Panther Pride News
Week of April 8, 2024
April 2, 2024-April 10, 2024: AK STAR Math and Reading Assessment
April 9, 2024: Staff Meeting, 3:00 pm, LMC
April 10: 2024: Make Up Staff Meeting, 7:30 am, LMC
April 10, 2024: Rising 8th Graders Virtual Open House, 6:00 pm, Virtual Meeting
April 10, 2024: PTSA Meeting, 6:30 pm, Virtual Meeting
April 16, 2024-April 17, 2024: AK STAR Make-ups
April 18, 2024: Mix It Up at Lunch Event
Apri; 19, 2024: April Closure Day, No School
In Japanese Immersion News . . .
The 19th Annual Alaska Japanese Speech Contest was held last Saturday, March 30th, at UAA Fine Arts Building. The Mears Panthers were well represented!
7th Grade: Brody Johnson
8th Grade: Gabriel Bailey, Anya Carpenter, Amelia Elsberry, Kaylin Kirkham, Kaleah Middleton, McKenna Mott, Elijah O’Neil, Aaliyah Orallo, Toril Peterson, Jonna Tyson, Mikaela Webb, Brighton Williams, Jasmine Withey, Evangeline Budd, Jerianne Cabuhat, Jim Corrigan, Callie Edades, Octavian Jones, Sara Taylor, Alice Wingate.
First Place in the Group Skit Category:
Anya Carpenter, Kaylin Kirkham, Toril Peterson, Mikaela Webb, Jasmine Withey
First place in the Original Poetry Category:
Mikaela Webb
Second place in the Haiku Category:
Brody Johnson
Second place in the Song Category:
Alice Wingate
Save the Date
Rising 8th Graders Virtual Open House Hosted on Zoom
Virtual Open House for Mears Rising 8th Grade Families
Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024, 06:00 PM
In Assessment News . . .
AK STAR Math & Reading (8th grade): April 9-10
Note the revised class schedule for AK STAR testing for April 9-10.
Questions? Please contact the Building Test Coordinator, Tara Bivins at bivins_tara@asdk12.org or 907-742-6197.
In Team News . . .
Team Muir: Fridays are now team t-shirt days for Team Muir! If you wear your team t-shirt, you will be entered into a raffle for a prize by Mr. Peterson. If you don’t have him as a teacher, please make sure you see him before the end of the day on Fridays for a raffle ticket! Raffle winners will be announced the following Monday.
T-shirts are on sale for $10. Please pay for them on Q/Zangle or through Ms. Robin with cash. Pick up your shirt from Ms. Pascual in room 204 by showing your receipt.
Our last team day is on Friday, May 3rd. Permission slips were given out by Mr. Peterson. If you need one, please see Mr. Peterson in Room 120.
If you wear your team t-shirt on team day, you will be given a treat AND the opportunity to sign up for the 8th Grade Spirit Olympics occurring at the end of the school year.
In Athletic News
Track & Field has 100 student-athletes competing in 14 events. We are happy that ASD & Mears support student activities and we have “The Dome” available. Our next meet is on April 9th at 2 pm.
Parents As Partners
Parenting Podcast & Article
Smartphones are addictive and contribute to low self-esteem and feelings of isolation among kids. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt about his book The Anxious Generation.
Family Friendly Activities
Summer Camp Opportunities
Back to School Information: Planning Ahead
Morning Detention
Detentions are 7:15 am-7:45 am, in Room 106, Tuesday-Friday. Please drop-off your student at the North Entrance to access the building. Security staff will greet your student and escort them to Room 106. Please contact AP Svendsen with any questions.
Lunch Detention
Lunch Detentions are held daily during each lunch wave in Room 106. Students are expected to check-in with the supervisor at the beginning of lunch. Students who need to purchase food from the cafeteria will be issued a fast pass to procure their food and return to Room 106 to serve the assigned lunch detention.
Office Hours
Absent Notification Procedures
Jane Mears Middle School
Email: marquand_carla@asdk12.org
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/mears
Location: 2700 West 100th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-6400