Special Education Parent Newsletter
October 2024
Pumpkins, Football and Sweet Potato Pie -- Fall is here!
Greetings from the FBISD special education team,
October is a month full of awareness and recognitions. We took time to celebrate our staff for Physical Therapy Month, Blindness Awareness Month, and Dyslexia Awareness Month.
As a parent of a child with a disability, there are so many resources in our community to support your family. We try to include as many resources as we know about, which makes this newsletter long. This month the ***NEW*** items have ***NEW*** at the top. If the item does not have new at the top, it has rolled over from last month's newsletter. The Department Highlights change each month, so make sure to see what has been happening in the district.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our team!
Special Education Services Team
Fort Bend ISD
Getting the Support You Need: Who to Go to With Questions
1. Transportation:
Customer Care Contact (281) 634-4077
Hodges Bend Transportation Center (281) 634-1970
Lake Olympia Transportation Center (281) 634-1930
2. Specific course, assignment, or learning resource: Teacher
3. Supports or accommodations: Teacher or Case Manager
4. Documentation (ARD/IEP, FIE): ARD Facilitator (MS, HS)/Campus Compliance Coordinator (ES)
5. Student Schedule: Counselor
6. Personal or Social Emotional Concern: Counselor
7. Special education procedural or programming questions: Programs Managers, Special Education Services
8. Parent Support Network: Campus SEPAC representatives
Hurricane Relief for AAC users
If any of your personal AAC Equipment was damaged during Hurricane Beryl, the USSAAC Disaster Relief Committee may be able to help! Check out the information to see if you qualify. Hurricane Beryl - AAC Disaster Relief (recovers.org)
Department Highlights
Special Olympics Golf Tournament
What an amazing day for some golf! Great job Fort Bend Falcons!
October is National Physical Therapy Month
Physical Therapy addresses the ability of the student to move parts of the body, to assume and maintain postures, and organize movements into functional gross motor skills. School based physical therapy is related service that addresses functional skills in the educational environment.
Physical Therapists’ interventions are designed to:
1. Enable the student to travel through the school environment.
2. Enable the student to participate in classroom activities.
3. Enable the student to maintain and change positions in the classroom.
4. Enable the student to access common school areas such as: stairs, restrooms, the cafeteria or the school bus.
Thank you to FBISD's Physical Therapists for all that you do for our students!
Dr. Dana Walker's next book is out! Dr. Walker is a Nationally Certified and Registered Educational Diagnostician at the Brazoria-Fort Bend Regional Day School Program for the Deaf. Her first book that was released in August 2024 was on hearing loss.
Book Summary: Introducing Mykki! In first grade, she began struggling to see the spelling words on the board. After a visit to the school nurse for an eye test, her parents were referred to an optometrist. Following a series of tests, he confirmed that Mykki is nearsighted. In the second installment of the "I Got a New" series by Dr. Dana Walker, explore the world of children's vision problems. Discover what it’s like to undergo an eye exam, receive a new pair of glasses, and learn how they can significantly improve a child's ability to see.
October is Blindness Awareness Month
Oct 15 ~ White Cane Day
What is White Cane Day?
The President of the United States annually recognizes White Cane Day by the Blind Americans Equality Day Proclamation on October 15th to acknowledge the abilities of people who are blind and to promote equal opportunities as any other American.
Mission of White Cane Day
The mission of White Cane Day is to educate the world about blindness and how the blind and visually impaired can live and work independently while giving back to their communities, to celebrate the abilities and successes achieved by blind people in a sighted world and to honor the many contributions being made by the blind and visually impaired.
Educational Podcast and Websites
Thank you to FBISD's Teachers of the Visually Impaired, Orientation and Mobility Specialists, and Braillists for supporting students with vision challenges.
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month
Each year, October is recognized worldwide as Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time to come together to raise awareness, share resources, and tell stories about dyslexia successes. FBISD has a website designated to Dyslexia and reading services: Student Support Services / Dyslexia (fortbendisd.com)
TEA's website has The Dyslexia Handbook and resources on Dyslexia: TEA Dyslexia Information
Thank you to FBISD's Dyslexia Teachers for their expertise in teaching reading to our students!
District Events, Resources, and Trainings
Parent Learning Opportunities
Each year the Special Education Department hosts Parent Learning Opportunities that cover a wide selection of topics to increase knowledge and understanding of special education.
2024-2025 Lunch-and-Learn
12:00 pm on Microsoft TEAMS
November 19, 2024 ~ Continuum of Services - Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 227 616 942 942
Passcode: SPED2024
January 23, 2025 ~ Self-Advocacy
February 20, 2025 ~ Interventions for Students with Autism
March 25, 2025 ~ Transitioning to Middle and High School
Special Olympics
Join Fort Bend Falcons today! Open to ages 8 and older with an intellectual disability or a closely related developmental disability.
~ Multiple sports throughout school year ~ Sports training and competition ~ Olympic-type sports ~ Individual with intellectual disability
~ Physical fitness ~ Courage and joy ~ Sharing of gifts and skills ~ Friendship: Families, Athletes, Community
How can you join the Fort Bend Falcon Family?
Required participation forms can be found at this link. Please print and bring to practice or email Coach Rivers: https://www.sotx.org/become-an-athlete
Download the sportsYou app on your device
Team Code: YWYA-XF8U
Laura Rivers (Head of Delegation)
Bowling October 16th – December 4th
Bowlero Stafford
Wednesday’s 5:30-7:00 (excluding student holidays)
Basketball: January 13 - March 22
Wheeler Field House
Monday’s 5:30-7:00 (excluding student holidays)
Track and Field/Soccer: February 20 – April 26
Sugarland Middle School Track
Thursday’s 5:30-7:00 (excluding student holidays)
Special Education Parent Advisory Committee
The Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) is a support network where parents can ask questions, meet other parents on the special education journey, and learn about relevant issues in the state and district that pertain to educating students with disabilities. The mission of the FBISD SEPAC is to:
- Advocate for innovative and inclusive educational environments
- Advise Fort Bend ISD on programs, parent/teacher trainings, and policy related to special education, and
- Support and facilitate effective communication between parents, students, and the school district
The role of a SEPAC representative is to:
- Be a liaison between campus parents and the district
- Facilitate communication between campus parents, the SEPAC, and the district
- Share information from the SEPAC and the district to campus parents
- Gather feedback from campus parents and relay back to the SEPAC and the district
- Provide feedback to the SEPAC and to the district from an engaged parent perspective as to what is working and not working at your campus
Almost every campus has a SEPAC representative for 2024-2025. Mission West Elementary School, Quail Valley Elementary School, and Ridgegate Elementary School are in need of a representative. If you are interested in becoming a representative on those campuses, please contact Cindy Manthey, Program Manager. Contact the campus principal to get in contact with the SEPAC representative on your campus.
Special Education Department Website
The Special Education Department website is a great place to start when you have a question or when you are seeking resources to assist your student. Our department website and its various pages are uniquely designed to provide information and keep parents updated on programs and services for students. Be sure to visit our website and bookmark it!
Surrogate Parents Needed
Community Events, Resources, and Trainings
The resources and events shared in this section are for information purposes only. Fort Bend ISD does not recommend or endorse any activity or organization. Parents and families are encouraged to determine whether an activity or organization is appropriate for them, given their unique needs.
Relaxed and Sensory Inclusive Performance: Musical Melting Pot World Tour!
Presented by the Hobby Center with Apollo Chamber Players
Sunday, October 27 @ 11:00 am
Join Apollo for an interactive, multicultural program of music from around the world exploring classical and folk music from Spain, Italy, Germany, Hungary and the Americas showcasing the instruments of a string quartet. Relaxed and Sensory Inclusive Performances include adjustments like modified lighting in audience spaces, designated quiet and activity areas in the hobby, encouragement to move and enter/exit as needed, sensory supports (like fidgets and ear plus/muffs), trained volunteers and more.
In the Driver's Seat: An Introduction to Safe Driving with Low Vision
Region 4 Workshop
November 2 ~ 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
This workshop for students, parents and VI professionals presents a range of information on driving with low vision, transportation choices, and resources for families. Topics will include visual factors of driving, pre-driver awareness skills, bioptic styles and driver use, commitment related to getting a driver’s license, and alternate forms of transportation.
Eligibility requirements for attending this workshop are:
1. Meet TX visual criteria for driving (acuity of 20/50-20/200; visual field of 140 degrees)
2. Parent and student attendance are required
3. Students in 9 – 12 grades
ARC of Fort Bend Best in the West fundraiser: Cooper Wade & Unclaimed Freight Concert
Join us on the dance floor on Saturday, November 9, 2024 ~ 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm!
Enjoy live music featuring Country Music Singer/Songwriter Cooper Wade & Unclaimed Freight at the Best in the West Dinner, Dance & Auction! It's gonna be a blast, so don't miss out on the fun!
Register at BestintheWest24.givesmart.com
PBS Kids To Launch New Show About Characters With Autism
"Carl the Collector" will debut November 14. Read the article here.
Fort Bend County Project Lifesaver
FBCSO Project Lifesaver Program is designed to support families and caregivers of individuals who are prone to wandering due to cognitive disorders. Our mission is to bring loved ones home quickly, safely, and effectively.
This program provides a small arm bracelet with a radio frequency to a person who has a history of wandering or may be prone to wandering caused by a cognitive disorder such as Autism, Alzheimer's, Dementia Disorder, Intellectual Disability Disorders (IDD), Traumatic Brain Injury, etc. FBCSO Deputies are trained and equipped with a receiver device to aid in locating the person (client) if they go missing. If you fear for the safety of your loved one due to their wandering tendencies, and you want peace of mind, please review the criteria below that would qualify your loved one to participate in the FBCSO Project Lifesaver Program.
- The Client MUST live within Fort Bend County (The Project Lifesaver Coordinator can verify this for you).
- The Client MUST have a diagnosis of a cognitive disorder (Autism, Alzheimer's, Dementia Disorder, Intellectual Disability Disorders (IDD), Traumatic Brain Injury, etc.).
- The Client MUST NOT be allowed to drive an automobile of any kind, at any time.
You may submit an application on your loved one's behalf by clicking the link below. Once the application has been submitted, the Project Lifesaver Coordinator will contact you after the application has been reviewed to advise you of the next steps.
Driving with a Disability
This program focuses on improving interaction between law enforcement and drivers with disabilities with unique communication needs. Texans now have the option to disclose “Communication Impediment” directly on their Driver License or State ID or when registering their vehicle through the DMV. This will alert the trained officer of an individual who may be slower to respond or one who is deaf or hard of hearing. Individuals with the following disability categories may be eligible: Autism, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Parkinson’s Disease, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Speech and Language Disorders, Deaf, and Hard of Hearing. To get started, go to www.TexasDrivingWithDisability.com.
Brazos Bend Guardianship Services
Guardianship and Alternatives to Guardianship Information Session
Brazos Bend Guardianship Services is hosting a Guardianship Information Session. The goals of this session are:
• To learn what guardianship is and why it may be needed
• To learn what alternatives there are to guardianship
• To learn about the guardianship assistance program that is available
• To have an opportunity to ask an attorney legal questions about guardianship and alternatives to guardianship.
The next Guardianship Information Session is scheduled for:
When: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Time: 6:00pm
Where: Zoom
Reservations: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqfuGgrj4sH9zdZ0o4lyqN_JowbjWpGOlq
Texas Transition
Student Video Collection - Advice for Transition
The Texas SPED Support website has added a new video collection. This collection captures real-life examples and recommendations for transition planning. In each video, the young adult shares the story of their successful transition to life beyond high school. The videos feature four different young adults from across Texas sharing their transition journey: Abigail, Daylan, Sydney, and Juan (Spanish).
DFPS - Education and Training Voucher Program (ETV)
The Education and Training Voucher (ETV) program is a federally funded program designed to assist with the education and training needs of eligible youth and young adults currently or formerly in the conservatorship of DFPS.
The ETV program serves those eligible students ages 16 up to age 23 by providing up to $5,000 a year to attend college or vocational programs. The amount of ETV funds is based on the student’s cost of attendance as determined by the school and after all other financial aid assistance has been factored in. Students may not receive ETV funds for more than 5 years (whether or not consecutive).
See link below.
DFPS - Education and Training Voucher Program (ETV) (texas.gov)
Organizational Tools Available in Microsoft
Check out this video that discusses all of the task organization tools in the 365 suite:
New Transition Resource
The Next Steps to Independence Checklist provides a framework to develop skills for independence in adulthood for individuals with disabilities. Families might use this tool to reflect on their child’s achievements, consider any areas of concern, or collaborate with educators. Educators might use this tool to identify critical skills to address, adaptations to consider, or as an informal transition assessment for self-determination skills. Within each age group, you will see lists of activities and suggestions for teaching these critical skills and connecting with community partners.
TEA Resources
Texas Education Agency (TEA) provides a 5-page overview of the special education process and services. See attachment.
To understand the 13 categories of disabilities and eligibility, you can find information on this website:
Parent support and involvement makes a positive difference by elevating student academic performance and increasing achievements. Explore the resources to discover ways in which you can receive support and be involved in your student's education.