Kindergarten Assessments
August 26-27, 2020
This week, your child will take an assessment called the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment - Revised (KRA-R). The KRA-R is a required assessment from the Ohio Department of Education for all incoming Kindergarten students. Below, you will find information about the following:
- safety precautions
- welcome video
- questionnaire link
- visual map for the assessment set-up.
We'd like to remind you that this assessment is just a small picture of your child. We encourage you to remind your child to try their best, but not to worry about this. This assessment will not determine placement into any programs. We use this information to better know your child and plan for our school year.
If weather is an issue, we will send details about a rain plan.
More information regarding device pick-up, classroom placement, and beginning of the school year details will be sent out at the end of the week/early next week.
If you have any questions, please call the main office (728-3720) and we will gladly assist!
Brent Elementary Team
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised Basics
WHO? Ohio's Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised is for all children enrolled in a public school, and those chartered non-public schools that have opted in to participate in the assessment.
WHAT? The assessment measures your child's knowledge and abilities in four areas: social skills, language and literacy, mathematics, and physical well-being and motor development.
WHEN? The assessment starts when your child enters kindergarten. Ohio kindergarten teachers will have until November 1, of each year, to complete the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised.
WHY? When the assessment is complete, teachers will have information to share with families. The information will help families and teachers work as partners so that children are successful in school.
Safety Precautions
- sanitizing each testing station after student use
- individual testing materials
- sanitizing waiting areas after use
- required face masks by ALL (students, families and staff). Students and families will need to bring and wear their own mask to the assessment
- hand sanitizer used before and after each testing session
Before coming to Brent, you must take your child's temperature. If your child's temperature is over 100 degrees or displaying any symptoms of COVID, your child may not take the assessment. There is plenty of time to make up the assessment. Please call the office and speak to Mrs. Falhaber to notify the school of the missed session.
Welcome to Kindergarten at Brent Elementary!
Assessment Visual Set-Up
About Us!
Brent Elementary is an elementary school in Finneytown Local School District serving students in kindergarten and first grades.
Principal: Meredith Baker
School Secretary: Leslie Falhaber
School Counselor: Nancy Rouse
Email: lfalhaber@finneytown.org
Website: https://finneytown.org/brent-elementary/
Location: 8791 Brent Drive, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Phone: (513) 728-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/BrentFLSD