CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of September 22, 2024
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Keeping Our Students Safe by Monitoring Social Media Activity
Dear CMIT North Middle School Community,
I want to take a moment to address an important topic that has gained attention recently—the issue of social media threats directed at some Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS). While these threats have not targeted CMIT North Middle School directly, they still highlight the need for us all to stay vigilant in our efforts to ensure a safe environment for our students.
It’s crucial to remember that even if these online threats are made in frustration or as a joke, they carry very real consequences. Law enforcement and school officials treat these incidents with the utmost seriousness. Students involved in making threats may face severe disciplinary action, including suspension, police involvement, and even criminal charges. More importantly, these actions can create fear and anxiety within the broader school community.
As we continue our shared commitment to providing a safe and positive learning environment at CMIT North, I encourage all parents and guardians to take an active role in guiding their children’s social media use. Together, we can help our students understand that their online behavior is just as important as their actions in person, and that posting threats—intended or not—has significant consequences.
How Parents Can Help
Here are some practical ways you can support your child in staying safe and responsible on social media:
Foster Open Communication: Regularly check in with your child about their social media use. Ask which platforms they’re on, who they’re interacting with, and what kinds of content they’re sharing. Creating an open, judgment-free dialogue will make them more likely to come to you with concerns.
Establish Boundaries: Set clear rules regarding social media use, including time limits and guidelines on acceptable content. Encourage your child to think carefully before posting anything and to treat others online with respect.
Monitor Social Media Accounts: While it’s important to respect your child’s privacy, monitoring their social media activity is key to keeping them safe. There are many parental control apps available that can help you stay informed about their online interactions without being intrusive.
Discuss Consequences: Help your child understand that making threats online—whether seriously or as a joke—can lead to major consequences. Use recent incidents from other schools to explain that law enforcement and school administrators take these matters very seriously.
Stay Alert for Warning Signs: Be mindful of any changes in your child’s behavior, especially if they become secretive about their social media use or appear emotionally affected by online interactions. These can be signs that they are involved in or affected by harmful online behavior.
Promote Positive Online Behavior: Encourage your child to use social media for positive interactions—supporting their peers, sharing uplifting content, and avoiding negative or harmful behavior. Remind them that their words online have an impact, just as they do in person.
Partnering for a Safer School Community
While CMIT North Middle School has not been directly impacted by these recent incidents, we are committed to maintaining a secure environment for all students. By working together, we can protect our children and promote responsible social media use. Let’s remind our students that their actions online carry weight, and that with the privilege of social media comes the responsibility to use it wisely.
Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping our school community safe. If you have any questions or would like resources on how to monitor your child’s online activity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school office.
Educationally Yours,
Principal Brauer
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
Import the CMIT North Middle School calendar to your own Gmail calendar to stay informed of all school-wide events.
9/27: 3-Hour Early Dismissal
10/7: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Schools Closed for Students)
10/18: Professional Development Day (Schools Closed for Students)
10/31: 1st Quarter Ends
11/1: 3-Hour Early Dismissal
11/5: General Election Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
11/27-11/29: Thanksgiving Break (Schools and Offices Closed)
Student of the Month Character Trait for September: Responsible
**Please note that students must have a publicity release form on file, granting us permission to be highlighted around the school and in the newsletter.**
School Uniform
This year, we have two uniform vendors to choose from, All American Wear and Risse Brothers.
Please review the CMIT North Middle School Uniform Policy. Uniforms are expected to be worn on the first day of school for all students, August 26, 2024.
Please take note that we have updated our shoe policy on page 2 of the CMIT North Middle School Uniform Policy.
Shoes must be MOSTLY BLACK (logo okay, different color sole okay, shoestring must be black), closed-toed dress shoes or athletic shoes only.
Slippers, slide-ins, thin-soled shoes, sandals, flip-flops, open-toed shoes, high-heeled shoes (heels must be not more than 1 inch), Crocs, slides, roller shoes, shoes with wheels, and shoes with openings exposing the foot or socks are not permitted.
For safety purposes, shoes must be worn at all times and shoelaces must be tied properly, all buckles fastened - nothing may dangle or drag from shoes.
Socks, stockings, tights, or hose (solid black, navy blue, or white) must be worn with shoes. Clear or skin-colored hose are also acceptable.
Uniform Checks Begin This Week
All scholars should be in complete uniform.
Gym Uniform: PE is offered as a semester course. PE uniforms should be worn only on the day your scholar has PE on their schedule. All 6th-grade sections and select 7th-grade sections (73, 74, 75, and 76) have PE for the first semester. If your scholar does not have PE for the first semester, they are expected to wear their standard school uniform (polo shirt and medium dark khaki or navy blue pants).
8th Grade Students: 8th graders are reminded that they do not have gym until the second semester (January). They are expected to wear their standard school uniform (polo shirt and medium dark khaki or navy blue pants).
CMIT Hoodies: If your child chooses to wear a CMIT hoodie, please ensure they are also wearing their school polo shirt underneath.
Mandatory School Uniform Policy Disciplinary Procedures
Violations of this dress code shall be treated as disruptive behavior in violation of the PGCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities. This dress code applies to all students when they attend school or any school-related or sponsored event. Frequent and/or multiple violations will be considered as not only uniform violations but also Insubordination/Disrespect.
1. List of consequences for minor uniform violations:
a. First Violation: Parent will be contacted via PBIS system, telephone, email or text message. Uniform violation log must be completed by the student. Student’s classroom privileges may be removed.
b. Second violation: Parent will be contacted via PBIS system, telephone, email or text message. Parent conference may be requested. Uniform violation log must be completed by the student. Possible
consequences include loss of privileges and/or detention. Additionally, student’s classroom privileges may be removed.
c. Third Violation: Detention and/or in school suspension
d. Fourth violation and subsequent violations: Parent conference requested. Administration will administer a disciplinary consequence in accordance with the PGCPS Code of Student Conduct. This disciplinary consequence may result in an out of school suspension. The severity of the infraction and the student’s willingness to cooperate with school officials and adhere to the standards of the dress code will be factored into disciplinary consequences.
2. Uniform violations may cause students to wait for their parents to come with appropriate clothing, be issue items from the school stock, or the removal of optional items (hoodies).
Student Rights and Responsibilities and Publicity Release Forms
This past Tuesday during 6th period, students participated in the Student's Rights and Responsibilities assembly. This assembly was an important opportunity for students to learn about their rights, understand school and county expectations, and review the PGCPS Student Code of Conduct and discipline policies. Students have received an acknowledgement of review form that must be signed by both students and their families and returned to school. You should have also received the Publicity Release form to sign and return to school. Please take time to review the Student's Rights and Responsibilities Handbook here:
Acknowledgement Form- https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/pupil-personnel/docs---pupil-personnel/acknowledgement-of-review-of-the-students-rights-and-responsibilities-handbook---form.pdf
Publicity Release Form- https://www.pgcps.org/globalassets/offices/newsroom/docs---newsroom/pgcps-publicity-release-form.pdf
Food and Nutrition Services (School Meals): Free and Reduced Meal Application
All parents are encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meal Services (FARMS). This information impacts school funding which equals $$dollars$$ in our classrooms.
Even if parents don't think they qualify, they are encouraged to apply at MySchoolApps.com. Online applications are processed within 24-48 hours.
Students who are not eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must pay for their meals. See Meal Prices. Parents and guardians can easily monitor and add funds to student meal accounts using MySchoolBucks.
Synergy ParentVUE
Synergy is PGCPS' new Student Information System. It is critically important that families activate their ParentVUE account. This will allow parents to view student schedules, attendance, and grades.
If you have questions or need support please click here: ParentVUE Support and FAQ
We are pleased to have you as partners in this educational year. As the year progresses, and as you become either more informed or more puzzled, we encourage you to call the school and talk with those who might be of help. If your question deals with in-class events, grades, or curriculum please ask to speak with the teacher. Teacher contact information will be provided to you on the student’s syllabus, as well as, on our school website at https://ms.cmitacademy.org/about-us/staff-directory/.
We always encourage parents and students to call our Main Office to be directed to the appropriate personnel at any time. Our Main Office phone number is 301-350-6051 or email Mrs. Petit-Homme, Receptionist, at monica2.petithomme@pgcps.org.
Each Sunday a Newsletter is published and emailed to parents and students. Please review this newsletter with your scholars to promote them being informed citizens in the CMIT community. The newsletter often has information about Teacher of the Month, Student of the Month, class projects, assessment dates, clubs, athletics announcements, PTO announcements, and other activities.
PGCPS transitioned to a new Student Information System (SIS) this year. Rather than using Schoolmax, Synergy will be the new platform used to manage student information such as home addresses, phone numbers, grades, transcripts, schedules, etc. Faculty and staff will be attend training on the use of Synergy when they return to school later this month. Training and assistance will also be available to parents throughout the school year. Opportunities will be shared via this newsletter, email, and other methods of communication.
Arrival/Departure Routine
Arrival/Departure Routine
Please see the Traffic Flow Map of the driving routes and drop-off/pick-up locations. Please note: All parents, carpooling, or individuals, must drop off and pick up in the rear of the building. The side parking lots are designated for commercial vans/buses only. Only students who ride on a commercial van or bus will be permitted to exit to the side parking lot.
Everyone will become more accustomed to the drop-off and pick-up routine as the school year progresses. The process will become more and more efficient. Typically, by the third week of school, all vehicles are gone within 15 minutes of the dismissal bell.
Please be patient and follow the instructions from those directing traffic. No one's time is more valuable than the safety of OUR children. It takes all of us, faculty and parents, working together to ensure a safe environment at all times.
Please complete the Dismissal Questionnaire.
School Hours
8:00 am: Student Breakfast
8:15 am - 8:30 am: General Student Arrival
8:30 am - 2:49 pm: Instruction
2:50 pm: Car Rider Dismissal
2:55 pm: Bus/Van Dismissal
3:00 pm: After-School Activities Dismissal
Fees will be assigned to parents for students dropped off early and/or picked up late.
Before and After Care Enrichment is available through the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation (CLF) Enrichment Program.
6:30am - 8:15am: Before Care (Zero)
3:00pm - 4:00pm: After Care (Stars)
4:00pm - 6:00pm: After Care (Scholars)
From the Staff
Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15th marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month! During this month we will honor the culture and contributions of the Hispanic community. The theme for Hispanic Heritage Month this year is “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.” To honor this month, the CMIT North Middle School community will engage in activities that educate and celebrate the richness of the Hispanic culture. Students will have the opportunity to learn through trivia, classroom lessons, and various schoolwide engagement activities.
The CMIT North Equity Team
STEM Fair Is Here!
Families it is that time of the year again....STEM Fair is about to start! On Friday, September 20th, all Science teachers released the STEM Fair packets to students virtually. This includes a timeline with key dates for submission of work as well as rubrics and expectations for the entire process.. Please make sure to work with your scholar in the fair process as we are also guiding them in the classroom. If you have any questions or concerns, please email your scholar's science teacher.
Contact (Mr. Harman-RELA)
If your student is in Mr. HARMAN's RELA class this school year and you have not received any email correspondence from him please check your SPAM folder. If you do not see the emails in either your inbox or SPAM folder please send Mr. Harman an email at andrew.harman@pgcps.org in order to get added to his email list. Thank you!
Athletics & Clubs
Get Involved: Join a Club Today!
Looking to explore new interests and make new friends? Now’s your chance! We have a variety of exciting clubs open for sign-up on a first come, first serve basis—so don't wait! From robotics to chess, aviation to environmental initiatives, there’s something for everyone. The clubs listed in the attached form are open to all students, no invitation or application needed. Spots are limited, so be sure to secure your place! For other clubs not listed, participation is by invitation or requires an application through the club sponsor.
Sign up for the available STEM Clubs using this link: https://forms.gle/ZZLwuF5njMAjsqVp6
Baseball and Softball Game Schedule
Baseball and Softball season is here! Please come out and support our student athletes! I look forward to seeing everyone there.
MLK MS vs CMIT-N at MLK 9/24 5:30pm
Benjamin Tasker, MS vs CMIT-N at Tasker, MS 9/26 5:30pm
Hyattsville, MS vs CMIT-N at Dwight Eisenhower, MS 10/2 5:30pm
Buck Lodge, MS vs CMIT-N at Buck Lodge 10/8 5:30pm
Samuel Ogle vs CMIT-N at Samuel Ogle, MS 10/10 5:30pm
Dwight Eisenhower vs CMIT-N at Eisenhower, MS 10/15 5:30pm
Athletic Eligibility
CMIT North Middle School participates in competitive athletics with other PGCPS middle schools. To be eligible students must have the following:
1. Complete the Athlete Participation Packet and return completed forms to the Athletic Director;
2. Have and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA;
3. Review and agree to the PGCPS Parent/Student Athletic Handbook;
The requirements must be completed prior to stepping on the field for tryouts.
Fall Sports: Baseball, Softball
Winter Sports: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Cheer
Spring Sports: Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer
Families are encouraged to complete the requirements over the Summer months to ensure eligibility when seasons begin. Athlete Participation Packets and physicals are good for the entire school year.
PTO Announcements
PTO Executive Board
Below, please find information on:
Joining the PTO and Paying Dues for SY 2024-2025
Upcoming Fundraisers and Other Events
Next PTO Meeting - Thursday, October 10, 2024 from 6:30-7:30pm
PTO Meetings for 2024-2025 School Year
Become a Volunteer!
Transportation Information
Join the PTO and Pay Dues for SY 2024-2025
We invite you to join the CMIT North Middle School PTO to help advance our purpose and support our scholars.
Our members vote on how we use our resources, what initiatives to focus on, and who should lead the organization.
Remember that per our bylaws, “Any parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for a current student at CMIT North Middle, or a parent, guardian, or other adult standing in loco parentis for an incoming student who will attend CMIT North Middle beginning the next school year, may be a General Member of the Organization. A General Member who has paid dues consistent with [the bylaws] shall be considered a member in good standing and shall have voting rights.”
Also, “A General Member must have paid their dues at least 10 calendar days before a General Membership Meeting to be considered a member in good standing with voting rights.”
Membership Dues: $15 per school year. The membership year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the current school year.
Please click here to join the PTO: https://forms.gle/GioZCXCopzziBPXg6
Upcoming Fundraisers and Other Events
Double Good Fundraiser - Thank you all for participating this past week. Our sales totaled $4,314.00 so the PTO will receive 50 percent of sales.
Chick-Fil-A (Laurel)- Dinner Night - October 9th, from 4-8pm - (see flyer below)
PTO Snack Sale - Casual Dress Friday - Date: TBD
Fall Festival - Friday, October 25, 2024 - The PTO is sponsoring the Fall Festival for our CMIT scholars. We will need volunteers and a sign-up sheet is forthcoming.
Next PTO Meeting - Thursday, October 10, 2024 from 6:30-7:30pm
If you missed the meeting on September 12th, the presentation and recording will be posted on the PTO Events page (https://ms.cmitacademy.org/pto-events/).
Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, October 10th. We will vote to elect our Recording Secretary at this meeting. See below for the Zoom information.
If you have any questions, please email us at info_nmspto@cmitacademy.org.
PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 School Year
PTO meetings are held the second Thursday of each month, beginning at 6:30pm ET. These dates also can be found on the PTO home page and Events page. (https://ms.cmitacademy.org/pto/)
Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm ET
Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 6:30pm ET
Thursday, June 12, 2025 at 6:30pm ET (Tentative)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91837250197?pwd=vCsu0ZymxK9eTBCJPhnbJ2qs8NjRP9.1
Meeting ID: 918 3725 0197
Passcode: PTO2425
Presentations, meeting minutes, and meeting recordings can be found on the PTO’s Events page (https://ms.cmitacademy.org/pto-events/).
Become a Volunteer!
It’s a new school year, so whether you are a new or returning volunteer, it’s time to submit your application and complete the approval process. In order to volunteer at CMIT North Middle Academy, you must be a PGCPS-approved volunteer. Visit the PGCPS Volunteer page for more information and to access the application: Volunteer at Your School (pgcps.org) (https://www.pgcps.org/offices/ograc/volunteer).
Transportation Information
As mentioned during the last PTO meeting, we invite parents to share their recommendations for transportation companies so that other families may benefit from that information. You may submit recommendations via this Google Form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-K8YaSgWYxaeboK2eqd-fO8YLLIJuLd-P6I-DGbJd7lYCMQ/viewform?usp=sf_link). Below are a few companies that parents have shared. Neither CMIT North Middle Academy nor the PTO Executive Board endorse any specific business. Our focus is on supporting the sharing of information within the school community.
Prestige Transportation (EPS, LLC) - (240) 381-1375 - tmintz99@icloud.com
P&R Student Shuttle - (240) 970-2063 - redacutie1234@yahoo.com
The Big Yellow School Bus - (202) 306-0506 - uppermarlborotocmit@gmail.com
Community Connections
Greetings Parents and Students!
I’m Cassandre Mais, your new Care Coordinator at Healthlincs. Through the Mental Wellness Continuum (MWC) grant from the state of Maryland, I’ll be offering support to your school this year.
As your Care Coordinator, I’m here to help with a variety of needs, including:
- Food and nutrition assistance
- Guidance on health insurance
- Tutoring and academic resources
- Career support
- Medical transportation
- Clothing
- Rental assistance
We also have a team of licensed therapists available for both in-person and virtual (Zoom) therapy sessions to support your student's mental health and well-being. For CMIT N Middle School, Toni Sessions LPC, LCPC, will be the assigned therapist.
Please feel free to reach out if you need any support. We’re here to assist you throughout the school year.
Looking forward to serving you!
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Stay up to date with the monthly breakfast and lunch menu with Meal Viewer.