SRMS Updates, June 6, 2024
Weekly News, Updates, & Opportunities from SRMS
A Message from Dr. Ortiz, Principal of Sandy Run
Good evening, Sandy Run Families,
I cannot believe that we have reached the last week of what has been a truly memorable school year. We are so proud of how our students are finishing up (though we keep reminding them that there are a few days left!). The past week has been filled with lots of exciting events and celebrations. There were grade-level spirit days; our 6th and 7th grade students had a year-end celebration at Camp America; the 8th graders had a series of exciting opportunities for some last minute fun of Sandy Run - there was an 8th grade dance, a trip to Black Bear Lake, and more! We are also proud to highlight some of the great accomplishments of our seventh and eighth grade students. Wednesday night was the annual National Junior Honors Society induction, and Tuesday saw the recognition of some eighth graders in our annual 8th Grade Awards ceremony - Congratulations to all who were involved! We are also very proud of our 6th Grade students who participated in an essay contest sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women. After learning about the Holocaust in social studies and ELA, students wrote an essay, with a few winning pieces chosen from each team. Thank you to all who were involved.
Over the final few days of school, we are tying up the last pieces of learning for the year, having some team-building activities, and looking ahead to the summer. Please wish our 8th graders well as they are being promoted to UDHS in a ceremony on Monday morning. As a reminder, students' last day of school is Tuesday, June 11 and there is an early dismissal at 11:45 for SRMS. I hope that you and your family are enjoying the warm weather and looking forward to a much-deserved break over summer. Until then, we will keep moving ahead with our learning and fun activities. Take care!
Dan Ortiz
Best of Luck to the SRMS Class of 2028
Congrats to the NCJW Contest Winners
Color Run Fun for a Great Cause
UDHS Girls Basketball Camp
National German Award Winners
Congratulations to our National German Award Contest winners on all of their great success! And special thanks to Frau Patrick for organizing!
PTO Thank you
The SRMS PTO officers would like to thank all the current year’s members who helped with a smooth transition in leadership and helped create amazing events!
The SRMS PTO officers would also like to thank everyone who has signed up and shown interest in participating next school year! Some of these new members are pictured here from our Appreciation/Welcome Event on June 3rd.
Interested in helping the PTO next year??? Email us at srmspto1@gmail.com to let us know! Also, check out our SRMS PTO Facebook page (“SRMS PTO”) and SRMS PTO website https://srmspto.weebly.com/pto-info.html.
8th Grade Student-Athletes
Attention Class of 2028 Athletes!
FamilyID Registration - Will open on June 1st, 2024.
Please see the information below about registering for fall sports at Upper Dublin High School. If your child is interested in playing sports at the high school next fall, please be sure to pay attention to the following information.
At Upper Dublin High School, we have transitioned to an online sports registration platform for Upper Dublin Athletics. This transition may be new to you if this is your first child playing sports at UDHS. Once you register your student-athlete, that profile will exist until their high school playing career is over. If you have multiple student-athletes in high school, you will need to create a different profile for each athlete.
The registration window will open on June 1st, 2024. It will stay open through the summer and fall season.
On June 1st, only fall registration is opening. Winter and Spring registrations will open once the new school year begins.
To register, please click here and follow the directions.
Golf and Football Registration Deadline: Monday, July 29th
All Other Fall Sports Registration Deadline: Monday, August 5th
Registrations for those sports after those times, may cause your athlete to miss the first day of the season. A process to approve the physicals and registrations must go through the athletic office.
Moving from the District?
If your child will be going to a private school or not attending Sandy Run Middle School or Upper Dublin High School in September, please notify our guidance office 215-576-3280 X 7020 or email Mrs. Morrow tmorrow@udsd.org
Contact SRMS
Email: dortiz@udsd.org
Website: https://www.udsd.org/o/srms
Location: 520 Twining Road, Dresher, PA, USA
Phone: (215) 576-3280
Twitter: @srmscardinals