Cougar Chronicle
January 13, 2025
Principal's Message
We hope everyone had a good first week back to school! There was a definite buzz with positive energy permeating throughout the building as we kicked off 2025. As predicted, it didn’t take long for our student body to get settled back into routine.
The theme of this week’s chronicle will be around all the upcoming events and timelines in Elk Island Public schools.
Date: Monday, January 13, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: The Park Church, 1 Brower Dr., Sherwood Park, AB
To help you make an informed decision about senior high, EIPS is hosting a Division high school information night. All EIPS students in grades 8 and 9 and their families are invited to attend to learn more about the senior high program. The session will provide information about senior high courses, instruction, programming and extracurricular opportunities throughout the Division, as well as details about diploma requirements and various career path options.
Applications for the 2025-26 EIPS Junior High Honours program will be accepted January 13-26. On January 13, the Division will send out a message and the link for the Junior High Honours program application form, through Permission Click, to all current grades 7 and 8 families. The Division will send a reminder message—only to those families who haven’t submitted a form—on January 22.
French Immersion Programs will be hosting cultural events open to all families. Feel free to drop in during the time ranges below:
Ardrossan Elementary
Monday, January 13
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Heritage Hills Elementary
Tuesday, January 14
6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
École Parc Élémentaire
Wednesday, January 15
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Sherwood Heights Library
A formal agenda will be sent out prior to our school council meeting. As a note, I’ll be sharing information about our current fee structure, posing specific questions about priorities, and asking you to provide your feedback as we plan for the next school year. While many of these activities and services enhance students’ educational experience, we want to ensure these fees aren’t cost prohibitive for families.
Specifically, we will be asking for input on the following:
- Optional courses and associated fees
- Noon hour supervision
- Field trips and associated fees
- Extracurricular activities
- Non-curricular goods and services (for example, student union and yearbooks)
I understand not all families will be available to attend the meeting but it’s still important we get as much input from the school community as possible. Following the meeting, we will email a form for you to offer your feedback.
School administration will use feedback provided to help determine fees for next year, which will then be shared at the April School Council meeting, posted to our website and shared via link through email.
Caregiver Information Nights
Body Image and Eating Disorders
Struggles with self- esteem, body image and weight control are a common concern for both girls and boys. This session will explore some of the reasons behind these struggles, provide information on disordered eating and eating disorders, as well as discuss strategies for supporting teens towards healthier perspectives and habits.
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
For adults, and caregivers of youth grades 7-12; for adults only.
Technology and the Teenage Brain - Digital Wellness for Families
Technology is a huge part of our children’s lives. Come together to discuss how modern technology can impact the developing teenage brain. As we review some of the risks and benefits of technology use, parents and teens will reflect on ways to stay safer and more balanced in their use of technology to better support positive mental health.
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
For caregivers and youth (Grades 7-12) to attend together.
Returning Student Registration
The 2025-26 returning student registration process for all current EIPS students will take place February 10-24, 2025. Families who apply to attend a non-designated school will be advised of the outcome by early March.
Between 9:00 a.m. and noon on February 10, current EIPS families will receive a Returning Student Registration 2025-26 form via Permission Click. No log in is required to complete the form.
Have a good week everyone. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.
Sunny Sandhu
Upcoming Events
January 13 - High School Info Night
January 13 to 26 - Junior High Honours Applications Open
January 14 - LOGOS Meeting (SWH Library) at 7:00 p.m
January 17 - Hot Lunch (Booster Juice)
January 21 - School Council Meeting (SWH Library) at 6:00 p.m.
January 24 - Hot Lunch (Tim Hortons)
January 29 - PD Day - No school for students
January 30 - Second semester begins
January 31 - Hot Lunch (IHOP)
Email: general.swh@eips.ca
Website: www.sherwoodheights.org
Location: 241 Fir Street, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 2G6
Phone: 780-467-5930