BMHS Parent/Family Update
July 24th, 2024

March 7th, 2025
We are Hiring!
Please see the posting below for job opportunities at BMHS! To apply, visit https://bellevue.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx.
Upcoming ACT Test
The Spring Play Performance is Coming Up This Week!
The Bellevue Middle School/High School Dram Club presents, Beetlejuice Jr. There will be two performces:
Friday, March 14th - 7:00pm
Saturday, March 15th - 7:00pm
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students. Mrs. Foster, Mr. Tosolt, and the entire cast and crew would love for you to come out and enjoy the show!
Southgate Students Visit BMHS!
It was great having the 8th Grade class from Southgate visit Bellevue this week. We hope to see all of you next year in black and gold!
Calling All Future Tigers!
Are you interested in being a Bellevue Tiger next school year? Save the date now....our 2025-2026 Open House will be on March 20th, 2025. The event will run from 5:00pm - 6:30pm. You will be able to learn more about the great academic, athletic, and extra curricular opportunities that we offer and what it means to have Tiger PRIDE! The evening will follow the schedule below.
Dinner served 5:00pm - 5:30pm - BMHS Cafeteria
5:30pm - Welcome and instructions from Mr. Spicher, Principal BMHS - BMHS Cafeteria
5:45pm - Academics/Athletics and Extra Curricular Activities Rotation #1 - Library and BMHS Cafeteria
6:00pm - Academics/Athletics and Extra Curricular Activities Rotation #2 - Library and BMHS Cafeteria
6:15pm - Enrollment information with Mrs. Katrina Rechtin, BISD Director of Student Services - BMHS Cafeteria
End of the Quarter is Coming Up
The end of the 3rd academic quarter is quickly approaching. Grades will be finalized by the end of the day on March 11th. 3rd Quarter report cards will go home on March 14th. It would be a good idea to have a conversation with your student about where they currently stand with their grades as we wrap up the quarter.
Dual Credit Parent Meeting
Is your child interested in taking classes at Gateway or NKU next year? Would you like to find out more about the dual credit opportunities at BMHS? Dave Pelgen, our Transition Coordinator, will be hosting a Dual Credit Parent Information Night on Monday, March 10th at 6:00pm in the BMHS Library.
2025-2026 Sophomores Interested in College Courses at Gateway
Attention all rising sophomores. Did you know that you could possibly take some courses at Gateway Community College that counts both as a credit here at Bellevue and as college credit? Here is what you need to know:
- The deadline to apply is THIS FRIDAY. Pick up an application from Mr. Pelgen.
- Sophomore students must have a 3.5 GPA.
- You must take an ACT exam and hit at least one of the following benchmarks. Visit act.org to register.
- Math - 19
- Reading - 20
- ACT scores must be reported to the school before the start of the 25-26 school year.
- Bellevue families are responsible to pay the discounted dual credit tuition rate during the sophomore year.
BISD March Madness Attendance Challenge
We are getting ready to kick off our March Madness Attendance Challenge soon! Beginning the week of March 17th, grade levels across the district will compete against each other in an attendance challenge. The winning grade for the week will advance. The overall winning grade will win a reward during the school day. More info to come!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
We had our first Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting this past week. It was great to have former longtime teacher and coach Marty Mayer back in the building to help mentor our students. The next meeting will take place on Friday, April 4th at 7:15am in the Coach Montgomery's room. The meeting is open to all students.
Good luck to Carter Slone!
Good luck to Carter Slone of the Special Olympics State Basketball Championships this weekend. We are proud of you Carter!
2 Athletes Place at the State Indoor Meet!
Congratulations to Chloe Meyers and Marcelo Herald who both placed at the KHSAA Class A State Indoor Track and Field Championships this past week. Chloe, placed 3rd in the Girls Shot Put. Marcelo, placed 4th in the 55m Hurdles, and 3rd in the Long Jump. We are very proud of both of them!
Elementary and Middle School Track
Do you have a student who would be interested in joining our Elementary or Middle School track teams? Practice starts on Monday for all elementary and middle school students on the schedule listed below. All students must have an athletic physical before they can begin practice. All practices will be held at Newport High School. For more information, contact Head Coach Lavar Herron at lavar.herron@bellevue.kyschools.us.
Middle School
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday - 3:30pm - 4:30pm | Wednesday - 3:15pm - 4:15pm
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday - 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Are You Interested in a Career in the Health Care Field?
Calling all students who may have an interest in pursuing a career in the health care industry. Check out the information below regarding a volunteer program through St. Elizabeth Healthcare.
Attendance Matters
Thank you for the great work during the statewide High Attendance Day! We had a great day with right around 95% attendance across Grades 6-12. 11th and 12th grades were the highest in the building with 98.11% attendance. Let's keep up the great work!
Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line
In order to promote a safe and health school environment, we encourage all of our students to report suspicious activity, safety concerns, or mental health concerns to a trusted adult. If they do not feel comfortable talking to an adult in the building, they can always report concerns to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line at 1-866-393-6659. All reports to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line are completely anonymous.
Bellevue, Kentucky 41073