Plainview Intermediate
Monthly Newsletter for September 2020
Meet Morgan Applegate
~ I LOVE mac & cheese.
~ IKEA is the best place on earth.
~ I enjoy puzzles.
~ Starbucks is a daily trip.
~ I have the sweetest 1 year old.
Meet JD Windham
~ I am a race car driver.
~ I play guitar.
~ Boudin is my favorite food!!!
~ I have 3 beautiful daughters.
~ I am the HS boys basketball assistant coach.
Principal's Corner
Thank you for a smooth start to our 2020-2021 school year. The students are settling in quickly to the routine of school. Teachers and students have been busy with beginning of the year assessments in order to learn as much as possible about each of your students.
All third, fourth, and fifth grade students will participate in MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing soon for the fall semester. Students in third and fourth grade will complete reading and mathematics, and our fifth graders will complete reading, mathematics, and language arts. This data will be shared with you once testing is complete.
As parents, you always have the ability to monitor your student’s grades through the online gradebook. This can be accessed through the Plainview Public Schools website. If you are having problems with the online gradebook, please contact Christy Sudderth at csudderth@plainview.k12.ok.us .
We will continue to focus on good attendance and limiting tardiness at Plainview Intermediate. It is extremely important for students to form positive life habits right now and being present and on time is vital. Please help ensure your student is present and on time daily. The calendar is very generous again this year with a break monthly, so we ask that you please consider planning trips/vacations around the school calendar. Plainview Intermediate and Plainview Public Schools as a whole are graded each year on student attendance. Please help us maintain meeting the state criteria for student attendance. The first couple of breaks for students will be September 7th and 25th.
Never hesitate to contact me if you have questions or comments. I can be reached at 580-223-6437.
Boy Scout sign-up night will be Thursday, September 3rd, at 6:00 p.m. at Southwest Park - aka Plainview Park
2. Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands.
3. Continue to monitor for signs/symptoms of sickness.
4. Please remember to call Melissa Denton at 580-223-6437 if your student is going to miss school for any reason.
Life Principal for Week of August 31
Quote: "If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two mouths and one ear."
~ Mark Twain
Life Principal for Week of September 7
Quote: "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom."
~ Thomas Jefferson
Life Principal for Week of September 14
Quote: "In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock."
~ Thomas Jefferson
Girls on the Run (3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Girls)
* Register by September 9th
* GOTR on Monday & Wednesday
* Register at www.girlsontherunsook.org
September 22, 2020 - 3:30-9:30 p.m. Virtual P/T Conferences - More Information to Follow
Dates to Remember
September 7th - Labor Day (No School)
September 22nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences
September 25th - No School
Plainview Intermediate Elementary
Email: jaltom@plainview.k12.ok.us
Website: www.plainview.k12.ok.us
Location: 1140 S Plainview Rd., Ardmore, OK 73401
Phone: 580-223-6437