High Point Highlights
High Point News: August 19th, 2024
High Point Back to School Braves Night
Join us on Sunday, September 8th as the Atlanta Braves take on the Toronto Blue Jays and a portion of every ticket sold will go back to the High Point Elementary School PTO.
Kids Run the Bases Night
After the game, kids 14 and under can run around the bases just like the Braves!
Tickets are subject to availability and tickets purchased for the purpose of being resold are subject to cancellation and refund by the Atlanta Braves.
Purchase Tickets: https://fevo-enterprise.com/Highpoint47
Sunday, Sep 8, 2024, 01:30 PM
Truist ParkAtlantaBraves, Battery Avenue Southeast, Atlanta, GA, USA
Dear High Point Families,
As we progress through the school year, I want to take a moment to emphasize the critical importance of maintaining strong communication between our school and your home. This partnership is essential for the success and well-being of our scholars.
At High Point, we believe that education is a collaborative effort that involves not just our dedicated teachers and staff, but also you as parents and guardians. When we work together and stay informed, we create a supportive environment that allows our scholars to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Beyond Class Dojo and High Point Newsletters, here are some ways we aim to strengthen our communication and engagement:
Grade-Level Newsletters-Teachers will utilize Class Dojo to post newsletters before new math, reading, and IB units. Unit newsletters will update families on what their child(ren) will be learning in the upcoming weeks as a new unit begins. Newsletters will also include ways for families to support learning at home.
Thursday Folder- Every Thursday a blue folder will be sent home with every scholar. This weekly folder typically includes work samples/graded assignments, permission slips, extracurricular flyers, school forms, and information on parent workshops. It is important that you check weekly folders to stay informed and engaged.
Parent Workshops-These workshops typically focus on helping families become more engaged in their child's education and learning. The goal is to empower families with knowledge and skills to support their children's education and improve academic outcomes.
Social Media- Get connected to High Point on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Connecting through social media allows families to interact with other members of the school community, including teachers, administrators, and fellow parents. These platforms are also used to share photos and highlight events.
Parent-Teacher Conferences- As a school, we conduct conferences twice a year. However, families can request a parent-teacher conference at any time. At conferences, families and teachers discuss a scholar's progress, behavior, supports, and any concerns.
Communication Protocol- We utilize the below protocol for ensuring safety, promoting consistency, facilitating collaboration, supporting our scholars' success, and improving operational efficiency.
Together, we can ensure that every scholar at High Point receives the support they need to succeed. Thank you for your continued partnership and for being an integral part of our school community.
Warm regards,
Dr, Miller
In the KNOW with PTO
Our Annual General PTO Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 22nd at 8 am. Please plan to join us in the cafeteria for some light bites with fellow PTO members. During the meeting, we’ll discuss upcoming events, school initiatives, and ways to get involved. We value your input and look forward to seeing you there!
Curriculum Night Dinner
Please consider purchasing a Moe's Taco Box to grab on your way home from Curriculum Night! Each kit sold benefits our school! We'll earn $5 back for 10-50 kits sold and $10 back for 51+ kits sold. They'll be delivered around 5:30 and held in the front lobby for you to pick up as you leave. Dinner is done! CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO SECURE YOUR BOX TODAY! Ordering deadline is 9/10 at noon.
Save the Date!
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Welcome Back Picnic! Be sure to mark your calendar for our next big event - our annual FALL FESTIVAL on Saturday, September 28th! We'll have an afternoon packed with rides, food, and FUN! You don't want to miss it!
Make an impact today! It is you, your involvement and generosity, who make amazing things possible for our school community! Click on the link below to join! To pay by check - make checks payable to High Point Elementary PTO and send to school with your child or email highpointpto.atl@gmail.com to arrange pickup!
Check out our new DISCOUNT CARD! Yours when you join PTO!
Why are you not doing the High Hopes fundraiser in October?
High Hopes was successful in reaching its fundraising goal, but the campaign model proved unsustainable for both the fundraising team and individual families with the busy calendar of events and expectations. We’ve sunset this fundraising campaign to streamline our collective efforts into the PTO Membership Drive.
How can we still support the school?
You can support us by joining PTO today! All of the incentives that we would have given for HH are being offered with our PTO Membership Drive.
How can my company get involved?
If your company is able to match donations, please reach out to us! We understand some employers only offer this during certain time periods. If your company match period is month-specific, we can work with you! Email highpointpto.atl@gmail.com to connect!
Other ways to show my support this fall?
This October we are going to kick off a new auction highlighting time spent with teachers. It's called "Gifts from the Heart" and it will feature staff members donating their time and talents to our students. You'll have a chance to bid on things like Principal for the Day and fun activities with staff members after school. More info to come on that!
STOCK THE LOUNGE - September 9th - 13th
Our teachers work hard each day, pouring out love and patience to our children as they teach, and this is an easy way we can refuel their tanks with some fun snacks and treats. Please consider supporting our efforts to "Stock the Lounge" to show our teachers some love!
Buy Your Yearbook Now and SAVE!
10% off yearbooks purchased from now until the end of August! All orders must be completed online using the link below or in the Treering app. Each book comes with 2 free customizable pages. You can order now and create the custom pages later!
If you have not set up your Treering account yet, you can do so by clicking the link below! In your Treering account you can purchase yearbooks, upload photos and create your custom pages. Don’t forget to download the Treering app! It’s very user friendly and good for quick access.
School Passcode: 101655303886476
Get Connected with other Families on your Grade Level!
Annual Title 1 Meeting: August 22nd
After School Care
YMCA-High Point
Camp Wieuca-Peachtree Dunwoody
Primrose-Sandy Springs
Sunshine House
Imperatori Martial Arts
STEMTREE | Buckhead, Atlanta, GA – Your Education Center
Jewish Kids Group-Sandy Springs
Creme de la Creme-Rowell Rd.
Caterpillar International Academy