December 14-15, 2024
The Posada- A Centuries Old Tradition
The Christmas Posada perfectly expresses the suspense and surprises of the season. It is a prayer, a play, a party and a gathering for families, parishes and whole communities. It is a celebration that children and adults can enjoy together, as well as those from all different cultural backgrounds.
The tradition was brought to the New World by 16th century missionaries – those who were willing to give their lives to spread the Gospel of Christ. They designed the simple ceremonies so that the natives would come to know and love Jesus and his Blessed Mother. The word posada means “inn” or “shelter” in Spanish. The inn, of course, is the shelter that Mary and Joseph seek as the Virgin prepares to give birth. Mary and Joseph were not able to find a room at the inn because so many people came to enroll themselves. They knocked on many doors, but were only offered a place in a cowshed. And it was there, among hay and straw, by the warmth provided by country animals, that “God made man, king of the universe” was born. And these animals, lacking in understanding, were the first to pay tribute to their creator.
Joseph and Mary are still asking for shelter and knocking on doors, for God the Father entrusted them with a mission: Jesus should be born in every heart. Let’s open our doors, let’s receive in faith these wonderful guests. Let’s open the way to the eternal Light. Let’s turn our hearts into a loving cradle that the Redeemer may be born in it.
La Posada: una tradición centenaria
La Posada de Navidad expresa a la perfección el suspenso y las sorpresas de la temporada. Es una oración, una obra de teatro, una fiesta y un encuentro para familias, parroquias y comunidades enteras. Es una celebración que niños y adultos pueden disfrutar juntos, así como personas de diferentes orígenes culturales.
La tradición fue llevada al Nuevo Mundo por los misioneros del siglo XVI, aquellos que estaban dispuestos a dar su vida para difundir el Evangelio de Cristo. Diseñaron las ceremonias sencillas para que los nativos llegaran a conocer y amar a Jesús y a su Santísima Madre. La palabra posada significa "posada" o "refugio" en español. La posada, por supuesto, es el refugio que buscan María y José mientras la Virgen se prepara para dar a luz. María y José no pudieron encontrar una habitación en la posada porque mucha gente vino a inscribirse. Llamaron a muchas puertas, pero solo les ofrecieron un lugar en un establo. Y fue allí, entre heno y paja, por el calor que brindan los animales del campo, donde nació “Dios hizo al hombre, rey del universo”. Y estos animales, faltos de comprensión, fueron los primeros en rendir homenaje a su creador.
José y María siguen pidiendo refugio y tocando puertas, porque Dios Padre les ha confiado una misión: Jesús debe nacer en todo corazón. Abramos nuestras puertas, recibamos con fe a estos maravillosos invitados. Abramos el camino a la Luz eterna. Convirtamos nuestro corazón en una cuna amorosa para que el Redentor pueda nacer en él.
Second, Fourth Fifth and Sixth Grades
First, Third and Seventh Grades
3-K,4-K,K,8th Grade
Thank You!
I want to thank all students, teachers and staff for taking time to prepare and present our annual posadas. The last 2 years we have presented multiple posadas to allow our students a better opportunity to participate. Running it in conjunction with the craft fair also gives this community event support.
Thank you to everyone who sent pictures. I missed being there but seeing the images I was a ble to get a warm feeling for the posadas as they took place.