Gretchko Newsletter
September 15, 2023
Principal's Update
Hello Team WB!
What a terrific week! We had our first Global Equity Team meeting on Wednesday, welcomed families for Curriculum Night on Thursday, and practiced our first fire drill and kicked off FunD Run preparations with a practice run around the track today!
As we did try a new format this year for Curriculum Night, we would love to get your feedback, even if you were not able to attend. Additionally, please take a moment to listen to my welcome remarks below, as they include important updates regarding attendance as well as other important school procedures.
FunD Run is next Friday, September 22nd. Please see the news items below for important information, including the Signup Genius for FunD Run Volunteers!
Fall pictures arrived Thursday and were sent home. If you ordered pictures and did not receive them, please contact Lifetouch at 866-955-8342 (orders and customer service). If you child was absent for picture day the retake day will be Wednesday, November 1.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Jen Teal, Principal
Featured Book
Ranvir Cannot Hear by Genevieve Yusuf
Ranvir Cannot Hear is a magical story set in the plains of India and is about a little elephant who goes on a long journey in search of his hearing. On his travels he meets some wonderful friends along the way who can’t do certain things but tell him about the things that they can! Ranvir even finds out he has a special talent too...
Curriculum Night Follow-Up
Thank you to all those who were able to attend Curriculum Night. If you were unable to attend, please know that your child's teacher is always happy to connect with you. Additionally, below are the introduction video and the presentation videos from our specials teachers.
Finally, as we tried a new format this year, we welcome your feedback on how it worked for you and your family.
Star Slip Winners
Adaline Sarata, Alex Berri, Ian Taylor, Iris Mahoney, Michael Lekhtman, Vincent Munoz, Layla Wright, Dylan Ruskin, Evie Czyzak, Oliver Krull, Chase Sawica, Ariana Bolessa, Minahil Shaik, Axel Gandy, and John Schraffenberger. Once a week we draw a student from the many entries in each classes' star bin container to recognize. Once a month we have a second chance drawing and all of the month's entries are entered into the drawing. The winners (1 each grade) of the monthly drawing will have an opportunity to have a special activity with the principal.
FunD Run is Almost Here!
Math Pentathlon is Back!
Community Education Offerings
West Bloomfield School District expects students to be in school and on time for school on a daily basis. Our school day starts at 9:10am and ends at 4:02pm. Absent and tardy students will be recorded daily and parents will be notified.
- If your child will not be in school or will be late to school, you must call the 24-hour answering machine at 248-865-6572. Leave your student’s name, teacher’s name and reason for absence. For the safety of our students, please do your best to remember to call before the start of school.
- To excuse a health-related absence from the county-counted total, please provide the main office with a note from the medical facility your child visited.
- Students arriving after 10:15 a.m. will be marked absent for the full morning. If a student is picked up before 3:00 p.m. they will be marked absent for the full afternoon.
Changes to Your Child's Arrival or Dismissal Plan
Any changes in a child’s routine transportation “the day of” must be written and received by the school. We cannot accept any transportation changes after 3:00 p.m. Please do not EMAIL OR LEAVE VOICE MAIL MESSAGES regarding student transportation on the day of the change. Teachers may not receive the message in time regarding the change.
If your child will be riding home with a friend on the bus, both parents must send in a signed note giving the children's names and bus number. This should be used sparingly, not as a regular occurence.
Math Is Fun!
Our students use a math curriculum called Bridges. Each month, we will send you resources in our newsletter to let you know what unit the students are working on as well as to give you ideas on how to extend your child's math learning at home. For the month of September, the resources are as follows:
Maker Space Supply Donations
We are working on setting up the MAKERSPACE area opposite the I Center. Anyone interested in donating the following items are needed. section to the newsletter? toilet paper tubes, red, orange, yellow tissue paper, pipe cleaners, plain white paper plates, and craft sticks. Please send the items to Monica Hammerick, in the I center. Amazon wish list for families wanting to purchase directly from and send right to school!
Safety Turning Into Gretchko From Greer Rd
Earlier this school year, there was unfortunately an accident right at the entrance to Gretchko from Greer Rd. as dismissal began. If you are approaching Gretchko from the West, please come completely to the top of the hill and check for oncoming traffic before turning left. Thank you!
Community Education is Hiring!
World Celebrations
September is Hispanic Heritage Month
September 16: Mexican Independence Day
September 17: Constitution Day
September 22: American Indian Day
September 24 – 25: Yom Kippur
September 26 – 27: Mawlid al-Nabi
September 29 – October 6: Sukkot
September 29 – October 14: Pitru Paksha
Gretchko PTO Calendar
9/19 - Volunteer Training Option 1 from 9:15-10:15 am
9/20 - Volunteer Training Option 2 from 6:00-7:00 pm
-HRP meeting to follow 7:00-8:00 pm
9/22 - FunD Run during the school day
9/25 - No School
9/27 - Marco’s Pizza Night
9/29- Bagel Day and Gretchko Spirit Wear Day
10/10 - PTO General Meeting at 7:00
10/11 - Late Start (10:10)
10/25 - Late Start (10:10)
- Marco’s Pizza Night
10/27- Spooktacular 5:00-7:00 pm
10/27- Bagel Day and Hat Day
11/3- Fall Parties (during school)
11/7 - No School
11/8 - PTO General Meeting at 7:00 pm
11/13 - 11/16 - Marco’s Pizza Box Week
11/14 - Conferences
11/17- Half Day of School (Dismissal 12:12)
- Bagel Day and Favorite Sports Team Day
11/22-11/26 - Thanksgiving Break
11/29 - Late Start (10:10)
12/13 - Late Start (10:10)
12/15 - Bagel Day and Crazy Hair Day
12/20 - Marco’s Pizza Night
12/23-1/7 - Winter Break
*All dates are subject to change*
Gretchko Spirit Wear Now Available Online!
Does your child (or you) need some more Gretchko spirit wear? Now you can order online at
Gretchko Contact Information
Location: 5300 Greer Road, West Bloomfield Township, MI, USA
- Main Office Phone: (248)865-6570
- SAFELINE to report absences: (248) 865-6572. This is a 24 hour answering machine.