February Principal's Newsletter
Important Information From Miss Cappuccino and Mr. Zlupko
February 12, 2024
Celebrating our January Citizens of the Month
This month our Citizen of the Month trait is Teamwork. We are encouraging our students to work together collaboratively and positively with peers this month!
Celebrating Our Student Growth
This month we also recognized our 234 students who demonstrated the most growth on their ELA, Math and Science Linkit! Benchmark from the fall.
14 of our students with the highest growth had the chance to water balloon Miss Capp and Mr. Z!
We are so proud of all our students for all their hard work in improving and encourage everyone to keep up the great work!
Celebrating 100 Days of School!
Thank you to our PTO for organizing a wonderful event for our students! Thank you to Mayor Wallace for joining us for the fun and to all our parents who donated items for the event and joined us!
In the month of January Grandview students earned 501 BARK Bones and Morrisville Intermediate students earned 358 BARK Bones! A total of 859 BARK Bones for the month of January!
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as a BARK Bone winner for the month of January.
Elaina A.
Layla H.
Nyzir L.
1st Grade:
Tionna B.
Thomas L.
A'more T.
Munir A.
2nd Grade:
Julian B.
Blake D. (2 time winner)
Jalyen J.
Conor O.
Amari R. (2 time winner)
Faith S.
3rd Grade:
Caylee A.
Shiyah E.
Averie S.
Donovan W.
4th Grade:
Jair B.
Naziya B.
Amna H.
Bradley N.
Dominic O.
Steven R.
Yexsiell V.
5th Grade:
Jacob J.
Jamara M.
Ava R.
Congratulations to Maddison and Mr. Lopez for being our monthly BARK bone winner. Maddison received a $10 Target gift card and Mr. Lopez received the Principal's Parking space!
57 total referrals, 42 minors, 15
Classroom referrals are the highest location for the month followed by playground.
Many areas of the building are seeing fewer behaviors requiring a referral which is a positive note.
Keeping hands to self and showing respect are areas that we continue to work on.
Our January data shows us that there were 57 total referrals. Of those 57 referrals, there were 42 minors and 15 majors.
Classroom referrals are the highest location for the month.
Our staff and students will be revisiting and practicing our Bulldog Blueprints lessons for these areas and we continue to work with our students on keeping their hands to themselves, and disrespect/defiance/disruption within the classroom.
Winter Weather
We ask that all students are sent to school with proper winter wear each day. Please review our weather conditions for outdoor recess below.
Weather Conditions
Students will play outdoors when:
Temperatures are above 25℉ with consideration given to wind chill factor (www.weather.com)
There is light precipitation (e.g. snow flurries, drizzle)
Snow is on the ground, depending upon how different play areas are affected
Playground/Field Conditions
Students will be permitted to use playground equipment, fields, and asphalt play areas when conditions are suitable for safe play. Safety considerations included:
Equipment that is dry and ice free
Fields that are not muddy or icy and asphalt play areas that are not icy
Snow that is not deep enough to inhibit students walking/running
Students are able to purchase a snack during their lunch time that is separate from their daily snack time.
A reminder that all breakfast and lunch is free for students, however, if they request a second meal, they will be charged.
Gentle Used Clothes
This Month in Classroom Champions
February is all about Teamwork in Classroom Champions! This month, Christian will teach students that through the development of teamwork skills, they learn the communication tolls that help create a great team and strategies to get along with others, including how to resolve conflict in healthy ways.
Our February Citizen of the Month focus will be on those student's who show great teamwork this month!
See what Christian has to teach us about Teamwork this month:
Parents Make A Different Newsletter
Check out this month's Parents Make a Difference Newsletter linked below.
English: https://www.parent-institute-online.com/download2.php?13105-PMD1-X833786
Spanish: https://www.parent-institute-online.com/download2.php?13105-PMD3-X833786
Important Dates to Know
- 2/2 - Report Cards Distributed
- 2/5 - 2/9 - National School Counseling Week
- 2/5 - January Citizen of the Month and Growth Assembly - 9 a.m. (Students and Staff Only)
- 2/6 - Snipes Nutrition Lessons - Kindergarten and 4th Grade
- 2/7 - Student Government Meeting - 8 a.m.; Snipes Farm Nutrition Lessons - 1st Grade; Mrs. Mason's Class, Mrs. Chesko's Class, Ms. Dyer's Class and Mr. Woodruff's Class
- 2/8 - Snipes Nutrition Lessons - 2nd Grade; Mrs. Branche's Class, Mrs Sonnentag's Class, and Ms. Wiley's Class
- 2/9 - 100th Day of School; PTO Candy Gram orders due; PTO 100th Day of School Dance 6-7 p.m. - M/S HS Gym
- 2/13 - Chorus Practice 8:00 a.m.
- 2/14 - Spring Pictures; Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.; Chorus Practice 3:00 p.m.
- 2/15 - Walnut Street Theater (Students and Staff Only) Grades 3-5 - 8:45 a.m.; Grades K-2 - 10:00 a.m.; PTO Meeting - 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Grandview Elementary
- 2/19 -District Closed in observance of Presidents Day
- 2/20 - Chorus Practice 8:00 a.m.
- 2/21 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.; PTO Pretzel Day; Chorus Practice 3:00 p.m.; School Board Agenda Meeting and General Fund Budget Hearing - 7:00 p.m.
- 2/22 - School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- 2/27 - Chorus Practice 8:00 a.m.
- 2/28 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.; PTO Pretzel Day; Chorus Practice 3 p.m.; School Board Meeting - 7:30 p.m.
About Us
Mr. Zlupko, Elementary Assistant Principal - nzlupko@mv.org
Website: www.mv.org
Location: 550 West Palmer Street, Morrisville, PA, USA
Phone: 215-736-2681