Madison Memos
The Madison School Newsletter / May 8, 2015
Madison School
Location: 1620 Mayo Ave. , Wheaton
Phone: 682-2095
Senate Bill 1 will negatively impact District 200
District 200 stands to lose millions if Senate Bill 1 passes (the largest reduction in Du Page County and the 2nd largest in the state). SB1 is a revised version of SB 16. The District 200 PTA Council voted to take a stance against the bill. Madison PTA will vote at its meeting May 21 whether to take a stance on this bill.
Please let Janet Mathis know your thoughts on the issue,
Please click here to read more about SB1.
Madison's 50th makes news
Check out the Daily Herald article, photos and video of students and staff forming a big 50 in honor of the 50th anniversary. Madison Elementary celebrates 50 years in Wheaton
Recognize outstanding teachers and staff
Has your student been inspired by a District 200 teacher or staff member? Please pick up an Inspiration Nomination form in the Madison PTA President mailbox by the copy room or download it here for your child to fill out. Crayon, pencil, stickers and/or pictures in the margins are all a welcome personal touch. Simply send it into the Madison office or send directly to the District 200 Public Relations Office at 130 W Park Ave., Wheaton, IL 60189.
If your student would prefer to fill out an online nomination form, you can find it here.
Questions? Contact Erica Loiacono at 630-682-2469 or
Clean up Madison grounds tomorrow
Have you noticed that there were more yellow daffodils around Madison school this spring? Student volunteers helped plant them in the fall in celebration of Madison’s 50th anniversary.
We want to continue to keep Madison beautiful. Volunteers are needed to help clean up the school grounds on Sat., May 9 from 9 a.m. to noon. We will be weeding flower beds, picking up litter, and spreading mulch. Some tools will be provided, but if you have your own gardening tools, please bring them. Refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there.
Please contact John Phanthavong ( with any questions.
Pre-Order 2015-2016 school supplies
Do you hate the thought of running all over town to find the right supplies? The PTA is selling school supply kits for next year. This is offered as a convenience for parents, not as a PTA fundraiser.
All Madison students will bring home a school supply order form in the next week. Paper orders are due on May 29, while online orders are due June 5.
All families are encouraged to order online at; however, paper orders will be accepted for those families without computer access. School supply kits will be delivered to your child's classroom by Aug. 17. If you have any questions, please email Kathryn Medanic at
Directory survey results
Thank you to the 100 parents who participated in the Directory Survey last month. The survey results are provided below. Based on the information collected, Madison PTA membership will continue to include both a digital directory and a print directory. However, please note that next year’s print directory will be simpler.
For questions, please contact Sarah Johnson,
Last Market Day of the school year
Stock up on all your Market day favorites or try it for the first time. The fresh produce is amazing as well as many of the frozen items.
Each month, restaurant-quality food products from the same vendors that supply many upscale restaurants are available for purchase. Market Day products are competitively priced and our PTA will earn profit on all purchases. Last year Market Day sales helped Madison raise nearly $2,000. These monies helped fund Multicultural Day, Explore More Day and many other important events for our students.
It's easy to participate. Simply order online at by 11 p.m. on FRIDAY May 15 or return the Order Guide to school by May 15 . Pick up your order right after school on Wed. May 20 from 3:30-4 p.m.
Multicultural Day needs you
By the time your child finishes fifth grade, Madison PTA will have taken him/her around the world. This wonderful annual tradition cannot continue without people to organize the day. We've reserved Thurs., Nov. 12 for this special experience. Please tell Julie Ippolito, or Janet Mathis, that you'd like to coordinate this great day.
Jr. Battle comes to a close
Many thanks to our awesome parent volunteers that served as group discussion leaders --
Mrs. Adkins, Mrs. DeMars, Mrs. Kammerzell, Mr. Ledvora, Mrs. Nigrelli, Mrs. Shore, Mrs. Spires, and Mrs. Webber. We couldn't run this program without your help!
And a big thanks to Dawnelle Muff, Jr. Battle Coordinator.
Thank you shoe donors
Thank you to all the families that donated their gently worn shoes. Students sorted and bundled approximately 120 pairs of shoes for Stuff for the Poor. Once these shoes are sold, the profits will help students in an African village with educational expenses. Thanks to the many kids who sacrificed their recess to help us with this service project. Of course, we could not do it without our parent helpers, Terry Bagley, Shannon Klopfenstein, and Anne Valente.
Thank you Book Fair volunteers
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our book fair! All proceeds support the LLC. We couldn't do it without our wonderful volunteers.
Sue Adkins, Admira Avdic-Kliko, Samantha Campen, Geena Caputo, Megan Day, Linda Doherty, Dawn Draus, Jen Doty, Jody Gosain, Heather Herr, Jeanett Hurtado, Shannon Klopfenstein, Alexandra Martinez, Janet Mathis, Kathryn Medanic, Dawnelle Muff, Michael Pascente, Jen Pashup-Graham, Abby Richardson, Misse Roberts, Vicky Samala, Amy Schmidt, Janine Shimp, Annette Shore, Margit Spires, and Lisa Thomas.
Happy reading!
Book fair committee: Stephanie Brown ( and Kristin Olson (
Reflections theme announced
Get your creative juices flowing! The Reflections theme for 2015-2016 is "Let Your Imagination Fly."
If you would like to help with Reflections next year, please contact Janet Mathis, or Julie Ippolito,
Save the date
Former Madison students awarded scholarships
District 200 PTAs come together each year to award 28 high school seniors with $500 college scholarships. Two recipients got their start at Madison Elementary. Congratulations Camille Farruggio and Jillian Wooten. Camille plans to study engineering; Jillian plans to study policy analysis.
Enroll in Summer Camps
Enrollment for the 2015 WW South Summer Recreation Camps is open. Programs available include badminton, baseball, basketball, cheer, track, cross country, dance, football, golf, softball, tennis, volleyball, wrestling, gymnastics and swimming.
Thank you LLC volunteers
Thank you to the Library Learning Center volunteers this year and to Kathryn Medanic, the LLC Volunteer Coordinator.
The library volunteer program has always been an important aspect of Madison’s LLC program. Volunteers shelve books, check books in and out, read stories, and complete the many tasks involved to make the library run smoothly. Volunteers also allow Mrs. Graham the opportunity to work with classes on research projects and other activities.
Volunteers are needed either mornings (9:15- 11:45 a.m.) or afternoons (1:00-3:30 p.m.). If you are interested in volunteering next year, please contact Kathryn Medanic at
Thank you to this year’s library volunteers: Sue Adkins, Amy Angolkar, Admira Avdic-Klinko, Stephanie Brown, Debbie Buttell, Joo Chang, Samantha Campen, Megan Day, Linda Doherty, Jen Doty, Dawn Draus, Karen Evans, Monica Fahey, Jody Gosain, Holly Harty, Heather Herr, Jeanett Hurtado, Kelly Masse, Janet Mathis, Becky McCarville, Debbie McCormac, Kathryn Medanic, Dan Milinko, Marla Mothershed, Dawnelle Muff, Anne Nigrelli, Kristin Olson, Jennifer Pashup-Graham, Abby Richardson, Vickie Samala, Janine Shimp, Annette Shore, Margit Spires, Jaime Szafranski, Lynne Tucker, Kristi Wallrab, Suzie Weber, Steph Whitehead, and Carol Worobec.
Thank you so much for your time and dedication!
Also, thank you to Holly Harty who organized the ink recycling program and Margit Spires who organized the General Mills Box Tops for Education program.
General Mills Box Tops for Education
Thank you for saving the Box Tops for Education. Because of your time and generosity, we have earned enough money to purchase Caudill, Monarch, and Bluestem Award books. Thank you for your support.
Incoming kindergartner registration
If you have a child who will be five on or before Sept. 1, 2015, please call the school office at 630-682-2095 to add your child’s name to our kindergarten list and to obtain information on registration. Please pass this information to any friends or neighbors with a potential kindergartner. Thank you!
Missing something? Check lost and found
Please have your student check the lost and found on the tables across from the gym. There are many very nice clothing items, mittens, hats, etc.
All items will be donated to Goodwill if not claimed.
Upgrading to a new tablet? Donate your old one to Madison
Madison teachers have found many ways for refurbished iPads/other tablets /handheld devices to complement the curriculum. Simply take your old device into Madison’s office during school hours of 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the staff will make sure it’s put to good use in the classroom. Please let your friends and relatives know too! Donations are tax-deductible.
Save the dates
Click on the calendar on the Madison section of to view upcoming dates. See below for some highlights:
May 20: Market Day
May 21: PTA general membership meeting, noon
May 22: Explore More Day
May 25: No school - Memorial Day
June 4: Field Day (rain date is June 5)
Aug. 17: Meet & Treat
Sept. 3: Picture Day
Sept. 16 & 17: Run-a-thon (rain date is Sept. 18)
Nov. 12: Multicultural Day
Jan. 23, 2016: Pancake breakfast
View the 2015-2016 school calendar here.