Growing Together @ STL
November 1, 2024

Leadership Message
We launched our Games Club this week! Very exciting! Who knew Battleship, Chess and Checkers were going to be the ultimate favourites! If you happen to have a chess, checkers or battleship game that is collecting dust, we will happily put them to great use! Thank you in advance for your generosity!
A few big wins and events this week for sure! Congratulations and thank you to Mrs. Bilyk for figuring out how to get our front foyer screen up and running and programming a Halloween countdown! So fun! Pictures rotate through and kids love to see themselves on screen!
Congratulations and Bravo to one of our students...our only student from St. Luke Catholic School...who celebrated Reconciliation at OLPH Church this past weekend. She is also working towards the Sacrament of Communion! Thank you for your exceptional Faith Leadership!
Thank you again to everyone who donated to Chill Ville. It is a space that is used daily by many students and it's a fantastic space for us to connect! Thank you St. Luke Catholic School Community for making it happen!
With continued gratitude for our fantastic community,
Pamela Gravelle
Here's your joke to launch the week:
What do skeletons have nightmares of?
This weekend's masses @ OLPH - Teaching Masses with Father Jim!
Sunday, November 3
- Hot lunch ordering closes for this week's orders
Monday, November 4
- Girls volleyball game @ St. Luke VS Fultonvale 4:00PM - GO MUSTANGS!!
Tuesday November 5
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in class
- Grade 4-8 Boys Intramurals @ lunch recess
- Grade 5/6 Girls Group @ 12:15
- RCMP Dog Safety Presentations for grades 1-4 11:00- 2:30
- DON'T FORGET! 3 Way Conferences 3:30 - 6:30
Wednesday, November 6 - School Spirit Theme: Twin Day
- EARLY DAY!! 1:40 Dismissal
- Grade 7/8 Girls Group 12:15PM
- Grade 3-8 Games Club @ lunch recess
- Student Support Team Meeting in support of all learners
- DON'T FORGET! 3 Way Conferences 2:30 - 5:30
- Girls volleyball game @ JPII 5 - 6PM. GO MUSTANGS!!
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
- Kinder - Dino Sense Day
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in Class
- GIFT Assembly @ 8:15am - Introducing New Sacred Teaching!
- Choir Practice @ lunch recess
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
- Grade 4 Girls Group 12:15PM
- Boys & Girls Open Gym Basketball Grade 6 -8 (Lunch recess)
- Hot Lunch for those who ordered
Friday, November 8
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in Class
- No Stone Left Alone - 10:30am Remembrance Day Service at SCL Cemetery
There will be a newsletter coming home Nov. 8th for the week following the break Nov. 18-22.
Have a Wonderful November Break: No School Nov. 11-15
St. Luke Advent Concert
A New Opportunity
What great affirmation that our St. Luke Catholic School community enjoys coming together to connect and celebrate together by the fantastic turn out at our Halloween Howler! The positive energy and joy of being together was palpable! We look forward to all of the opportunities our community can come together, connect and celebrate. As such, we are excited to share some fantastic details about our updated St. Luke Catholic School Advent Concert, a time when we celebrate the birth of Christ and the season of love, joy, hope and peace!
Our St. Luke Catholic School Advent Concert will be held in the evening at OLPH Catholic Parish on Thursday, December 19 at 7:30pm following mass at 6:15pm. Thank you for noting this updated date in your calendar.
Advent as well as Christmas are important times in our Catholic Liturgical calendars and celebrating at OLPH Parish keeps Christ at the forefront and the reason for the season. In addition, to help alleviate concerns about visibility for attendees, hosting the concert at OLPH Parish ensures everyone has a clear view. OLPH Parish Church also alleviates issues related to fire regulations and infrastructure, allowing families to invite more guests.
The St. Luke Parent Association will continue the annual raffle baskets in the church foyer, which will be available to both school families and parishioners.
Additionally, they will also hold an inclusive draw for front-row VIP seats, made possible thanks to the generous donation from one of our parents Jason Sopka with World Financial Group - Team Faith Leadership Group!
There will be a daytime dress rehearsal at OLPH Parish on Tuesday, December 17th that is open for families to view a daytime performance. The time for the dress rehearsal will be shared as soon as it is confirmed.
For the St. Luke Advent Concert, children are asked to wear their “Sunday Best.”
Never been to the OLPH Parish? Great news! We will be headed there for a school wide Advent mass on December 6 at 1:00pm. You are invited to join us and experience the beauty of our Catholic Church first hand as we launch our Advent season! You are also invited to join mass at 6:15pm on December 19 and our St. Luke Advent Concert will begin afterwards.
If you have any questions, you are invited to connect with our St. Luke School Council Executive or St. Luke’s Principal Mme Gravelle.
This Month we focused on Respect
Let's be like St. Andre Bessette
Congratulations to these students for demonstrating amazing respect this month!!
November's Sacred Teaching : Honesty
St. John Paul II reminds about truth and honesty. Below are pictures of St. John Paul II, when he was Pope John Paull II. He visited Edmonton and he walked in Elk Island National Park while in prayer.
Youth Ministry
Our parish is starting up Youth Ministry teams for youth in grade 6 and older who would like to volunteer at church! Roles include Greeting & Hospitality, Proclaiming (Reading at Mass) and Ushers ministry. We also have our Altar Servers Ministry for children who have received their First Communion (grade 2 and older.)
Any teachers or parents interested in getting more involved in Parish Life? We are looking for adult mentors also. Email PastoralPriorities@olph.ca to learn more or get involved.)
ELEVATE Youth Conference
We are also excited to announce Face to Face Ministries will be back at OLPH parish for our 3rd Annual ELEVATE Youth Conference on January 25, 2025! This incredible event is for youth in grades 6-8. Registration will be officially opening November 1 and we will be counting on our schools to help spread the word. Stay tuned...
Teaching Masses
For the first time ever, Fr. Jim will be presiding at ALL the Masses this weekend in a TEACHING MASSES style, as part of our Pastoral Priorities initiative. Please see Fr. Jim's letter in the parish bulletin for details. (You can access ALL the past videos on our parish YouTube Channel.) EVERYONE IS WELCOME! There will coffee and treats after all Masses that weekend also!
ABJ Halloween Carnival!!
Halloween Carnival hosted by the ABJ Student Leadership Team and Co-Led by our very own St. Luke 7&8 leaders at Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School! "Best day EVER!" said STL grade 2 student!
Thank you ABJ Student Leadership for ALL the amazing games and prizes!!
Grade 4, 7 & 8 Students and Families
In the middle of November Insight tests will be administered to Grade 4, 7 & 8 students and it is a group-administered test of cognitive abilities. The assessment is designed to measure cognitive abilities including reasoning, comprehension, memory, and visual/auditory processing. Students do not need to study for the Insight and the results do not impact their school grades. The results provide information about students’ cognitive strengths and areas of weakness to best support and program for all learners. For more information, please visit the link below.
If you have any questions, please contact St. Luke Catholic School's Inclusive Learning Facilitator Mrs. Kroeker.
November's Sacred Teaching
3-Way Conferences
A Checkpoint in Your Child's learning!
Have You Reserved Yours Yet?
Thank you for booking a time with your child's teacher and your child to celebrate successful learning at this checkpoint, and plan for future growth together. Please click the link below to register for your time slot!
Three Way Conferences are scheduled for:
November 5:
Mrs. Kroeker ~ 5:10PM - 6:20PM
Miss Boehm ~ 3:30PM - 6:20PM
Miss Diduck ~ 3:30PM - 6:20PM
Mrs. Winnick ~ 3:30PM - 6:20PM
Mme Jean-Burns ~ 3:30PM - 6:20PM
Miss Baldo & Mrs Kozitzky ~ 3:40PM - 6:20PM
Mr. Mak & Mrs. Kroeker ~ 3:30PM - 4:50PM
Mr. Mak ~ 5:10PM - 6:20PM
Mrs. Marple ~ 3:30PM - 5:50PM
Mme Gravelle ~ 3:30PM - 6:20PM
November 6:
Mrs. Kroeker ~ 2:30PM - 3:40PM
Miss Boehm ~ 2:30PM - 5:20PM
Miss Diduck ~ 2:30PM - 5:20PM
Mrs. Winnick ~ 2:30PM - 5:20PM
Mr. Mak & Mrs. Kroeker ~ 4:00PM - 5:20PM
Mr. Mak ~ 2:30PM - 3:40PM
Mme Gravelle ~ 2:30PM - 5:20PM
Happy Weekend everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
Just a reminder, that there will be no library next week, as I will be away at my other school Thursday and Friday for their book fair. Our St. Luke book fair will be in the spring.
Also, with fall break the week after, some grades had the option to take an extra book. It's getting colder, and there is nothing better than curling up with a blanket, some hot chocolate, and a good book!! Have great weekend!
No Stone Left Alone - Fri. Nov. 8
Our school is honored to participate in the No Stone Left Alone program at South Cooking Lake Cemetery, where we will be paying tribute to our local veterans by laying wreaths and flowers on the graves of the 12 veterans who rest there. This is a meaningful way for students to learn about sacrifice, service, and respect.
We warmly invite parents and families to join us for this event. Buses will be leaving St. Luke Catholic School at 10:30 a.m. and parents are welcome on the bus (pending space), or you may choose to meet us directly at the cemetery. Please let your child's homeroom teacher know if you’d like to attend.
Thank you for ensuring children are dressed appropriately to be outside for approximately 45 minutes. Please contact the office if your child is in need of warm clothing.
As John 15:13 reminds us,
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
We hope this experience will be a way for students to reflect on the profound contributions and sacrifices made by our veterans.
Thank you for your support in helping students understand the importance of this day.
Our day was SPOOK-TACULAR👻🎃👻🎃
Candy Exchange Continues to Wednesday
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday we welcome students to bring in Halloween Candy to donate to the Hope Mission in Edmonton. Students who donate candy will receive a thank you prize for their kindness and for spreading joy to those less fortunate!
Laughing Together is Healthy!
Brought to us by a student in Grade 7...
Why was the snowman digging through the carrots?
He was picking his nose!!!
a special thank you...
Thank-you to all the St. Luke Staff and Families who were able to attend our Annual Halloween Howler in support of the students of St. Luke Catholic School.
We were absolutely blown away by the amount of parent support to help volunteer with set up, at the dance itself, and clean up. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such an involved parent community. The Howler was an absolute success - we saw so many wonderful costumes, everyone danced the night away, and we saw the St. Luke family really come together.
A very special thank you to our resident DJ, Nathan Knysh, for keeping us dancing all night long and Brian Kucher for providing the lights, which adds so much to the atmosphere!
Thank you to Laura and Shannon Tuininga and Brenda Watmough for running the concession all night in support of the Grade 8 graduating class.
Finally, thank you to our Parent Council Executive Team for all of the behind-the-scenes coordination and prep work and a MASSIVE thank you to all of the wonderful parent volunteers who helped ensure the night went off without a hitch!
With gratitude,
St. Luke Catholic School Council & Parent Association
Powerschool Information Update
Please see the below information regarding some great changes to our school messaging system that will prevent important information or attendance notifications from going to parent/guardian spam folders.
Currently, when parents sign up for emails (or reset their PowerSchool password) the email address the message comes from is powerschool@eics.ab.ca
New rules introduced this year by Google, Yahoo, and a number of other email providers have resulted in a significant number of these emails being flagged as spam and not delivered to parents or guardians in regards to important or ongoing school information
Starting on November 11, 2024, parents receiving these emails will now see the "from" address become "no-reply@rackspace.powerschool.com". This makes it clear to the email server that this email (which comes from powerschool.com) is in fact advertising itself appropriately as coming from powerschool and should reduce how many emails get blocked.
If you have any questions regarding this upgrade please reach out to Mrs. Bilyk in the office!!
Christmas in the Country
Christmas in the Country is coming up on Saturday, December 7 from 10:00am to 4:00pm.
Our main market is full but there are still spaces for our young entrepreneurs! Check out the QR code for more information and to register your young creator!
If you have any questions regarding Christmas in the Country or our new Young Entrepreneurs Maker Market, please contact us at stlukeCITC@gmail.com
Mark Your Calendar!!
PAC/SAC Meeting Dates 2024/2025
All meeting begin at 6:00PM
November 25
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 7
May 12
June 9
Spirit Wear - Nov. 1 Final Day to Order!
2024 St. Luke Spirit Wear is now available!
To view the entire collection along with pricing, please visit our hot lunch site at https://stlukeschool.hotlunches.net
Orders will be accepted until November 1st and samples will be available at the dance next week. Any questions can be directed to Meghan Ferguson at meghan.e.lawlor@gmail.com.
Hot Lunch Info
If your child is sick or there is not enough notice to cancel, you can let the team know via hotlunchstluke@gmail.com or via FB messenger if you'd like to have the hot lunch sent home with a sibling, or given to another student at school.
If you have any questions or require support setting up your account or ordering, please do not hesitate to contact Shelby Mistecki at hotlunchstluke@gmail.com.
If you haven’t already, please join our School Council and Parent Association Facebook page! We are excited to offer this official space to share news and updates about events, fundraising, and more!
Questions or Want to Volunteer?
If you are interested in getting involved in events or have questions for St. Luke's School Council, please email stlukeparentassociation@gmail.com
Gift Hamper to Those In Need
Family Resource Network - So Much to Offer!
No such thing as a Bad Kid
Workshop For Parents & Caregivers
Upcoming Events @ St. Luke
- 11-15 Fall Break
- 25 - School Council Meeting
December (Everyone is invited!)
- 6 - PreK to Grade 8 Advent Mass 1:00pm @ OLPH Church
- 17 - Advent Concert Dress Rehearsal @ OLPH - time TBD
- 19 - 6:15pm Mass & 7:30pm Advent Concert @ OLPH
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)caedm.ca
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470School Contact Information
St. Luke Catholic School
Email: stl@eics.ab.ca
Website: stl.eics.ab.ca
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stlukeeics
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS