January 24th Edition

Principal's Message
As we step into February, we are reminded that this is a month full of opportunities for growth, reflection, and celebration. Whether it’s achieving academic goals, supporting each other in the classroom, or honoring the contributions of Black Americans during Black History Month, February offers us a chance to make meaningful connections and strive for excellence together.
This month, we are focusing on academic readiness and student success. For our upper-level students in CTAE, preparation for end-of-pathway assessments (EOPAs) is underway, and teachers are equipping students with the tools and resources they need to excel. Please encourage your students to stay focused, utilize the support available to them, and take pride in their hard work.
We are also excited to celebrate the dedication of our students and staff. From classroom achievements to extracurricular activities, the hard work and commitment of our school community continue to inspire me every day. Let us continue to foster a positive, supportive environment where everyone can thrive.
Parents, thank you for partnering with us in your child’s education. We encourage you to stay engaged by checking in on grades, upcoming projects, and events. Communication is key to ensuring success, and we value your collaboration.
Finally, let’s not forget the importance of kindness and community this month. February is often associated with love and compassion, so let’s take time to uplift one another and make our school a place where everyone feels seen, supported, and valued.
Thank you for all you do to make our school an amazing place to learn and grow. Let’s make February a month to remember!
Dr. G
Happening in "The City"
Twenty Pearls Scholarship Lunch and Learn (Info Session)
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Date: January 31, 2025
Time: 3rd Period
Location: Tri-Cities HS
Intended Audience: Seniors
Register to Attend Lunch and Learn Session: Click Here
Only students who register to attend this event will receive a pass to attend.
ROTC Drone Competition
Lady Bulldogs Basketball & Cheerleaders
Dual Enrollment Interest
for 2025 - 2026 School Year
Complete Interest Link: Click Here
Deadline: February 21, 2025
Intended Audience:
Rising 11th and Rising 12 Graders (Classes of 2026 and 2027)
Students who are interested in taking dual enrollment classes during the 2025 - 2026 school year need to click the link above and provide the requested information. Communication will be sent mid-January to those who complete the dual enrollment interest link (see above). The communication will consist of next steps to complete the application process. Only the students who complete the link with receive communication regarding next steps. Transcripts will only be submitted to colleges for those students who have completed the link. Lastly, please do not complete the link multiple times for the same student. Students who are currently enrolled in dual enrollment should not complete the link. This is for students who will be first-time dual enrollment students during the 2025-2026 school year.
What is Dual Enrollment?
Dual enrollment helps students get a head start on their college education, which will potentially save time and money by earning credits that count towards both high school and college graduation requirements. Yes, this program allows students to earn college credits while in high school. The college credits earned are generally recognized by colleges. However, acceptance can vary by institution.
HBCU College Fair
(College Reps, Scholarships, Entertainment, Community Resources, and Much More)
Location: Tri-Cities High School Gym
Date: February 22, 2025
Time: 11 AM - 1 PM
Cost: FREE
This event is open to the public.
All grade levels, families, and friends are invited to attend.
Work-Based Learning
About Work-Based Learning
Work-Based Learning (WBL) curriculum is designed to help students develop the skills and attitudes needed to be successful in the global workforce. The Work-Based Learning program for high school seniors connects school-based education to the world of work. The WBL curriculum provides both educational and occupational experiences for students to assist in developing skills necessary for the world of work and to continue a post-secondary education program of study. The WBL work-site experience requires a training plan that complements on-the-job and classroom components of the curriculum. Participation in CTSOs provides opportunities for leadership development, community service, regional and state competition, and co-curricular activities.
Rising Senior; approval of WBL coordinator; have an identified career goal; at least 16 years of age; concurrently enrolled in a CTAE course or previously taken 1 year of a CTAE course;
reliable transportation*, on track for graduation; minimum of two teacher recommendations; minimum 2.5 G.P.A., and completed the Work-Based Learning Application process through
Disciplinary actions and/or excessive absences may result in a student not being admitted into the program.
If you are interested in WBL for the coming school year 2025-26, please complete this Interest Form.
CTAE (Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education) News
Counseling Corner
FutureSmart Scholarship- To enter, students must complete at least three (3) modules from either the FutureSmart or SmartEconomics programs. Participants are also required to submit a short essay (350-500 words) addressing a question about their future and explaining how the financial knowledge gained from these modules can help them achieve their goals and dreams.
Application Deadline: January 13, 2025 (Fall Semester) and June 9, 2025 (Spring Semester)
Prize: $2,000 - $5,000 529 College Savings Gift Card
Financial Futures Tax Simulation Scholarship- In partnership with Intuit for Education, one student winner will be awarded $2,500 in educational funding from each semester-based entry period during the 2024-25 school year. The Financial Futures Student Scholarship Contest is open to students (age 13-19) who have completed at least one lesson within the course Tax Simulation: Understanding Taxes. To enter for a chance-to-win, students will be asked to submit an application form and share how learning about tax topics has made an impact on their life through a reflection essay (200-500 words).
Application Deadline: January 12, 2025 (Fall Semester) and May 4, 2025 (Spring Semester)
Prize: $2,500 in educational funding
Account Careers National Scholarship- Accounting+ will be awarding twenty students nationally $5,000 in educational funding. The Accounting Careers: Limitless Opportunities Scholarship is open to U.S. high school students between 13-19 years old who have completed at least one Accounting Careers: Limitless Opportunities course module. Students must submit a 300-500 word essay for a chance to win.
Application Deadline: April 15th, 2025
Prize: $5,000 in educational funding
Credit Worthy Scholarship Contest- OneMain Financial will be awarding thirty-six students nationally with $1,000 in educational funding. The Credit Worthy Scholarship is open to U.S. high school students between 13-19 years old who have completed Build: Credit Fundamentals or at least 3 modules of a course offered in the Credit Worthy program presented by OneMain Financial. Students will submit a short essay about what they learned and how the Credit Worthy program by OneMain Financial has made an impact on them for a chance to win.
Application Deadline: January 15, 2025 (Fall Semester) and May 6, 2025 (Spring Semester)
Prize: $1,000 in educational funding
Future Food Scholarship
Website & Details: Click Here
Application: Click Here
Top Tier Award:
Full Tuition for 4 years
Second Tier Award:
$5,000 Per Year for 4 years = $20,000
Clayton State University
Open House Info: Click Here
Open House Registration: Click Here
Recommended Grade Levels: 12th & 11th Graders
Undergraduate Application: Click Here
Scholarships: Click Here
Tuition & Fees: Click Here
Georgia Southern University
Undergraduate Application: Click Here
Deadlines: Click Here
Open House: Click Here
Undergraduate Degrees & Majors: Click Here
Costs: Click Here
Kennesaw State University
Jackson State University
Jackson State University
Application Link: Click Here
Undergraduate Application: Click Here
Freshman Scholarships: Click Here
College / University Scholarships: Click Here
Other Scholarships: Click Here
Scholarship Video: Click Here
JSU Student Experience: Click Here
Valdosta State University
Application Link: Click Here
Admission Requirements: Click Here
VSU Scholarships: Click Here
Art Scholarship: Click Here
College of Nursing and Health Sciences Scholarships: Click Here
College of Science and Mathematics: Click Here
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Boys JV Basketball
For Your Awareness
Seniors Corner
Policies and Procedures
Backpacks and Bookbags
TCHS has a clear backpack and bookbag policy. No other backpacks or bookbags can be brought onto campus. Students may not bring fanny packs, shoulder bags or large purses. This rule is effective on the FIRST day of school. Any bags collected will become the property of the school and will not be returned to the student or parent.
Uber Eats/Door Dash/American Deli, etc.
For purposes of school safety, students are not allowed to leave the cafeteria to obtain food from parents or friends. Per federal guidelines, students are not allowed to bring food of “little or no nutritional value” into the school during times when the cafeteria is in operation. These guidelines also state that food from restaurants, vendors, or other off campus establishments cannot be brought into the building from 8:00 AM until one half hour after the end of the instructional day. Deliveries of food during the school day are not permitted. Use of food delivery services such as DoorDash, UberEats, PostMates, etc., are prohibited and strictly enforced. Any outside food delivered to students will be confiscated. Confiscated items will become the property of the school and will not be returned to the student or parent. Students leaving campus during the instructional day can receive disciplinary consequences.
Bus Information
Parents can go to https://edulogweb.fultonschools.org/livewq/webquery/ enter in their address and it will tell you your bus route and pick up/drop off location and time.
Create a Parent Portal Account
The Infinite Campus portals - Campus Parent and Campus Student - provides access to information for all enrolled students in their household. Information includes grades, attendance, assignments, and school announcements.
Note: Parents must register the first time they are accessing their account. All students have access to Campus Student via ClassLink.
Enter the Infinite Campus Student Portal via the ClassLink Icon below.
How do I set-up my parent portal account?
All portal accounts require a 1-time activation to create your ID and password. You must be a parent/guardian of a current FCS student to activate an account.
To verify identity, you will be asked to provide the following information about 1 student in your household:
- Student first and last name (as entered on birth certificate)
- Student ID number
- Student Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Student grade level (current grade level
- To set-up your account, please enter your email here:
- https://campus.fultonschools.org/campus/K12_Custom/cParent/cParentLookUp.jsp?appName=fulton
No Visitors During Instructional Time 8:20 am - 3:15 pm
School Safety
School hours are 8:20 a.m.- 3:20 p.m.
Doors open to students: 7:45 am. Breakfast line opens at 7:45 a.m.
Safety : In addition to the School Safety Plan by Fulton County Schools, TCHS has crafted a 5-point Priority Safety Plan for the 2024-2025 school year as follows:
- All doors to enter the building will be locked at all times except during student arrival. Students who arrive or leave throughout the school day will be expected to exit through the front door # 1 or bus ramp door leading to the student parking area.
- All visitors to campus will be expected to use front door #1 to buzz the front office to identify themselves and the nature of their visit. Students will not be allowed to order from food delivery services (Uber Eats, Door Dash, etc.) during school hours. Food will be confiscated and discarded.
- TCHS will have 2 School Police Officers and 4 Campus Security Officers on campus at all times throughout the school day and for sporting events.
- The school’s safety team will meet monthly to review the TCHS safety plan to continuously look for areas of improvement.
- TCHS will administer all monthly safety drills as expected with two additional soft and hard lock down drills each semester.
Student Schedules
To access student schedules, please log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or the Infinite Campus Student App through ClassLink. Parents may also download the Infinite Campus App from the Apple and Google app stores. Once logged in, students and parents should be able to access their student's schedule.
You can find instructions on how to log onto and use Infinite Campus here: https://www.fultonschools.org/infinitecampus.
After reviewing your schedule and noting that a change may be required, the schedule change form is available through the TCHS Schedule Change Request form link below.
Requests for a schedule change will only be approved for the following reasons:
- The student is in the wrong level of class.
- · The student has already passed the class.
- · The student is missing a core class.
- · The student is missing (EMPTY) class in his/her schedule.
Requests for a schedule change will NOT be approved for the following reasons: The student wants to change an elective preference.
- · The student wants another teacher.
- · The student wants a different lunch period.
- · The student has changed his/her mind about taking the course.
- · The student wants to change the order of his/her classes.
- · The student has friends in another class.
If you have a valid reason to request a change to your schedule, please complete the Tri-Cities High School Schedule Change Request form (links are located below). Schedules seen are preliminary schedules. Scheduling is still occurring, and these schedules are subject to change.
The schedule change request form opens at 8am on 8/12/24. Form can only be completed once. Only changes requested using this process will be accepted.
Students will have one opportunity to request changes to their 24-25 school year (SY) schedule. Please read the instructions on the schedule change form before completing and submitting the schedule change request form.
Once the form is submitted, students will not be able to make changes to their responses or complete the form again. Students can e-mail and/or print a copy of their responses for their records. Again, please be sure to determine all needed changes prior to submitting the change request form.
Students must follow their schedule, as printed, until it is updated. Even if the schedule is incorrect, it is important to student and school safety that the schedule be followed exactly as printed. Once updated, the student will see the change reflected in Infinite Campus.
Cell Phone Policy
Fulton County Schools' cell phone policy district-wide includes the following expectations:
Cell phones and other electronic devices may not be used, displayed, or turned on during class time unless directed by a teacher specifically for instructional purposes.
The following discipline cycle will be used for any violations of this district policy:
1st Offense: Redirect
2nd Offense: Reteach Expectation
3rd Offense: DIRECT Parent Communication (Verbal and/or Email exchange with parent/guardian) 2 attempts
4th Offense: Submit Office Discipline Referral (ODR)
Dress Code
In addition to guidelines stated below, dress code, and the appropriateness of a student’s attire, is subject to administrator discretion.
Students are expected to dress and groom themselves in such a way as to reflect neatness, cleanliness, and modesty, as well as a sense of pride in themselves and in the school.
Dress will not distract unreasonably the attention of others or cause disruption or interference with the educational program or with the orderly operation of the school.
Extremes in dress will not be permitted. Violation of the dress code will result in the student being sent to the clinic. The student will be given a change of clothes or sent home. More severe consequences will result for repeat offenders.
The required standards of dress are as follows:
- Cleanliness in person or dress.
- Shoes must be worn at all times. No house slippers, bubble shoes, or slides.
- Length of shorts, skirts, dresses, etc. must be mid-thigh. This applies to athletic shorts for all students.
- Bare stomach midriffs, tank tops, spaghetti straps, low-cut tops, strapless tops or dresses, and see-through clothing are not permitted. Undergarments must not be visible.
- Clothing or ornamentation advertising alcohol or illegal substances, displaying suggestive phrases, designs, markings, profanities, or depicting gangs or similar organizations are prohibited.
- Caps, hats, hoods, sweatbands, do-rags, bandannas, crocheted knit caps, hair nets, sunglasses, non-prescription eyewear, or ANY head covering other than religious coverings may not be worn or visible in the building. These items will be confiscated and may be picked up at an administrator’s discretion.
- Pants must be worn at the waist regardless of shirt length. Undergarments must not be visible.
- Pants may not have shreds, holes, rips, or tears above the knee that show skin.
- Chains or accessories with sharp spikes are not permitted. Designated dress involving school activities approved by the principal shall be acceptable (i.e. spirit days).
*The principal or other authorized school official shall determine whether any particular mode of dress or grooming results in a violation of the spirit and/or the intent of this rule.
Code of Conduct
All parents and students must sign for receipt of the 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct using a new digital signature process. The link below contains a step-by-step “how to” guide for completing the digital signature process.
How to...Parent & Student Code Receipt
- ·All students above 10 years of age and their parents, guardians, or other person having control or charge of the child is asked to digitally sign acknowledging receipt of the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.
- Parents and students are able to digitally sign by using their online portal or the app on their smartphone/device.
- The Code of Conduct can be viewed via our website https://www.fultonschools.org/studentdiscipline
Carpool / Student Drop Off & Pick Up
All cars must enter carpool from the Jefferson Gym entrance on Harris Street. Carpool will loop the back parking lot and exit on the road that runs closest to Dairy Queen. (Do not enter from Dairy Queen side of the building.) For safety, buses will have exclusive use of Harris St and Bulldog Blvd. Bulldog Blvd is now a ONE WAY street. You cannot enter Bulldog Blvd from Harris Street. During afternoon dismissal, no cars may enter Bulldog Blvd as it will be restricted to buses/service vehicles ONLY.
Students who drive to school and leave campus during the school day for programs such as dual enrollment or work-based learning will be required to park in the Magnet lot (upper parking lot at the top of the school). ALL students who park on campus must show proof of insurance and have a parking permit to park on campus. There is no parking in front of houses or on Harris St. Violators may be towed by the City of East Point.
Parking at Tri-Cities is a privilege. It is the responsibility of the driving student to be aware of all rules regarding parking, as explained in the parking application. All students must have a parking decal to park on campus. Students’ parking permits may be revoked based upon attendance issues (5 unexcused absences per semester), excessive tardies (5 unexcused tardies per semester), and 5 Days of OSS or more during a school year. No unsafe or reckless driving will be tolerated. Students are expected to comply with all State of Georgia traffic and road safety rules; students’ failure to comply will be subject to disciplinary consequences that may include the loss of parking privileges for a time to be determined by the administrator.
Students using their vehicles to leave campus without authorization will be subject to disciplinary consequences that may include suspension and immediate surrender of their parking permit. Unauthorized vehicles without a valid parking permit are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense without notice, as outlined on the Tri-Cities HS Parking Application 2024-2025. Students receiving an orange violations sticker must report to the atrium.
The student parking lot closes at 9:15 am and reopens at 11:07 am for Work-Based Learning Students (must have a badge). Students arriving to school later than 9:15 am and needing access to the lot must first report to the atrium to check in.
Parking Pass Pick Up
Students must complete a parking application. Be mindful that this year you must bring a valid driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance when picking up your pass. Parking Passes will be distributed soon.
We Need Your Student's Phone Number!
Help us improve school communication to keep your student in the know!
Our school is committed to improving student communication, and we have an exciting plan to achieve this goal. Soon we will begin utilizing Fulton County Schools' Blackboard communication system to send real-time text updates about events and activities directly to our TCHS parents.
Students will also receive these updates, which means that everyone will be in the loop. To ensure the success of this initiative, we kindly request parents update their child's cell phone number in Infinite Campus. Our first text message will be sent on August 31st, and we want everyone to be included.
So, please update your and your student’s cell phone information in Infinite Campus as soon as possible. With this new system in place, we are confident that our students will be better informed and more connected than ever before.
Incoming Freshmen! Proof of Residency Required!
Important information for incoming Freshman families only
All rising 9th (new, district transfer students, or coming from a feeder school) and any new enrollees to Fulton County Schools MUST provide TWO documents for residency verification. If you have a returning student rising to grades 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, you will need to submit proof of residency if there has been any address change.
REVISED BOARD POLICY JBC April 21, 2022: Proof of Residency and Additional
Residency Verification - https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/7299
- Copy of home mortgage bill
- Current bank statement
- Valid Driver's License / State ID / Current Paycheck
- Copy of home sale contract
- Current HOA bill
- Section 8 / HUD Housing document
- Current apartment/house lease
- Homeowner's / Renter's Insurance Registration Card
11th Grade Immunization
Important information for rising 11th grade families only
District Health Services 2022-2023 Back to school Immunization Requirements for Rising 11th Grade Students:
Effective July 1, 2021, children 16 years of age and older, who are entering the 11th grade (including new entrants), must have received one booster dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), unless their initial dose was administered on or after their 16th birthday. For more information regarding this requirement, please visit the district’s Health Services website: https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/23505
Please check to make sure your student has all required vaccinations even if the certificate is marked complete. If the certificate is marked complete and the child does not have the required vaccines, he/she must return to their primary care provider or public health center to receive the required vaccines and be issued a new/updated certificate. You will be alerted if your student is needs to submit updated immunization requirements.
How to Stay Connected
The communications team works hard to ensure students and families have all the information they need to be successful at TCHS. There are a few ways to stay highly connected with the school.
- TCHS website – https://www.fultonschools.org/tricitieshs
- School emails/Blackboard Messages
- School Newsletters Sent Bi-Weekly: Bulldog Nation Newsletter for all students
- Student & Parent/Guardian Text Messages (See above)
- Social media:
PBIS--Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
We walk through the halls and operate with P.R.I.D.E. here in "The City".
P – Purpose
R – Resilience
I – Integrity
D – Discipline
E – Empathy
Dress Code
Support Tri-Cities HS
For details pertaining to our PTSA, Booster Organizations, TCHS Alumni and the Tri-Cities Foundation: Bulldog Support Squad, visit https://www.fultonschools.org/tricitieshs and select the Parents Tab.