Updates from U-32
May 10, 2024
Principal's Update
We have had a lot going on at U-32 this week. It is Educator Appreciation Week and we provided pastries this morning for all our educators made by the Central Vermont Career Center culinary students and next Wednesday we will have a smoothie truck after school during our professional development time so our educators can get a thank you snack during our afternoon work. We really appreciate the hard work and dedication of all our teachers, counselors, nurses, paraeducators, and everyone else who make U-32 great.
I also extend my thanks to the community in support of the WCUUSD budget. We are grateful for your support and we will strive to provide the best education possible for our students.
And finally, we want to welcome Dr. Rebecca Tatistcheff as the next principal of U-32 High School pending confirmation by the WCUUSD Board. Rebecca's extensive experience as an educator and leader positions her well to serve U-32 and the Washington Central communities. I believe her record of effective leadership, her breadth of teaching and administrative experience, and her proven commitment to our district's core beliefs -- of fostering responsive, engaged and transparent leadership, evidence-based curriculum, and a culture of inclusivity -- are exactly what our staff, students, families, and community need to grow and thrive. You can learn more about her in the TimesArgus.
Please check out the rest of our newsletter and take the opportunity to send a note about a teacher or other educator that has made a difference for you or your student this year.
Have a great weekend!
Nurses Office update re: increase in measles cases
Please see the attached handout below from the Vermont Department of Health regarding the increasing number of measles cases. Vermont recently had their first confirmed measles case since 2018.
From the handout: "Measles is one of the most contagious viruses and can cause serious illness in some people, like babies, young children, and people with weakened immune systems. The risk of widespread outbreaks in Vermont and the U.S. is low because of high vaccination rates, but communities with less than 95% vaccine coverage rates are at higher risk for outbreaks."
Deadline Approaching! U-32 Booster Club Scholarship Opportunities
The U-32 Booster Club is awarding three $1000.00 scholarships to graduating seniors!
All applications are due by May 15th 2024.
For more information please email us at U32boosterclub@gmail.com
The application is attached below:
Senior Pilot Student Curates Performing and Visual Arts Show!
Avery Cochran (Senior in the Pilot program) curated a performing and visual arts show at The Phoenix in Waterbury on the evening of May 3rd. Ten students participated, from our personalized learning programs, Branching Out and the Pilot program. Some students, like Ren Ivy, took a brave step to perform on the piano when they hadn't done so in five years. Allie and Aliza played an instrumental guitar song, written by Allie who just started playing earnestly in September of this year. Allie, Aliza, and Joah have also garnered a lot of support for their songwriting through U-32's Studio Music course this year.
Turn Music sponsored this event. We are grateful for Anne Decker, who was our gracious host. She supported students by making this space available and is also creating programming that is accessible for teenagers to attend while giving them opportunities to perform.
Congratulations to these students! The room was packed and you put on a great event!
U-32 Students Participate in VPA VT State Geography Bee
This week, teachers Elizabeth Marks and Chris Williams led a group of intrepid geography experts to the VPA's Vermont State Geography Bee. Still in its infancy, this competition is starting up again and we are proud that our students chose to participate.
U-32 placed third overall out of five participating teams. When you see them around, please give a fist bump to the following students that were members of our team:
Kate Carbee
Wolf Cornwall
Christian LaForest
Teigan Reimer-Tatistcheff
Emmett Jones
Way to go, everyone!
Free Comic Book Day - Monday, May 13th!
Did you know? May is National Speech - Language -Hearing Month
Happy May! My name is Erica Smith, and I’m the speech-language pathologist at U-32.
I’m writing to let you know that May is National Speech-Language-Hearing Month. This month raises awareness about speech and language disorders, which are among the most common disabilities that school-aged children experience. It also helps all students, no matter how they communicate, feel included in their school community.
More than 1 million children nationwide receive treatment services for speech and language disorders each year through the school system. Left unaddressed, speech and language disorders can affect a child’s academic and social success. Speech-language pathologists in schools work with children who have difficulties in the following areas:
Speech sounds—A child may substitute one sound for another, leave sounds out, add sounds, or change a sound, making it difficult for others to understand.
Spoken and written language—A student may have trouble understanding what others are communicating and may have problems explaining their thoughts or feelings. They may also have difficulty with reading and writing.
Stuttering (fluency)—A child may get stuck on certain sounds or words. They also may have tension or negative feelings about talking. This tension can get in the way of how they talk to others.
Cognition—A child may have problems with long- or short-term memory, attention, problem-solving, or organization.
Social communication—A student may have difficulty understanding how others feel or following the rules of conversation, such as knowing how to take turns.
Voice—A child may lose their voice frequently or use a hoarse or breathy voice. They may also speak with strain or effort.
Augmentative and alternative communication—A child may need to find other ways to communicate besides talking, such as using a picture board or a speech-generating device.
Feeding and swallowing—Problems with feeding and swallowing can make it hard for a student to participate in the school day. Speech-language pathologists help students eat and drink safely during the school day so that they have the energy to learn.
Whether or not your child has a speech, language, and/or swallowing disorder, it’s important for everyone to reflect on how we can be respectful and supportive of those who do. Encourage your child to give people time to get their message out, to focus on what a person is saying rather than how they’re saying it, and to never bully someone for how they communicate.
I wish you all success as we approach the end of the school year!
Erica L Smith, MS CCC-SLP (she/her)
Speech-Language Pathologist
U-32 Middle & High School
Would you like to attend Vermont State University for free?
Beginning in the fall semester of 2024, qualified Vermont residents can attend Vermont State University tuition free!
Delivering high quality and affordable education is our number one priority. With locations spanning across the entire state, Vermonters can be sure to have greater access to our programs going forward. VTSU will close the standard tuition* gap with institutional aid after all federal, state, institutional, and employer supported aid is applied to a student’s account.
Who is eligible?
- Vermont residents of any age enrolling as new students in degree programs starting in the fall semester of 2024 or spring semester of 2025.
- Student/family adjusted gross income of $50,000 or less as reflected on their FAFSA.
- Students seeking their initial undergraduate degree. Those with previous bachelor’s degrees do not qualify.
How do students apply?
- Apply and be admitted to Vermont State University for a standard tuition program.
- Submit a FAFSA (School Code: 003698).
- Submit a Vermont Grant Application through VSAC.
What are further requirements for eligibility?
- Register for a minimum of 12 credits each fall and spring semesters (does not include summer).
- Maintain good academic standing (2.0/4.0) and satisfactory academic progress towards degree completion.
- Eligibility will be reviewed each academic year based on the current year FAFSA.
* The Vermont State University Free Tuition Guarantee covers standard program tuition only. Program tuition for Engineering and Technology; Nursing and Respiratory Therapy; and Dental and Radiologic is not covered by this program.
Free Summer Shakespeare Camp!
Upcoming Parent Workshops
VTVLC Registration
2024-2025 VTVLC Course Registration Information
Priority registration for VTVLC (VT Virtual Learning Cooperative) courses opens May 1st. These are free online courses for students in grades 7-12 for courses offered “traditionally.”
Click here to see the courses available to U-32 students. Students are eligible to register for courses that are listed as traditional enrollment. See information regarding On Demand enrollment below.
Who are successful online learners? VTVLC recommends that students who enroll in their courses are strong readers and writers, possess good time management skills, are self-motivated and self-disciplined, committed to spending five to ten hours a week on the course, and have the ability to use technology properly.
Process for students opting to take course(s) through VTVLC to have coursework count towards U-32 Graduation level Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
***Students who request to take an online class due to a teacher or classroom conflict need to participate in a restorative circle prior to enrolling in a VTVLC course. ***
Process for enrolling:
1. Meet with your school counselor to discuss options.
2. Go to VTVLC.org and create an account.
3. Log into VTVLC.org and complete Student Profile.
4. Request enrollment in class.
Grading & Transcripting:
Coursework with a final grade of C- or higher will “satisfy course specific Graduation level SLOs through transfer.”
1. Course will be listed on U-32 Transcript under Additional Course section with actual grade awarded
2. Grade / course score is NOT factored into U-32 GPA
3. Students may need to work with content level departments to determine which Performance Indicators (PIs) the course addresses.
4. Student may need to present evidence (portfolio, assessments, essays, labs, etc.) to a small committee to demonstrate proficiency in specific Graduation level SLOs through transfer
Failure to successfully complete a VTVLC course may prohibit a student’s ability to enroll in future courses.
VTVLC also offers On Demand courses that allow students to have flexible start and end dates. These courses offer a personalized pace. Like the other VTVLC courses, these are taught by Vermont licensed educators (HQT where applicable). These courses cost students $275 per semester length course. On Demand courses start on either the 1st or the 15th of each month.
For further questions about VTVLC courses or to sign up, students should see their school counselor.
Free Summer Class!
Student Services Newsletter
Student schedules for the 2024-2025 school year. On Wednesday , May 15th, students in current grades 8-11 will be able to view their 2024-2054 tentative schedules during extended TA. Current 7th graders will receive their schedules closer to Move Up Day on June 11th..
If you or your student has questions or concerns about his/her schedule for next year, the Student Services Office will be available to assist as follows:
Incoming seniors: Immediately once you have received your schedule
Incoming juniors: May 20-23
Incoming sophomores: May 24- 28
Incoming freshmen: May 29-31
Our plan is to work with all students and parents who have concerns prior to school closing. We encourage you and /or your student to make an appointment with his/her adopted counselor if needed.
Please know that students can make changes to their schedules for semester 1 until August 22nd. Scheduling changes for semester 1 will not be allowed after August 22nd.
Students can make changes to their semester 2 classes until Jan 17, 2025
June 11th – Move Up Day (students in current grades 6-11 will follow their school schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.) Current 6th graders will come to U-32 to meet their 7th grade teachers, participate in classes and Unity day activities.
As a current Vermont high school junior or senior, you are eligible for two Vermont Dual Enrollment Vouchers, allowing you to take one free college course in your junior year of high school and one in your senior year of high school.
It’s called Dual Enrollment because your free college courses will also earn you credit towards graduation from high school.
Dual enrollment is offered through all VT public colleges/universities and some private colleges too. Go to http://www.vtdualenrollment.org/ for a list of participating colleges and to request a dual enrollment voucher.
High School Seniors are also eligible for Early College- got to http://education.vermont.gov/student-learning/flexible-pathways/early-college for more information.
SAT: Test Date- June 1 Registration Deadline May 16
ACT: Test Date July 13 Registration Deadline June 7
SAT / ACT Testing Tips
On the Test Day:
Give yourself plenty of time to get to the test center. Consider traffic, weather conditions, flat tires, and anything else that could slow you down.
Be sure to test at the center indicated on your Admission Ticket. You will need your Admission Ticket and photo ID for admission to the test center.
Even if you’re scheduled to test at a center that was not your first choice, you are only guaranteed admission to the test center listed on your Admission Ticket. Seating is very limited at other test centers.
Use breaks to eat or drink any snacks you have brought with you. You will have several breaks during the test. Use them to relax and eat a snack, so you can stay focused.
Make sure you use a No. 2 pencil. You must fill in the entire circle darkly and completely. If you change your response, erase it as completely as possible. It is very important that you follow these instructions when filling out your answer sheet.
Pace yourself during the test. Remember, each question counts the same. If you find yourself spending too much time on one question, move on to the next questions.
JUNIORS: If you are not yet pleased with your PSAT scores use Khan Academy for SAT prep as an on-line course to help you build your math, reading, writing, and SAT test prep skills. Log into Khan Academy and link your PSAT scores.
If you have any other questions, please contact your school counselor for more information.
Currently there are over 30 scholarships posted on Naviance. Go to your Naviance account, click on the College tab then Scholarship List to view each scholarship. While there, click on National Scholarship Search to look for additional scholarships.
Please frequent the Scholarship page often as new scholarships appear as soon as we receive them.
2024 Consider Canada Tour
Registration for Rosie's Girls is Now Open!
Registration for Rosie's Girls is now OPEN!! Empower your camper’s summer by registering them for Vermont Works for Women's Rosie's Girls camp today. This year we have more camp spots open than ever before, meaning more opportunities for youth to explore the skilled trades and STEAM fields. Explore the exciting range of activities we have in store for middle school girls and gender non-conforming youth entering grades 6-8 this summer on our website
Senior Calendar
May 1: Deadline for notifying colleges of your decision.
AP Exams are administered. Be sure to send the AP Grade Report to your college.
Send thank-you notes to your teachers, coaches, TA, and anyone else who helped you on the way.
Fill out housing-preference forms, and check out any special living centers.
Wait-listed students can expect more information about their status after May 1.
Complete Graduation Survey on Family Connection
If you plan to compete in Division I or Division II college sports, have your transcript sent to the NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse. More information is available at ncaaclearinghouse.net.
June 14: Graduation…. Congratulations!
June 30: Final deadline to submit FAFSA.