December 2024
WES Newsletter
Important Dates
WES Christmas Food Drive
We will kick off our annual Christmas Food Drive when we return from Thanksgiving Break on Monday, December 2nd. This will run for three weeks and end on Friday, December 20th. We have a goal of 1,500 food items AND $300 in monetary donations to be used for the Food Pantry to purchase eggs & milk. As always, thank you for your generosity!
1st Grade Music Program | Tuesday, Dec. 3rd
Our 1st grade will be performing their Christmas Music Program on Tuesday, December 3rd. Doors will open at 5:10 pm and the program will begin at 5:30 pm in the gym. We are looking forward to showcasing their talent for all of their families and friends!
PTC Meeting | Thursday, December 5th
This month's PTC meeting will be on Thursday, December 5th at 3:45 pm. Meetings are held in our cafeteria.
Secret Santa Shop Schedule
Secret Santa Shop 2024
Our PTC will once again be hosting Secret Santa Shop. During the week of December 9th-13th, your child's class will get to visit and shop for their loved ones this Christmas. This is CASH ONLY! If your child misses their scheduled time, there will be an open shopping time on Friday.
3rd Grade Music Program | Tuesday, Dec. 10th
Our 3rd grade will be performing their Christmas Music Program on Tuesday, December 10th. Doors will open at 5:10 pm and the program will begin at 5:30 pm in the gym. We are looking forward to showcasing their talent for all of their families and friends!
Classroom Christmas Parties
Your child's teacher will be hosting a Class Christmas Party on Thursday, December 19th from 2:15-3:00 pm. Your child's teacher will communicate more details soon.
Christmas Break
Our Christmas Break is from December 21st through January 6th. Students return on Tuesday, January 7th. Have a safe, relaxing, fun, and memorable break!
Important Information
From Mrs. Viehman
Fixed Mindset (Believing that you cannot learn new things) vs.
Growth Mindset (Believing that your brain can grow and you can learn many new things).
KV's Body Safety Presentation
During the month of December, all WES students grades K-3 will listen to a presentation from Mrs. Viehman on Body Safety. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Viehman, our School Social Worker.
School Attendance is Important!
As we approach the end of the first semester, you are encouraged to review the KVSC attendance policy. The policy is available via the KVSC website by clicking on "Parents", then "attendance information".
A few reminders include:
1) School attendance is mandated by Indiana State Law
2) School attendance is the #1 factor in determining student success
3) Please limit absences to days that are absolutely necessary
4) Communicate with the school on days your student is absent
5) The absence count does not reset at semester
6) A meeting will be held after 8 unexcused or 16 total days absent.
7) For grades kindergarten through 6, a meeting will be held if the student reaches 5 unexcused absences within a 10 week period
Winter Wear
As our seasons change, our temps are dropping. Please be sure to send your child to school with the appropriate hats, coats, and gloves.
If you need any assistance with getting hats, coats, or gloves for your child(ren), please reach out to Mrs. Viehman, our School Social Worker.
Weather Delays & Cancellations
As we approach the colder months of the year, we may experience delays and cancellations. Delays and E-Learning Days will be announced on Class Dojo, WES Facebook Page, KV Website, and local radio stations like 97.7 and 105.5.
E-Learning Day Information
Due to changes at the Indiana General Assembly, all E-Learning days will include live instruction equal to at least 50% of our daily instructional minutes. Teachers will deliver instruction via Zoom and each school has developed a schedule for students to follow.
eLearning Model
Teacher Office Hours: After 9:00 a.m. /anytime not on Zoom Meetings
Teacher Lunch: Teacher will communicate with students/parents lunch time.
Classroom Expectations
Teachers will schedule a Zoom session from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Teachers will schedule a Zoom Session between 1:00-3:00 pm to check-in with students and offer support that students need.
Reading & Math lessons will be live.
Following the grade-level’s schedule, students will complete Reading, Math, and lessons in Art, Music, or Gym. In addition to whole group lessons, students will also work with their teacher in small group lessons and there will be some opportunities for a student to check in 1-1 with their teacher.
Classroom Morning Session Time
Teachers will schedule a Zoom Session for Live Instruction from 9:00-11:30 am
Specials Teachers Session Time (Art, Music, & P.E.)
Specials Teachers will meet with their scheduled classes that they are regularly scheduled to meet with.
Specials Teachers will teach a lesson on Zoom with their classes.
Classroom Afternoon Session Time
Teachers will schedule a Zoom session between the hours of 1:00-3:00 pm to check-in with students and assist as needed.
We are responsible for 180 days of instruction. Therefore, attendance will be taken daily, Monday-Friday. Teachers may use discretion on due dates.
Dismissal Info.
REMINDER: Please call the office if you need to make a change for your child's dismissal transportation. Please call in before 1:00 pm. For example: You will be picking your child up rather than riding the bus home. Please DO NOT message your child's teacher on Class Dojo. We want to make sure the message gets to your child and your child's teacher. Please call in at 219-956-3221. Please call in before 1:00 pm. Thank you!
Parent Pick-Up & Drop Off
· Please stay in the car line and have your child enter and exit on the PASSENGER SIDE OF YOUR VEHICLE.
· ALL cars that are parked along the curb will release their child to enter the school. There will be extra staff members to assist your child.
· Be ready to provide staff members with your child’s barcode.
· All parents who are dropping off and picking up their child should approach our school from the south (State Road 10). This will assist our bus traffic as they enter for arrival and dismissal.
· Parents must stay in their vehicle, no congregating by the school doors.
· Students must be fastened into their seatbelts before leaving. IF your child needs assistance with buckling up, please park in the parking lot to allow the line to continue.
· Your patience and cooperation are much appreciated.
School Attendance is Important!
Some Attendance Tips:
Make sure your student keeps a regular bedtime and establishes a morning routine.
Turn off all electronics including TVs, phones, and tablets at bedtime.
Have backpack and clothes prepared the night before.
Check with our school nurse or office staff if you are not sure about when to keep your child at home due to illness.
Avoid scheduling vacations while school is in session.
Make every effort to schedule doctor appointments around school hours.
Talk to teachers and our social worker for advice if your student feels anxious about going to school.
In the event that your student cannot get to school in their normal manner, develop a plan with another family member or trusted adult to get them to school that day.
Pre-Planned Absence Form
December 2024 Lunch Menu
Important Dates Coming Up Next Month...
2nd Quarter Report Cards
Your child's 2nd Quarter Report Cards will be coming home on Friday, January 10th. They will be available on Skyward Family Access for you to view as well.
Winter NWEA Family Reports
Along with your child's report card, you will also be receiving their Winter NWEA Report to show you the progress they have made since taking the Fall tests at the beginning of the year.
CogAT Testing
During the first weeks of January, our Kindergarten and 2nd grade students will be taking CogAT. This is a cognitive abilities test that measures learned reasoning and problem-solving skills. As always, attendance is important to help us complete this test in a timely manner.
Reading Fair 2024 | "Sail Into Reading"
WES Facebook Page
We post A LOT of great things on our Facebook Page. Click the button below to take you there!
About Us
Location: 251 S Center Street, Wheatfield, IN
Phone: (219) 956-3221