle school students.
- The parking lot AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick up pick-up area for middle school students.
Unless your child(ren) rides the bus, is signed out for early release in the office by an authorized individual, they should be picked up in the parent pick-up/caravan line at the designated location at the north end of the middle school. Please share this information with anyone who may be picking up your child/children as well.
Student athletes should ride Shuttle Bus #5, which will transport athletes to the High School for practices.
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts