Principal's News
Welcome back MES Families! It is so good to have our students back in the building! We are having fun getting into the groove and getting to know our new teachers and classmates. Before we know it, we will be off and running with all the exciting things we have planned for our students this year. We are so excited for the year ahead!
Important Dates
Monday, September 16 - PTO Meeting
Tuesday, September 17- Picture Day
Monday, September 23 - Friday, September 27- Go Gold Week
Thursday, September 26- Curriculum Night
Friday, September 27 - Virtual Author Visit - Peter Reynolds
Nurse's Notes
Nurse's News
Welcome back to another exciting school year! I hope you and your family had a wonderful summer filled with joy and relaxation.
Update Health Information: Please make sure to update any changes to your child’s health information, including allergies, medications, and emergency contact details.
Absences: If your child is absent, you must notify the front office that your child will not be in school. Please send in an excuse note upon returning to school for both the teacher nurse Jenny Goodwin (
Any absences related to an illness that exceed 3 or more days must have a doctor’s note of medical clearance before they return.
Illnesses: Elementary aged children can easily spread and pick up germs and viruses. If your child has developed symptoms or has been sent home from school with symptoms that are of a concern, such as Flu, Strep Throat or Hand Foot and Mouth aka HFM or Coxsackie virus--- which are all communicable illnesses -please contact your Pediatrician for advice and /or evaluation before returning to school.
Injuries: Please notify the nurse of an injury, major or minor, and provide written documentation if gym/recess needs to be restricted. If the injury is major (stitches/fracture/concussion) and your child was seen by a doctor, please provide a medical note upon return to school.
Medication: please do not send medication to school with your child- it is school policy that medication needs to be hand delivered from the parent to the nurse. Medication can be easily dropped, opened, spilled or lost on the way into school.
If you have any concerns about your child's health, or illnesses that may occur during the school year, please notify the school nurse at 781-319-3985.
Recess: can be an active time of outside play. Please have your child dress accordingly and wear appropriate footwear for safety reasons.
If your child had any of the following symptoms today, please keep them home
Fever over 100 degrees (must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of tylenol or motrin to return to school)
Vomiting and/or diarrhea (if your child has had any vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours, they should not return to school)
Diagnosis of communicable disease such as strep throat or conjunctivitis (if diagnosed with a communicable disease and prescribed antibiotics, your child must not return to school until they have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours)
These are just a few common reasons children are sent home from school.
Thank you for helping to keep the MES community and your child healthy.
Please contact the nurse with any questions.
Jenny Goodwin
PickUp Patrol (PUP)
MES will continue to use the PickUp Patrol (PUP) App to help us better manage our dismissal process. PUP allows parents to electronically make daily dismissal changes from a computer or smart phone. Families that have not already registered will receive an email with login information.
From the Cafe
Please click here for the lunch menu and click here for the breakfast menu.
Lunch will be served at all elementary schools this year free of charge.
Paying for Lunch: is the preferred way to pay.
No charging allowed for a la carte.
1st Breakfast – Free / 2nd Breakfast $2.00
1st Lunch – Free / 2nd Lunch - $2.75
Milk - .75 cents.
Water - .50 cents
To set up your account you will need to register and then add your child to the account by using your child’s BIRTH DATE to set them up (you do not need your child’s ID number for this).
With this system you can make payments, check the balance, and view a history of what your child has been eating for the past 30 days. You can also set up Automatic payments and Low balance alerts. There is a $3.25 per transaction fee to pay online through myschoolbucks.
It is extremely important that you keep a balance in your child’s account to avoid an interruption in service.
Preferred method of payment:
After you log in or register (if new) then you can
use your child’s Birthday for the
ID Number to add your child’s account.
Check payable to:
Town of Marshfield
(child’s First/Last name in Memo)
Cash – please put in an envelope.
marked Lunch Money with your
child’s name on it.
Free and Reduced: Free and reduced applications are available all year and you can apply anytime online. You only need to fill out ONE form per family. Please make sure all children are on the form that are in your household. For those who qualify (income based) for free and reduced lunch, you should still apply for such since your possible qualification establishes eligibility for P-EBT benefits, waiver fees for bus fees, computer insurance and athletic fees, etc. If this applies to you, please click here.
Please make sure the name of the child is not a nick name and the FULL NAME of the child as they are registered in school.
Any questions please contact Nancy Tellier,
Welcome back students & parents! The PTO is excited to share that we have a fun year of activities planned for all! Please reach out or join us at our upcoming PTO meeting if you would like to get more involved. We are always looking for volunteers!
Save the date: Our first PTO meeting will be on Monday, 9/16 @7pm in the MES cafeteria. We’ll go over budget, discuss plans for the year including Parents Night Out, Boosterthon and Trunk or Treat - just to name a few. We hope to have a great turnout!
Need more school spirit swag? Check out the Martinson Elementary School Store. The store will only be open for a couple of weeks, so get your orders in today! We have a huge selection of t-shirts, cozy sweatshirts and pajama pants - perfect for upcoming PJ day!
School Store Link:
For most consistent communication, please sign up to receive notification from us through Our school code is MDSVP8.
You can also reach out with questions or concerns at any time at
District News
Introduction of New Individualized Education Program (IEP) Form
When: Thursday, September 12, 2024, 6:30 pm
Where: Seth Ventress Building at 76 South River Street
Register: Please click HERE to register
Presented by Amy Scolaro, MPSD Assistant Superintendent of Student Services
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) form, which is being implemented this school year in all school districts.
It is important to understand that while the IEP form will look different, the special education process remains the same.
The new IEP document's intent is to support teams in developing a more personalized education plan for students receiving special education services. The new IEP form will enhance collaboration and provide clear and comprehensive documentation of your child's strengths and special education services.
We value your partnership and look forward to working together to support your child's educational needs.
For more information about the new statewide IEP form, please visit the state webpage at:
Presented by the Marshfield Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC).
Martinson Elementary
Location: 257 Forest Street, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: 781-834-5025
Twitter: @mesppal