Stillwater Township Newsletter
February 7, 2025
Board of Education Meeting 2/10/25 at 7:00 PM in Library
PTA Snow Ball Dance 2/14/25
Presidents' Day - School Closed 2/17/25
Board of Education Meeting 2/24/25 7:00 PM in Library
PTA Meeting 6:00 PM 2/24/25
PTA Snow Ball Dance Snow Date 2/28/25
This month, our students will focus on the topic of clothing. Throughout the study, they will explore various aspects, including the materials used to make clothes,how they are made, the different occasions for different types of clothing, and how to wash and fold clothes.
As part of the learning experience, each class will host a tea party, where students are encouraged to dress formally to complement the discussion on formal attire. Additionally, at home, students will decorate a paper bag vest, which they will showcase during our preschool fashion show.
Thank you for your continued support in nurturing your child's love for nature and learning. We look forward to more adventures ahead!
-Miss Barmore
The students in first grade have completed their nonfiction writing unit. Throughout the unit they learned that nonfiction writers teach others information about a topic. The students completed their expert books on a variety of topics including; cougars, space, weather, sharks, and rabbits. We are now moving into our unit on opinion writing.
Miss Johnson
Mrs. Caccavale
Your child's teacher may say that they need to work on reading stamina. But what is Reading Stamina? Reading Stamina is your child's ability to focus and read independently for a longish amount of time, without being distracted or distracting others.Here are 5 tips to help read longer and stronger: Warm up your reading brain before reading by taking a picture walk through your book, learning about the author, or making predictions about your book. Set goals for your reading like deciding how many minutes you will read. Use tools to help improve your reading like rereading, making connections, asking questions, and creating a "movie" in your mind. Read books that are JUST RIGHT for you. Re-read to build fluency needed to get you to read and to think in harder books.
Mr. Tiberi
Dear Parents,
This is the season for colds, flu and assorted viruses. I would like to take
this opportunity to ask for your cooperation with limiting the spread of
these illnesses. As you know, the school has a policy regarding students’
ability to return to school following an illness. If your child has a
temperature over 100, he/she will be sent home from school and should
remain home for 24 hours after the fever has broken. I ask that you
strictly follow this rule. I understand some children can get a fever which
goes away as fast as it came, and the child feels fine all within 10 hours.
However, as a precaution, I ask that you take the full 24 hours to monitor
your child for other symptoms. If you take your child to the doctor for
evaluation, please obtain a note with clearance to return to school. If a
COVID test, strep test or any other diagnostic test is performed, please
keep them home until the results have been received. There is no way to
prevent the spread of germs entirely, but we are taking every reasonable
measure to reduce your child’s risk of getting sick. Our goal is to keep the
children as healthy as possible and reduce the number of days they will
miss due to illness. If you notice your child has a cold (sneezing,
coughing, runny nose, sore throat), please use your best
judgment in sending him/her to school. It is far better for them
to miss one day of school to get some rest, then it is for them to
attend school in a weakened state and possibly spread illness to
their friends. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please feel
free to contact me. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Colleen Hurley
School Nurse
ATTENTION 6th Grade Parents
6th Grade Parents it is that time of the year for you to submit your child's baby picture for the yearbook. You may email the baby photo to meghan.earley@stillwaterschool.net or you may send in a copy and we will scan the photo and get it back to you! We would like to have them all by the end of January!
Thank you!
Mrs.Earley & Mrs. Green