VCHS Prowler
June 24-26
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- June 24: Chem 30 Diploma
- Math 7 & 8 Part B
- June 25: Social 7 & 8
- June 26: Last instructional day
- June 27: PD Day
A message from Mr. Salyzyn
Happy last week of the school year. It is hard to believe that summer is here. I wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone an exciting and restful summer.
As we move into summer, there are a few things to highlight about next year. First, I would like to say goodbye to Sandy Johnson who has been filling in as Assistant Principal since February. As we say goodbye to Mr. Johnson, I would like to also welcome Christina Gieringer who will be acting as Assistant Principal starting next year.
As I have mentioned previously, our district is implementing a new door locking procedure to start the school year that focuses on safety of students and staff. More information will come out at the beginning of next year with further details.
To simplify our timetable for students, we will be having all students following the 4 block per day schedule that grades 9-12 students already follow. This change will allow for more flexibility within the timetable and make a more simplified schedule for students to follow. This is not a drastic change for our grade 7 & 8 students, as many of our classes, such as Phys. Ed and options, already utilize the benefits of the longer periods this schedule will provide. Jr. High will continue to utilize quartered options and a Day A/ Day B schedule as it did this year.
This year we have had the privilege of having the RESET Room within the school to help support struggling students. Unfortunately, the government has not renewed the funding that supported the RESET Room. This means that the RESET Room will not be available next year. In light of this, we have been working with staff on RESET Room strategies that can be utilized within their own classrooms.
Again, I wish you all a great summer break and look forward to hearing your stories when we return in the fall. A final congratulations and farewell to our grade 12 students and families who are moving on to the next chapter in their life.
2024-2025 *NEW* Bell schedule
Locker clean out
ALL materials must be removed from your lockers for cleaning over the summer. Any unclaimed materials will be collected and donated at the end of the year.
Library Books
All textbooks are now due. Any outstanding library materials will be charged to student accounts.
Veg Comp Foundation
School Messenger
VCHS and the Division use the SchoolMessenger platform for communicating with families—through both phone and email. Be sure to add and to your safe sender list to avoid having important messages funneled into your junk mail folder.
You can directly manage your phone and email subscription preferences through SchoolMessenger. Simply log in to your account—or create one if you don’t already have one—and select the message types you’d like to receive to each phone number and email address on file.
The easiest way to stay connected is to download the SchoolMessenger app. Get the latest updates direct to your mobile device and enable push notifications to never miss a message. Families can also check back on past messages—for up to 30 days—directly in the app rather than searching to find an old message buried in your inbox. Download the SchoolMessenger app from the App Store or Google Play today.
2023-2024 Yearbooks
check out to learn more and start your application process
Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW)
Carlin Adams is our Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW). She is available to
help support students create positive change through setting goals and planning
strategies, helping connect families with external supports and advocating for
students and families within the school and community. Her office is in our school
Her contact information is:
Office (780) 410-3989 Cell (780) 920-2594 Email carlin.adams@eips.caTransferring Credits on School Fees
Grad News
Composite Photos
Copies of your Grad composite photos are now available. Please stop by the office to grab yours today.
EIPS Student Email Accounts
Accessing User Accounts: Students Leaving EIPS
Is your child graduating from or leaving EIPS at the end of the school year? If so, they must ensure any information they want to retain from their school cloud accounts is downloaded onto a personal device before leaving.
· Google account – Students must download any wanted content before August 6—download files either individually or in bulk using Google Takeout.
· Microsoft account – Students must download any wanted content from their OneDrive account before August 6.
After Aug. 6, 2024, EIPS will deactivate the account
Returning Grade 12 registration
On June 10, the Division will send a SchoolMessenger email to all current Grade 12 families with information about returning Grade 12 (R12) registration for the 2024-25 school year. Families are asked to reach out directly to the school for specific information about the R12 registration process.
Diploma Exam Results
Diploma Exam result statements are now available through myPass
Students will now need to retrieve their exam results through myPass—a self‑service website for high school students. Result statements for Diploma Exams are now be available exclusively online using myPass. Printed results statements will no longer be mailed.
How to use myPass (
In addition, the Statement of Courses and Marks has been replaced with the Detailed Academic Report (DAR), which is also available exclusively online using myPass.
myPass enables high school students to:
- access their Results Statement;
- view their demographic information;
- view their DAR;
- view their progress toward their diploma or certificate; and
- order and pay for a transcript.
Specific information on how to sign up for myPass will be provided to all students who write diploma examinations.
For more information visit:
Grad Requirements
Curious about Alberta High School Diploma Requirements
Diploma Requirements:
- 15 credits in senior English
- 15 credits in senior Social Studies
- 10 credits in Math (minimum Math 20-3)
- 10 credits Science (minimum Science 24)
- 3/5 credits in CALM 20
- 3 credits in Physical Education
- 10 other credits at the 30 level
- 38 other credits
- Minimum 100 total credits
Certificate of Achievement Requirements:
- English 20-2 or 30-4
- Social 20-2 or 20-4
- Math 24 or 20-4
- Science 24 or 20-4
- Physical Education 10
- Career and Life Management
- 10 credits Work Experience or RAP or Green Certificate
- Minimum 80 total credits
If you have any concerns regarding your graduation progress, please contact Ms. Sydor for more information.
EIPS Annual Education Results Report
Every year, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) publishes an Annual Education Results Report, which outlines the Division’s Four-Year Education Plan, opportunities for growth and how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes. Read through this year’s EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2022-23 and discover how EIPS fosters learning environments for all students to learn, grow and thrive—and why it matters.
June Spotlight: EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26 (Year 3), which details the Division’s priorities, goals and outcomes over a four-year period.
· Priority 1: To promote the growth and success of all students.
· Priority 2: To enhance high-quality learning and working environments.
· Priority 3: To enhance public education through effective engagement.
The plan also outlines the performance measures and strategies the Division will use to meet each priority, goal and outcome in the 2024-25 school year.
RELATED INFORMATION EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2022-23 EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2022-23: Overview EIPS Three-Year Capital Plan: 2025-28
Did you know?
EIPS is collectively committed to ensuring all members of the school community are provided with welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging.
Specifically, the Division believes that all individuals within EIPS have the right to learn in settings that promote equality of opportunity, dignity and respect regardless of race, age, ancestry, place of origin, colour, religious beliefs, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental disability, marital status, family status, socioeconomic status and sexual orientation. Learn more: · Board Policy 19: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning and Working Environments · Administrative Procedure 170: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning and Working Environments for Staff · Administrative Procedure 311: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments for Students
Tools for School
Vegreville Composite has once again partnered with the United Way for the 2024-25 Tools for School campaign. Annually, Tools for School provides backpacks and school supplies to students in kindergarten through Grade 12 whose families have limited resources. If you’re a parent or know a parent who needs access to the program, contact the school directly. Staff will discretely provide the backpack to the child at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year.
Alternatively, if you’d like to donate to the program, you can pick up a few extra supplies when you’re out shopping for back to school in August. Drop-off boxes are located at the EIPS Central Services office, many Staples locations and various businesses in the community. Any supplies donated within the community are invested back into the region.
For more information about Tools for School, contact our registrar:, or call EIPS Central Services at 780-464-3477. Tools for School Requests: 2024-25 Family Orders
2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Surveys: For Parents and Caregivers and For Students – Results now available
The results of the 2023-24 EIPS Annual Feedback Surveys: For Parents and Caregivers and For Students are now available. In March, the Division conducted the annual surveys, which help EIPS gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Families and grades 9 and 12 students were asked a series of questions about their experiences with EIPS and their school, the overall performance of the Division, the quality of education being provided to students and areas for improvement.
Thank you to all families and students who took the time to share their feedback with the Division. Overall, the surveys received close to 1,900 responses from parents and caregivers and more than 2,000 responses from grades 9 and 12 students across EIPS. The Division, and schools, will now review the feedback in detail and use it to develop new strategies to serve students and the wider community better.
The full results are available online: 2023-24 Parent, Caregiver and Student Survey results: EIPS
Canada Summer Jobs
Canada Summer Jobs is a government program that helps employers create jobs for young Canadians across the country. These jobs are then posted on the federal Job Bank for a limited time to help young people find them. New jobs will be added regularly as they’re approved for funding by the Canada Summer Jobs program. To apply for one of these jobs, you must be:
- Between 15 and 30 years of age and
- Legally entitled to work in Canada—which means you must have a valid Social Insurance Number.
In addition to the Canada Summer Jobs program, there are several other resources available to young Canadians, including government work placements, paid internships and volunteer opportunities.
First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Monthly Newsletter
Your First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Education Team are excited to present our *new* team newsletter.
This newsletter will be updated at the end of each month to ensure our families are updated with our divisional initiatives.
Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health Newsletter
The June edition of the Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health Newsletter focuses on the 40 Developmental Assets. Newsletter
Themes include:
Caregiver Series: June Sessions
Alberta Health Services offers free online programming for parents and caregivers of children and youth. Sessions are offered through Zoom. Upcoming topics include understanding anxiety, wellness exchange, test anxiety and silver linings. The list of June 2024 sessions is now available.
Student Transportation
Student Transportation: 2024-25 registration
Planning to use Student Transportation in the 2024-25 school year? If so, make sure your child is registered so Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) can plan routes and send your child a bus pass before the first day of school.
All students who indicated needing transportation services through the returning student or new student registration processes are now registered. Those families have also received tentative route schedules and invoices—fees are due June 30, 2024.
For those students who did not indicate needing transportation services during the registration process and want to now register, contact EIPS’ Student Transportation office at 780-417-8151.
For more information about EIPS Student Transportation, visit
NOTE: Families can pay fees online using the PowerSchool Parent Portal. To pay in-person, visit the EIPS Student Transportation building during its office hours—Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on school days and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on non-school days.
2024-2025 Transportation Fees
Student Transportation (ST) has sent tentative busing schedules and invoices to all families who requested busing for their children for the 2024-25 school year. Transportation fees for the upcoming year are due by June 30, 2024. Students with fees paid prior to this deadline will receive their bus pass and busing information in the mail in August. Any fees paid after June 30, will be subject to a $25 additional fee. For more information, see the Transportation Registration and Transportation Fees 2024-25 pages on the EIPS website.
Download the new My Ride K-12 app
The student transportation routing and planning software used by the Division is getting an app update! The new My Ride K-12 app, which is replacing Ride 360, helps families stay up to date on your child’s bus schedules, route times and scans. Download My Ride K-12 from the App Store or Google Play by April 30.
For more information, visit If you have any questions, contact Student Transportation at or 780-417-8151
EIPS annual education results report
Every year, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) publishes an Annual Education Results Report, which outlines the Division’s Four-Year Education Plan, opportunities for growth and how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes. Read through this year’s EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2022-23 and discover how EIPS fosters learning environments for all students to learn, grow and thrive—and why it matters.
April Spotlight: enhancing public education through effective engagement
· Rules of Engagement: Using a collaborative approach to improve student achievement and success
· Driving change: Strengthening public education through Board advocacy
Did you know?
Alberta Reserves are accumulated surplus funds that may be designated to a school, department or priority. The Board of Trustees approves the transfer of funds to and from reserves and has a yearly plan on how those reserves are used—to the benefit of students. EIPS identifies high-demand areas and uses its operating reserves for initiatives like student learning, new curriculum work, consultant support, mental health initiatives, technology upgrades, public-health best practices and other one-time projects. Operating reserves are also used to furnish and equip new schools and classrooms. With its capital reserves, EIPS replaces ageing equipment, purchases technology, modernizes and expands student learning spaces, and funds emergent capital needs.
Learn more:
Respiratory Illness Guidance
The health and safety of staff, students and visitors is a top priority. Continue to reinforce the following hygiene habits to protect staff and students from spreading respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
· Stay home if you’re feeling sick.
· Wash or sanitize your hands often.
· Cover your coughs and sneezes.
· Avoid touching your face.
· Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly.
· Wear a mask if you get sick or develop symptoms while at school or work.
As per Alberta Health guidelines, staff, students, contractors and visitors who have symptoms of respiratory Illness or test positive for COVID, should stay home until:
· symptoms have improved,
· they feel well enough to resume normal activities, and
· they have been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications.
For anyone who has a respiratory illness or has tested positive for COVID, it is recommended that they wear a mask for a total of 10 days from the onset of symptoms—even if the symptoms have resolved or improved—when in indoor settings with other individuals.
Pay School Fees Online!
School fee information for the 2023-24 school year is now posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view your fees and pay them online.
Don’t forget to also log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal regularly throughout the year. Fees are often added to your child’s account to cover the cost of various school activities such as field trips, class projects, extracurricular activities fees and more.
If circumstances exist where you’re unable to pay your fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived by submitting an Application for a Waiver of Fees. The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2023.
For more information about school fees, waivers and payment deadlines, visit, Alternatively, contact Marie Andruchow, Business Manager at Vegreville Composite High school at 780-632-3341.
Career Pathways
Check out the latest news from Career Pathways.
High School Apprenticeship Scholarship Program
Community Corner
Vegreville Country Fair
The annual Vegreville Country Fair will be Aug. 7 – 11, 2024 and much excitement is already building! For the creative and crafty among us, there’s a chance to put creations on display and maybe win some prizes!
If you search for the Exhibit Hall Book at you’ll see the lists of items that can be entered for your age group. If you’re an elementary school student, please get a parent or guardian to help with the forms and entry fee. You can choose a wide variety of artwork, crafts, baking, creative writing, and so on. Check it out! You might win some prize money for your work.
The deadline to enter is July 19 so don’t delay. You can enter and etransfer online or entry books are also available at Vegreville Agricultural Society office (4753-45 Ave.)
We look forward to seeing you at the Exhibit Hall at the Fair!
Vegreville Composite High School
Location: Vegreville, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-632-3341