Wonder Watch
Fenton Area Public Schools - World of Wonder
March is Reading Month
Early childhood builds the foundation for literacy skills. The month of March is all about reading & literacy. Early childhood focuses on emergent literacy skills. Emergent literacy skills provides young children a foundation for later success in reading. There are many ways to teach emergent literacy skills while completing every day tasks. Taking time each day to read to your child, talk about print you see around you, and having conversations are all ways to promote early literacy. Something as simple as talking about stop signs while you are driving is developing pre-reading skills!
World of Wonder will be celebrating March is Reading Month by having family members read in classrooms and with a Spirit Week the week of March 18th. We have fun activities to promote literacy throughout the week.
We will also be sending home slips for families to bring in throughout the week with the names of books you read together at home.
Read, Write, ROAR!
Read, Write, ROAR! is an English Language Arts program for kindergarten through 3rd Grade learners. The Michigan Learning Channel partnered with MAISA and real Michigan teachers to create educational video lessons and corresponding activity sheets that align to Michigan teaching standards and the Literacy Essentials. Each lesson has a list of standards included as an easy reference for educators and homeschoolers. These lessons and activity sheets helps students build literacy skills through word-building lessons, read-alouds, writing exercises, exploring informational text, and more. Parents and educators can use these resources to build on what students are covering in school, as extra practice on key topics, and as fun activities to break up the day.
You can browse Read, Write, Roar Lessons HERE!
You can sign up for Family Literacy Nights HERE!
2024-2025 School Year
Join us for our community open house to visit the classrooms, meet the staff, and hear about program options for next school year. All current families or siblings of current families get priority registration through the month of March!
Enrollment Timeline:
- Enrollment for our current/returning families is open!
- Enrollment for new students will open on Monday April 1st
Kindergarten & Young 5's Information Night
United Way Campaign
Fenton Area Public Schools is holding a fundraising campaign for United Way of Genesee County. Our parent-child playgroup receives funding to run our program for children 0-5 and their caregivers. With the generous support from United Way, we are able to offer free programming to income qualifying playgroup families. Please take a minute to watch our campaign video and learn more about our parent-child playgroup!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
We will be holding our next parent-teacher conferences tomorrow and Friday. We will be closed Thursday March 7th and Friday March 8th*. The second family conference is focused on sharing information on your child's development since Fall and discussing plans for next school year. We use this time to strengthen our home-school relationships and focus on goals for your child!
*School Age Before and After Care will be open and run as usual.
Summer 2024 Programming
We are still working on finalizing summer offerings. Please complete the interest form if you would like us to contact you.
Enrollment Timeline:
- Enrollment for our current/returning families will open on Monday April 1st
- Enrollment for new students will open on Monday April 22nd
Our Next PAW Meeting
Dates to Remember
- Thursday March 7th & Friday March 8th: WoW Parent-Teacher Conferences; No School
- Tuesday March 12th: Kindergarten & Young 5's Information Night
- Monday March 18th: Community Open House
- Week of March 18th: March is Reading Month Spirit Week
- Wednesday March 20th: PAW Meeting
- Week of March 25th: Spring Break; No School
Winter Gear
As we are now entering the snowy season, don't forget to send in winter gear! Our classrooms go outside everyday except in rain or extreme cold weather. If the temperature is 10 degrees or lower and/or when a wind chill of 0 degrees, children will be given opportunities for indoor big movement play in one of our many spaces such as the Gross Motor Room or the Gym. With this in mind, please dress your children accordingly. All items need to be labeled with your child's name.
World of Wonder Illness Policy
Parents are asked to notify WoW if their child is absent for any reason. If a child develops a contagious disease (ex: pink eye, RSV, strep throat, ringworm, chicken pox), parents of all children exposed to the disease will be notified via written notice and email. A child who has had an illness should not return to school until released by the physician and is able to participate in the program as usual.
A child showing symptoms of illness while at WoW will be isolated until he or she can be taken home. Fevers are general indicators of illness. A child with a 99.4 degree Fahrenheit temperature under the arm is expected to go home. Parents or their designees are expected to pick up the child within one hour of the time they are contacted. If the child is sent home ill, a physician’s note authorizing the child’s return to group care may be requested, depending on circumstances. Children are also expected to be fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning back to WoW. This measure is necessary in order to comply with state law and curtail the spread of infection. World of Wonder reserves the right to refuse care due to illness and from suspicious rashes.
Help Support WoW
Help Support WoW's Community Share Room: Donate new or gently used clothing or household goods. Families can also come shop for FREE stuff!
Save Boxtops for Education and donate to WoW. Please see visual below. Our school is listed as "The World of Wonder"
Stay connected! Like our World of Wonder Facebook page and join our PAW facebook group.
Fenton World of Wonder
Email: mcobleigh@fentonschools.org
Website: https://www.fentonschools.org/o/escwowec
Location: 404 West Ellen Street, Fenton, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-8349
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WoWFAPS