Parent Dolphin Bulletin
August 28-September 1
Northwoods Park Middle School
Inspire. Lead. Serve.
Northwoods Park Middle School will build communities that create opportunities to inquire about the future, lead in the present, and serve in their community.
To build communities through inquiry, leadership and service learning.
School Website:
School Facebook:
A Message from Ms. Cooks
Last week's Openhouse was a SUCCESS!! I would like to thank everyone that came to enjoy our Open House event. The opportunity to meet our families and students was an excellent way to start off the year, and we can feel the excitement and positive energy the community brings towards to the school. The support and involvement of family is one of, if not the most, important part of a child's education, and we look forward to a continued partnership. On Monday, we wish to extend a warm welcome to all our new and returning students as we kick off a successful school year!
New School Hours
Tardy Bell: 7:30
Bus Riders: 2:40
Car Riders: 2:42
Walkers and Athletes: 2:45
NOTE: All early check-outs must take place before 2:15.
Arrival and Dismissal
Commuter Information
Commuter traffic will drop off and pick up students near the football field off of Decatur Rd. We will continue the same drop off and pick-up procedures from last year. Please follow the cues of the staff members on duty. Remember it is our main goal to keep our students safe and to provide orderly and efficient transitions.
No students should arrive/be dropped off prior to 7:10 am, as staff is not available to monitor students. Once students arrive on campus they should report directly to their homeroom class unless they are eating breakfast in the cafeteria. Hanging out in the halls or bathrooms with friends will not be tolerated and will result in a consequence.
We will begin dismissal at 2:40. All students should be off campus in the afternoon by 3:00. OCS has implemented a new dismissal policy, for security purposes, parents/guardians cannot start the car rider dismissal line before 2:10 pm. Please DO NOT plan to arrive and line up in the car rider line prior to this time. Parents will not be permitted to do so. (See below for more details regarding carpool and walkers)
Bus Riders-2:40 p.m.
Car Riders- 2:42 p.m.
Walkers/Athletes- 2:45 p.m.
Walkers will be dismissed at 2:45 along the breezeway by the flagpole. Walkers headed toward Decatur Rd must walk down the sidewalk along Sioux Dr. to the Decatur Rd intersection and turn right at the stop sign. They will then walk down the sidewalk stopping for school personnel located at the exit and entrance to the carpool lines. Students will not be permitted to cut through the staff parking lot.
As you can see in the drawing below, we are going to reverse our carpool line and stage cars in the center of the circle (lanes 2-7). We will also call for students by name and loading zone number. Each parent was provided a BLUE card at Open house. Please write your child's first and last name on the card.
Students will load cars along the sidewalk next to the building by loading zone numbers. Parents are asked not to stop along the curb as their students are walking but to pull all the way forward as students are going to be sent to numbered locations. Once students load, cars will turn left through the staff parking lot, exiting the school by turning LEFT out of the parking lot onto Decatur Rd. If you need to head back toward Doris Ave., you will need to go around the block on Sioux Dr. and Bosco Dr. to the triangle intersection and proceed on your route. Please follow the procedure above to help maintain safety for ALL students.
Note: We are working to print all student names on blue cards, these will be distributed to ALL students on September 1. Please keep your child's card even if they are a walker or bus rider, these cards will be needed if you ever need to pick them up from school.
Bus Information
Students should arrive to the bus stop 10 minutes prior to their estimated morning pick up time. We ask that everyone be patient on the first few days as drivers become acquainted with the stop and bus routes. If you are unsure of your child's bus times, please visit for detailed information.
Stops are established in accordance with North Carolina State Department of Transportation Rules and Regulations. Drivers are only allowed to make stops listed on the route sheets. Parents or students should not request drivers pick-up or drop-off at unauthorized stops.
Any questions regarding bus routes or transportation should be directed to the Jacksonville Area Transportation Department at 910.455.0562
School Fees
School Fees
As a reminder, homeroom and elective teachers will be collecting the following fees for the 2023-24 school year:
- Technology Assessment Fee: $25.00*
- Vocal Music/Chorus Fee: $2.50 per semester/$5.00 per year
- Band/Orchestra Fee: $5.00 per semester/$10.00 per year
- Art Fee: $3.50 per semester
* This fee is required for all students.
We are HIGHLY encouraging parents to pay fees online this year. Of course we will continue to accept cash or check.
Online payments can be made at:
School Lunch Information
Meals, foods, and beverages sold or served at schools meet state and federal requirements, which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. Student have access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.
Prepayment Options
Students and families are encouraged to prepay for lunches and/or other a la carte items available in the school cafeteria. Prepayment allows for the line to run smoother and faster allowing students more time to eat and socialize with their peers. Families can prepay with cash or check through the school cafeteria or establish an online account at When registering for an online account, parents will need their child's student ID number, which is conveniently located at the top of their schedule.
Apply online at or visit the OCS website for more information and printable applications.
Remember every year an application must be filled out. Please call the school if you have any questions.
Safety Information
Safety Information
The safety of students and staff is paramount. and we work continuously to ensure that we provide a safe learning environment for all. In conjunction with the district office and law enforcement, Northwoods Park Middle School has a detailed safety plan to keep our campus safe and secure and uses a Standard Response Protocol (SRP) when dealing with any crisis or emergency. Some key daily safety features are:
- The school is served by a full-time School Resource Office employed by the Jacksonville Police Department
- Exterior doors remain locked at all times with the exception of morning arrival where school staff provide supervision and screening.
- During instruction, classroom doors remain locked from the outside/hallway.
- Visitors are required to enter the school office and must present a valid photo identification.
- Staff have immediate access to an emergency response program that provides them with real time access to school officials and law enforcement should an emergency occur.
Safety Drill Information
In order to maintain a safe environment for our school community, it is necessary that we practice our emergency and crisis Standard Response Protocol by having drills designed to exercise our procedures. Staff and students will be practicing three primary emergency drills this year.
- Evacuate: Students and staff are trained to leave the area/building and evacuate to a specified location. These drills are completed monthly.
- Lockdown: Students are staff are trained to move away from sight and maintain silence. These drills are completed quarterly.
During the first week of school, Northwoods Park Middle will practice our Evacuate and Lockdown drills to ensure that students are familiar with their response. The schedule will be as follows:
- Tuesday, August 29th- Fire Drill
- Thursday, August 31st- Lock Down Drill
** Drill date may be altered in the event of inclement weather.
Please remember that these safety practice drills are done to help maintain our schools as a safe place to learn and work. The school will resume normal operations once the drill is complete.
School Improvement Team
Northwoods Park Middle School is seeking interested parents and guardians to serve on the school's Strategic Planning Team/School Improvement Team (SPT/SIT).
Interested parties should self-nominate using the form: All submitted names will be voted on and selected by a group of parent/guardian representatives.
The SPT/SIT team is comprised parents/guardians, administrators, certified staff and classified staff.
If selected, you will be listed as a member on the school's official strategic plan. Members help to write goals, performance indicators, and supporting activities to be the driving force behind school improvement.
The full team meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 2:50pm, but the dates may be modified slightly based up on the OCS calendar. Parent members aren't required to attend every meeting, but are encouraged to participate as often as possible.
September games (Football and Softball)
September 6: Football away @ SMBS
September 7: Softball away @ SMBS
September 11: Softball Home (NBMS)
September 12: Football Home (NBMS)
September 14: Softball Home (BMS)
September 19: Football Home (BMS)
September 18: Softball away @ HCMS
September 26: Football away @ HCMS
Important Dates
August 28: First Day of School
September 4: Labor Day Holiday (No School)
September 19: Progress Reports
September 20: Professional Development day (Half Day)
October 9: Teacher Workday (No school for students)
October 10: Progress Reports
October 18: Professional Development day (Half Day)
October 31: End of the 1st Grading Period
November 7: Report Cards sent home
November 10: Veteran's Day Holiday (No School)
November 15: Professional Development day (Half Day)
November 22: Teacher Work Day (No school for students)
November 23-24: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)
November 27: Progress Reports
December 15: Progress Reports
December 18-29: Winter Break (No School)
January 1: New Years Day Holiday (No School)
January 2: Teacher Workday (No School for students)
2023-2024 Student Handbook
Northwoods Park Middle school
Location: 904 Sioux Drive, Jacksonville, NC, USA
Phone: 910-347-1202