Westwood Weekly
September 29, 2024
Westwood High School
Email: fossittc@nice.k12.mi.us
Website: https://nice.k12.mi.us/
Location: 300 Westwood Drive, Ishpeming, MI, USA
Phone: 906.485.1023
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/niceschools
NWEA Testing Continues This Week
Students in grades 9 and 10 will begin NWEA testing in Math this week. This is the first round of testing. We will test again in March. For more information on the NWEA click on the link below.
WHS Tardy Procedures
Wednesday, October 2nd is count day. We ask that all students be present that day. Our POA students will recieve information on what they need to do that day as well. This is an important day for school attendance as it impacts our funding.
Exam Exemption Update
Below you will find the guidelines for exam exemption at WHS. The ability to exempt from an exam is a privilage, not a right. There will be situations were students do not meet the requirements, which is ok. We encourage them to try again the following semester. The major change in the guidelines for the 24-25 school year is cell phones. The guidelines are attached.
October 2nd - Count Day
When a student is late for class they are considered Tardy. If a student accumulates 3 tardies in a class they are assigned an after school detention, which take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3-4 pm. Every three tardies result in after school detention. First hour is when most students are showing up late so please be sure to be here and in class by 8:05 am.
The purpose of this approach is to teach accountability. Being on time and ready to work is an important life skill, which will serve our students well in the future.
Mrs. Marana's GI Update
Here are some pics for this week's challenge, Can Duet. Students raced to blow a ping pong ball from one pop can to another. The first to complete 5 went on in the bracket until we had one winner! Our winners were: Nolan White (6th hour) Mariah Helsten (7th)