Adult Services News
November & December 2021
Adult Service Round Table Meeting
Meet with members of the Adult Services Round Table to help brainstorm ideas, trends, and topics for upcoming CE events this Spring. We will also do some general checking in about our libraries and communities.
We are always welcoming new members, and this is a perfect meeting for anyone who hasn't been before, or who hasn't been in a long time!
Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021, 02:00 PM
Online - Zoom
OLIS Offering Spotlight
OLIS Library Presenter Database
This directory allows library presenters, performers, and speakers to enter their information into a browse-able and searchable directory in order to connect RI libraries and potential presenters.
We need your help promoting the directory to all your presenter/performer/speaker contacts - the more entries we receive, the more helpful this resource will become.
Have you had a great presenter at your library you think others would like to work with?
Are you getting cold-emails from presenters with promising events? Tell them to register for the database! Here's the link to share:
Library staff can make accounts to access all the entries from presenters.
Please note: OLIS does not endorse any of the presenters in the Presenter Databse. The information provided is a congregated list of presenters' self-promotion, and we suggest asking for references and using your own vetting process before hiring any other presenters.
Upcoming Events and Conferences
- Strategic Planning Day (Virtual, November 16) - Free
- Library Journal Design Institute (Virtual, November 30) - Free
- PRH Winter Book and Author Festival (Virtual, December 9) - Free
- LibLearnX (Virtual, January 21-24)
Online Learning Opportunities
- Inclusive and Equitable Strategic Planning - Candid, November 16
- ALA's Sara Jaffarian Award Presents: Teaching the Tulsa Race Massacre with Guided Inquiry Design - Programming Librarian, November 16
- Adults Need Play and How Libraries Can Help - Nebraska Library Commission, November 18
- Supporting Formerly Incarcerated Individuals with a Fresh Start @ Your Library - PLA, November 18
- Understanding Eviction and How Libraries Can Help - WebJunction, November 18
- The Myth of the Work/Life Balance for Small Library Directors - Web Junction, December 9
Archived (Always Available)
Grants and Awards
ARSL Penguin Random House Grants for Small and Rural Libraries (December 17; rolling)
A grant opportunity through Penguin Random House and the Association of Rural and Small Libraries to support a special project at a library that demonstrates true need. Available to small and rural libraries nationwide, membership in ARSL not required.
Public Humanities Projects (January 12)
The Public Humanities Projects program supports projects that bring the ideas of the humanities to life for general audiences through public programming. Projects must engage humanities scholarship to analyze significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art history. Awards support projects that are intended to reach broad and diverse public audiences in non-classroom settings in the United States. Projects should engage with ideas that are accessible to the general public and employ appealing interpretive formats.
"Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions — such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities — improve their ability to preserve and care for their significant humanities collections."
Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections (January 13)
"The Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections program helps cultural institutions meet the complex challenge of preserving large and diverse holdings of humanities materials for future generations by supporting sustainable conservation measures that mitigate deterioration, prolong the useful life of collections, and support institutional resilience: the ability to anticipate and respond to disasters resulting from natural or human activity."
Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants for Libraries (February 13)
"Three Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grants for Libraries are given annually - two Will Eisner Graphic Novel Growth Grants will provide support to two libraries that would like to expand its existing graphic novel services and programs and one Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant will provide support to a library for the initiation of a graphic novel service, program or initiative. These Grants will support two categorical grants that will encourage public awareness on the rise and importance of graphic literature, sequential art, and comics as a literary medium."
FINRA Foundation Library Grants (FINRA, March 1)
"This grant program supports public libraries and academic libraries in their efforts to meet financial and/or investor education needs at the community level by providing high-quality education, services, and resources. The program also aims to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion in access to personal finance education and information."
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
- National Alzheimer’s Disease Month
- National Family Caregivers Month
- National Home Care & Hospice Month
What do all of these things have in common? Senior services! Check out our Engaging Seniors LibGuide for lots of information on supporting seniors in your community, and celebrate this month!
- Fibonacci Day (November 23)
- Spiritual Literacy Month
- National Human Right's Month
- Root Vegetables and Exotic Fruits Month
- Halcyon Days (the 14 days around the Winter Solstice)
- Dewey Decimal System Day (December 10)
- Crossword Puzzle Day (December 21)
- National Blood Donor Month
- National Mocktail Week (2nd week)
- National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Week (January 24-29)
- National Trivia Day (January 4)
- National Handwriting Day (January 23)
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9314
Twitter: @olisri