Coyote Chronicles

May 2, 2024
A message from the principal
As the days grow longer and warmer, we'll naturally find ourselves spending more time outdoors, connecting with neighbors, attending baseball/softball games, and diving into seasonal outdoor projects. However, this shift often leads to later bedtimes for students. Unfortunately, this lack of sleep can result in decreased focus and increased behavioral challenges among our Coyotes.
Understanding these dynamics, I urge you to maintain your regular school night routines as much as possible to ensure our Coyotes get the sleep they need to stay focused for the remaining 24 days of the school year. Remember, the school year is a marathon, and sticking to routines is crucial for getting all students across the finish line successfully. Please keep this in mind as you navigate your busy spring schedules. Your continued efforts and support are deeply appreciated.
Additionally, we've observed an increase in students using phones and watches during school hours, which is against district policy. Devices should be powered down and not in use between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM. Below, you'll find the district's official policy regarding electronic devices.
Thank you for proactively addressing this issue with your child and reinforcing these rules.
In an effort to improve student focus on learning and reduce distractions during the school year, a modification of the current cell phone guidelines has been made at the middle and high school levels. Removing cell phone use from the classroom will increase student engagement and learning, and limit the negative impacts of social media.
Elementary and middle schools: Electronic devices must be "powered off and away," concealed and not be powered on or used in any way during regular operations of the school day, during other school-sponsored and supervised group activities during the school day (e.g., during student assemblies, field trips, events, or other ceremonies, etc.), or when their use is otherwise prohibited by school personnel.
If a parent/guardian has an emergency and needs to contact a student right away, they may call the main office at the school and a message will be sent right away to the classroom to have the student step out and call home.
Track & Field Day Info ~ from Phy Ed Teachers
Dear Parents,
Andover Elementary will have a Track and Field Fun Day on Thursday, May 16, 2024.
Some helpful hints for you and your child:
1. Listen to the weather forecast and have your child dress for those conditions.
Dress your child in layers that they can put on or take off as needed. Students are encouraged to wear their T&F day t-shirt or a shirt in the color designated for their grade level: Kindergarten is purple, 1st is lime green, 2nd is orange, 3rd is yellow, 4th is grass green, 5th is gray.
2. For safety reasons, all students must wear tennis shoes that stay securely on their feet. No sandals, cleats, boots, crocs or flip flops.
3. Grades 1-5 events will rotate about every 20 minutes in the morning starting at 9:35 AM. Each student has selected the events that they will participate in, talk to your child about which events they chose so you know where to find them outside. In the afternoon, grades 1-5 participate in classroom team events (tug of war & shuttle relay). Click here for the schedule and map.
4. Kindergarten track and field starts at 12:00 PM and finishes at 2:30 PM - Kindergarten students stay with their teacher and rotate to different stations. Click here for the schedule and map.
5. You are welcome to come and watch the outside activities, we ask that parents not visit the classroom during the day. Please refer to the schedule and meet students outside.
6. Protect your child with sunscreen before they come to school. Students may bring a water bottle labeled with their name.
7. Please do not bring your pet to this event.
This is a day for the students of Andover. Encourage your child to try their best, to show good sportsmanship, and to have fun.
The Andover Elementary School Physical Education Teachers
Volunteers Needed for Track & Field Day
Track and Field day at Andover Elementary will be held on Thursday, May 16th. It's a favorite day of our Coyotes! To make sure it's a fun and safe day, we need over 100 volunteers to help run the event and record results at over 17 events.
The day is structured so that students participate in individual events in the morning and team events in the afternoon. We offer split shifts so that volunteers have the opportunity to serve our students by helping at events as well as enjoy time cheering on their students.
For more details and to sign up, please visit the Andover Elementary Track and Field Day Volunteer Sign Up
Kelli Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator
email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us
phone: 763-506-1723
Track & Field T-Shirt Orders & Gr. 5 Class T-Shirt Orders
Please be sure to put your students name and classroom in the notes section during checkout.
If you have already purchased a shirt, please remember that all shirts are being held at school and will be distributed to students on May 13th and 14th.
Track and Field Shirt Online Store
Volunteer news
Welcome to May! This is the busiest month of the school year. We have a lot of volunteer opportunities coming up, but before I get to that, let me say... THANK YOU.
Volunteers have given 2,700+ hours to Andover Elementary so far this school year. THAT IS AMAZING! The impact volunteers make at our school is fantastic, huge, incredible, insert all the words.
Every minute a volunteer can give is immeasurable. Volunteers allow a staff member to: Be in the classroom, get home to their families at a decent hour, and reduce their stress of prepping for class work. On behalf of the entire Andover Elementary Staff, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.
Here is how you can help in May:
- Track and Field - 100+ volunteers needed - 5/16
- Book Fair - 5/20 - 5/24
- General workroom help
Grade specific opportunities (sign up details sent home with students):
- Kindergarten Field Trip - 5/28
- 1st Grade Picnic - 6/5
- 5th Grade Party - 6/4
- 5th Grade Graduation - 6/6
Kelli Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator
email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us
phone: 763-506-1723
Happy May Coyote Families ~ Can you believe the school year is almost over? Time is flying!
Did you know this week at Andover Elementary we are celebrating National Staff Appreciation Week? The APTCO has a great line-up planned for spoiling our AMAZING Andover staff. Follow us on Facebook for an inside look at the events and treats we have planned. And a huge thank you to all of the wonderful families who graciously donated items to help make this week a success! We appreciate your continued generosity and support.
Our last APTCO meeting of the school year will be held on Thursday, May 9th. Join us to get an update on all the end of year activities, review the proposed budget for next year, and hear from Mr. Van Voorhis.
We hope to see you all there!
Andover Parent Teacher Community Organization
Andover Elementary School
2023-2024 APTCO Board:
Jessica Storkan ~ Chair
Tia Borich & Jess VanWyhe ~ Co-Vice Chair
Olivia Pizinger ~ Treasurer
Melissa Hayek ~ Secretary
Connect with us!
Follow us on Facebook
Check out our website: Click here
Yearbook Distribution Information
Yearbooks will be distributed to classroom teachers on Monday, June 3rd. It is up to the teacher as to when they are sent home.
EXTRA YEARBOOKS: We will have a few extra yearbooks for sale. If you would like the opportunity to purchase one, please visit the link below for more information.
Child nutrition update
Track and Field Menu:
Corn Dog, Peanut Butter and Jelly or Salad
Applesauce cups
Daily Breakfast at School ~ A Few Reminders:
We have seen a fairly significant increase in the number of students eating breakfast at school over the past month. Please note some reminders to help everyone get through the breakfast line quickly and allow everyone enough time to eat their breakfast.
1. If you attend Adventures Plus, please eat breakfast while you are with Adventures Plus.
2. When you arrive at school at 9:15 AM, please make your way to the kitchen quickly.
3. Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students go to the North Kitchen.
4. Third, 4th and 5th grade students go to the South Kitchen.
5. Scanning your card is going to be the quickest method for keeping the line moving. If you don't have your card you can punch your number in the key pad.
We are excited to see all of you in the cafeterias each morning.
Health services
Tidbits from the Health Office – Happy May!
Can we safely say spring has sprung around here? It’s crazy to think we are close to finishing up this school year. Way to go, Coyotes, on another successful school year.
Some things to think about:
-If your student takes medication here at school, scheduled or just as needed: We will be sending that medication home with them on the last day of school. Or be on the lookout for a form that you can request a different option to get it home. You are always welcome to give us a call or email to figure out the best plan for you.
-We want to encourage kids to wear their helmets: As students are getting those bikes, scooters, rollerblades and skateboards out. Their brains will thank them if they take a tumble!
-Water safety is very important too: The water is still very cold and dangerous this time of year. The sunshine and warmer weather feels great, but the lakes take a while to warm up. Don’t be fooled into thinking the water is warm enough to swim just yet. Hypothermia only takes a few minutes to set in. Always swim with a buddy.
-Do you have your child’s immunizations all up to date? We are here to help and answer any questions you may have. Often yearly check-ups are done during the summer months when school is out. You can bring them in the fall or get them to us via email or fax. Whatever works best.
05-03 Last Day to Order Track & Field T-Shirts
05-03 Gr. 4 Field Trip to Science Museum of MN
05-08 School Patrol Field Trip to Mall of America - Nickelodeon Universe
05-09 APTCO Meeting - 6:30 PM - S. Media Center
05-10 Gr. 2 Field Trip to Oliver Kelley Farm - 2KK, 2NL, 2MA, 2HB
05-16 Track & Field Day
05-20 - 05-24 - Book Fair
05-27 School Closed - Memorial Day
05-28 Kindergarten Field Trip to Como Zoo
05-28 Gr. 2 Field Trip to Oliver Kelley Farm - 2SV, 2KM, 2LB
06-03 Yearbooks distributed to classroom teachers
06-04 Fifth Grade Party
06-05 First Grade Picnic
06-06 Third Grade Picnic
06-06 Grade 5 Graduation
06-06 Last Day of School for Students
06-07 Staff Planning and Grading
This e-newsletter is published by Andover Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.