Senior Scoop
October 25, 2024
About Us
Items for Your Calendar
November 2 - Holiday Mart at Trail Ridge Middle School (Sponsored by Project Grad)
November 5 - Last Day to order Senior Ad at current price
November 13 - JCCC-KU-KSU Connection Night 6 pm
November 19 - JCCC's College Financing Night 5 - 7 pm
College Rep Visits
**New ones added since last week
Oct. 31 - Bethel College (KS)
Nov. 1 - Highland Community College
Nov. 5 - Missouri University of Science & Technology (rescheduled from Sept. 23)
Nov. 7 - Grand Canyon University (Phoenix, AZ) (rescheduled from Oct. 8)
Nov. 12 - Donnelly College**
Nov. 15 - University of Missouri - Columbia (rescheduled from Oct. 29)
Dec. 5 - Neosho County Community College
Dec. 9 - Kilo Charlie Aviation**
If you are interested in any/all of the upcoming colleges visits, please fill out this Google Form to sign-up. You must sign-up before seminar on the day of the visit you're interested in attending.
**Please note college visits get added to the Google Form throughout the semester and it is your responsibility to update your form accordingly.
Navy Nuclear Power Program
Students are invited to attend a presentation put on by the United States Navy about their Nuclear Power Program for the Kansas City Metro area. A representative from the Navy will be here during seminar on November 4th, and he will be giving a short presentation about the benefits of Nuclear Power, a little bit about how it works, and some information about the Navy's Nuclear Power Program.
We are treating this just like a college rep visit, but we do have a separate sign up form since we are opening this up to all students at GEHS. Please complete our sign-up form linked here: https://forms.gle/mrc8aLdk5T1UQXfs7
More information about the program can be found in the PDF linked below. If you have any questions beforehand, please see Christine Jacobs in the Counseling Office.
Order Your Senior Ad Before November 5
Appointments are Available with our College Advisor
Sign up via this link to schedule an appointment this year with Elizabeth Guevara, our college adviser: https://calendly.com/guevarae-usd231. And remember, she can also assist with questions about all other post-secondary plans!
College Events to Consider
This padlet will contain information about events held on college campuses around the area, financial aid information sessions, college fairs, and everything in between! This padlet can also be found on the Counseling website at https://www.usd231.org/o/gardner-edgerton-hs/
Take some time to browse through the in-state college events advertised in the padlet for the following schools:
- Butler Community College
- Bethel College (they'll actually be here on campus next week as well)
- Dodge City Community College
- Fort Hays Tech
- Washburn University
- Wichita State University
Scholarship Information
New scholarships added this week:
- Washburn University
- Navy Training Corp Scholarships - due 1/31
We will post information, as it becomes available, to our Padlet titled "Scholarship Opportunities." Just click on the picture below or scan the QR Code! (Local scholarships will become "live" in March, and will be advertised separately at that time.) This padlet can also be found on the Counseling website at https://www.usd231.org/o/gardner-edgerton-hs/
Celebrating our Class of 2025
We want to display, promote, and especially celebrate the future plans of our senior class! Upstairs, right at the entrance of the 400 hallway, we have created an acceptance wall. When one of our seniors decides on the path they are going to take after graduation, whether that is college, working, trade school, military, or whatever else there is out there, we want them to sign their name to the corresponding sign on our acceptance wall. And if we don't have a sign for someone's next step, they need to talk to their counselor and we'll get it added!
Planning a Day Off for a College Visit?
If you are going on a college visit during a school day, please have your parent call Jill Washington, Attendance Secretary, 856-2610, at least two days prior to your visit in order for your absence to be coded as a school activity. You (the student) will also need to see Jill to obtain a College Visit Form.
- Seniors and Juniors may take two release days to visit colleges.
- No more than one visit may be taken in any quarter.
College days may not be taken the last week of any quarter.
College days must be taken before April 15.
Need a Transcript?
Click HERE to request a transcript or go to the GEHS website.
Please allow 5 school days for requests to be processed. Please limit ONE request per form.
If you require a letter of recommendation from your counselor, please submit them, via email, at least TWO weeks prior to them being due.