Back to School Info
Warsaw Community Schools (2024-25)
Warsaw Community Schools families,
We're excited to have you join us for another fantastic school year! Within this newsletter, you'll find some essential back-to-school information for you along with helpful links.
We can't wait to welcome students back on August 9!
If you haven't registered yet, please do so ASAP as the deadline has passed. Here is the link to register. If you are having trouble, please go to the front office at your child's school and they can assist.
- Upon completing student registration, families will receive a follow-up email from SchoolCare. This platform is used by school nurses to maintain student health health records and monitor office visits.
Back-to-School Open Houses
Elementary Buildings
August 8th: 4-5pm
Bring in supplies and meet the teachers!
Lakeview and Edgewood Middle Schools
Tuesday, August 13 from 6:00 to 7:30
Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 4:30-7:10 pm
2024-25 Schedules
School start and end times are here! Mark your calendars and remember to post this in a place you won't forget. Remember, on Mondays, we have a 50-minute delayed start!
Textbook & Supplies
Great news for WCS families!
Due to recent legislative changes, there will be no fees for textbooks and iPads (select courses may incur a consumables fee).
Click the button below to locate current WCS supply lists.
In addition, we have a new partnership with TeacherLists that allows you to add ALL of the supplies to your online cart with the click of ONE button! Check it out here.
Parent Square
ParentSquare is WCS's mass communication tool to keep parents informed in one consistent place across the district. Please keep your contact info up-to-date in Powerschool and download the Parent Square app to ensure that you receive information from your child's school and teacher(s).
Visit parentsquare.com to sign in to your account.
Food Service
Universal No-Cost Breakfast for This Year!
We are delighted to inform you that starting this school year, ALL students will receive a universal no-cost breakfast!
This means that every student can enjoy a nutritious breakfast at no charge, ensuring they start their day with the fuel they need to thrive in the classroom. Breakfast and lunch menus can be found here.
SchoolPay (Electronic School Lunch Payments)
Conveniently pay for your child's school lunches electronically! Click the link below to access our secure payment portal and conveniently manage your child's lunch account:
With electronic payments, you can easily track your child's lunch balance and even set up autopay!
If you would like to pay check or cash, visit here.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Route Information
If you signed up for transportation for this year, bus drivers and/or transportation department will be calling you with route information on/before Tuesday, August 6. Please call the Transportation Department at 574-269-1750 on Wednesday August 7 if you have not heard from your driver.
Please note: For the first several days of school, please be at the bus stop 10 minutes early. It will take several days for routes to get worked out as riders are added and dropped throughout the first week (which affects route times). Drivers are working hard to get your kids to/from school safely.
2024-25 Calendars
The 2024-25 calendar can be found on our WCS website (link below) and will copies will be available at Open Houses this week!
New Policies
Warsaw Community School's new cell phone and attendance policies ensure a safe, focused and productive educational environment, as required by Indiana state laws.
Regular attendance is essential for academic success, and adherence to Indiana Code 20-33-2-14 mandates clear attendance procedures.
The cell phone policy, in accordance with Senate Bill 185, minimizes distractions, fostering a space conducive to learning and personal growth.
iPad Accidental Protection Plan
All students in Warsaw Community Schools have an assigned iPad. These are used in the classroom on a daily basis. Students in grades 5-12 are permitted to take these devices home on a nightly basis. Students in Grades K-4 are permitted to take these devices home for E-Learning days. All electronic devices have the potential to break. Warsaw Community Schools works with Secured Tech Solutions to provide families with an Accidental Damage Protection plan to pay for repairs for only $30/student.
The table below gives examples of device repair costs for families without Accidental Damage Protection coverage.