Bear Country News
February 24th-28th
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Use the link to access important information related to breakfast and lunch:
Please be sure to apply for the free/reduced lunch application. Use the link below to see why this is important:
Parent Access to PowerSchool
Want access to your child's grades and other important information? Please register for Powerschool
Parent Resources
Please use link to access parent resources for math:
The Journey Continues
Greetings Hesse Families,
We had a great, although chilly, week at Hesse K8. We are waiting for warmer weather and longer days. Our basketball team finished their season with a tough loss in the semi-finals. Great job to all our athletes. If you have a middle school student interested in track and field, there will be an interest meeting and practice on Wednesday. They must have a physical on file to participate.
Please be sure to join us for our Black History Program and Business Expo on Thursday at 5:30.
March is upon us! Please use the link to access school calendar for the month of March:
With the pollen falling, that means the Hesse Spring Fling is just around the corner!!
We have Donatos pizza coming, the Hesse Athletes running the concession stand, games and cotton candy!
We are looking for parent or sibling volunteers. All high school volunteers can get their hours signed off on by a member of the PTA board!
Please look at the signup sheet below.
Please make note of the following for the week of February 10th:
Feb 25: Dine to Donate Texas Roadhouse 4pm-10pm
Feb 26: Drama Club for Gr 3-5
Feb 27: Read Day (Middle school students will visit the lower grades to read books to them)
Feb 27: Kona Ice https://customer.kona-ice.com/#/K1112804763
Feb 27: Black History Program 5:30-7:30 in the gym
Feb 27: DEEP Writing Program
Feb 28: Book Character Day (PreK-5)- elementary students may dress up as their favorite book character to celebrate Read Across America.
Field Trips this week:
None Scheduled
Athletic Schedule:
Boys:Practice Monday-Thursday 3:30-5:00
Girls:See Soccer Dojo for Schedule
Practice: Monday-Thursday 4pm-6pm
Track and Field:
Practice and Interest Meeting: Wednesday
Must have physical on file
Looking Ahead:
March 3-7: Career Week
March 5: Band to Statesboro for LGPE
March 7: 2nd gr to Oatland Island
March 7: Popcorn and Pickle Sales
Yearbook Information:
Safety remains a priority at Hesse. We continue to reflect on ways to enhance our school’s safety measures. Metal detectors will be utilized during arrival for students, students, and visitors. Additionally, Hesse K8 will follow the SCCPSS bag policy for all school events.
Parents will need to sign in students if they are tardy. Additionally, early dismissal ends at 2:15 PM daily.
For our most up-to-date information, please remember to visit:
Hesse Facebook page: Hesse K-8 Facebook
Hesse-panol page for our ESOL families: ESOL Facebook Page
PTA Page: PTA Page
Have a great evening! We look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday morning!
Hesse K8 Uniforms
With the understanding that student behavior is influenced by the way students are dressed and that no student should dress in a manner that is disruptive or has an adverse effect on school activities, the following mandatory uniform standards have been developed. Students are expected to dress in the school uniform during the school day, on field trips, and during school-related activities. Hesse K-8 uniform colors are as follows: hunter green or white uniform shirts; khaki or navy uniform bottoms. Please refer to the SCCPSS Code of Conduct for full details regarding uniform guidelines/expectations.
Additionally, the Dri-FIT shirts sold by our PTA will be accepted as a uniform top. Please contact our PTA for more information.
More Important Information
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Students will be assigned a security number and security tags will be given to each family to use during pick-up. Anyone who is picking up a student from campus will need to have the security tag or report to the office with identification.
Please be patient during carpool! The first week or two, the carpool line moves slowly until the students learn the new routine.
Please use the link below to review the Arrival and Dismissal procedures.