Hyannis West Handbook
This handbook was created to provide important information about the policies, procedures, and expectations for Hyannis West Elementary as well as policy information for the Barnstable Public Schools. Please review this handbook thoroughly and share the contents of it with your child. We hope it will provide you with all the information you need to have a successful year at Hyannis West.
Questions, please call the front office at (508) 790-6480 or email:
Kathi Amato, Principal amato_kathi@mybps.us
Eric Currey, Assistant Principal currey_eric@mybps.us
Hyannis West Vision for Success
Hyannis West is a warm, welcoming, diverse school community that inspires and empowers students by establishing a sense of belonging and strong family partnerships. Together, we believe all students’ social-emotional, personal, and academic growth and success can be fostered through a climate of high expectations.
Mission Statement
The Hyannis West school community will bring together students, families, and staff from diverse backgrounds by providing culturally responsive engagement opportunities for all. Barriers to educational access will be identified and overcome using a supportive, inclusive, collaborative approach. Students’ race, culture, identity and learning styles will be celebrated and will drive instruction for our educators. We commit to using real-time data to accelerate growth for all learners through joyful, rigorous learning experiences and timely support so that all students leave Hyannis West compassionate citizens, proficient readers, masterful mathematicians, and creative thinkers and problem-solvers.
Emergency Information
For student safety, parents/guardians need to provide the school with up to date contact information. If your address or phone number changes, please contact Ms. Curran at the front office, (508) 790-6480.
Visiting Our School
No School Announcements
A delayed opening, early dismissal, or cancellation of school may occur due to inclement weather or other extraordinary circumstances. Radio and television stations may broadcast school delays and cancellations. It will also be announced on the Barnstable Public Schools website and Facebook page. Other than during a power outage, families will also be notified through an automated telephone and email message. To ensure that we are able to contact you, please keep your child’s contact information up to date.
Arrival/Departure Procedures
Hyannis West Elementary school day is 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
8:50 - Students may enter the building. Children who arrive before that time will not be supervised. Students enter the building and walk directly to their classrooms. Breakfast is available.
9:00 - Official start of the school day. Students arriving after 9:00 are tardy and must be escorted to the main entrance by a parent/guardian. Breakfast ends. All students should be in their classrooms at this time.
Car Drop-off
All students who arrive by car must be dropped off at the bus/carport between 8:50 and 9:00. Remain in your car and pull forward and a staff member will meet your child at your car. Please do not drop your child off and leave before a staff member greets you. If you do not arrive by 9:00 a.m., you will need to walk your child into the main office and sign them in tardy.
Bus Drop-off
Students who arrive by bus will be dropped off at the main entrance in front of the school and walk directly to their classrooms..
3:25 – Students being picked up are called to the bus/carport when their parent/guardian arrives. For safety purposes, have your car sign visible, remain in your vehicle, follow the line of cars, and staff will escort your child to your car. Students not picked up by 3:40 will be escorted to the front office. A late pick-up fee may apply if a child is repeatedly picked up late..
3:30 - Bus students are dismissed from their classrooms when their bus arrives. Buses typically depart by 3:40 p.m.
Late Pick-ups
Students not picked up by 3:40 or who are brought back to school by bus (no parent/guardian at stop) will be considered a late pick-up, and will need to be signed out by an adult.
After 5 late pick-ups a reminder letter/call will be made to the parent/guardian.
After 10 late pick-ups a meeting with parent/guardian will be requested and additional action may be taken.
Before/After School Child Care
Hyannis West offers before/after school child care to students in grades K-3. Before school care is available starting at 7:00 a.m. with a cost of $160 per month. After school hours are 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. with a cost of $200 per month. Children must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. or you will be subject to additional fees. A waitlist may be used based on enrollment and/or staffing needs. Program information may be obtained by emailing the Program Director, Jeanne Ciliberto @ ciliberto_jeanne@mybps.us
Tardiness/Attendance/Dismissal Protocol
It is imperative that your child arrives at school on time. The school day begins at 9:00 a.m. If your child arrives after 9:00 a.m. they are considered tardy and you will need to walk them to the front door to sign-in.
When tardiness interferes with your child’s learning, a letter may be sent home and a parent/guardian meeting may be requested.
The school day is from 9:00-3:30. When a child leaves school early they are missing important learning. However, we do recognize that there are times when a child must be dismissed early for a doctor’s appointment or other important reasons. Please do your best to schedule appointments outside of school hours.
When you request early dismissal for your child, a note, phone call, or email is required. Please indicate the time of dismissal and the name of the person who will pick up the child. NO child will be dismissed to anyone other than their parent or legal guardian unless approved verbally or in writing in advance by the parent or guardian.
When frequent early dismissals interfere with a child’s learning, a letter may be sent home and a parent/guardian meeting may be requested.
Regular attendance is necessary if your child is to progress socially and academically. Regular attendance enables students to benefit from classroom discussions and instruction as well as interactive activities. These shared academic experiences are integral to the learning process and social development of the child. They cannot be re-created or replicated.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please call (508) 790-6480, Ext. 1781, to notify the school nurse. You may also email or call Mr. Currey (Ext. 1003) or your child’s classroom teacher. A doctor’s note may be requested upon a prolonged illness at the discretion of school administration. The School Nurse or Assistant Principal will call the parent/guardian any time the student is absent and no call or message has been received. We need to account for each student daily.
An excused absence/tardy includes:
personal illness;
medical appointments that cannot be made outside of school hours;
death of a family member;
serious illness of a family;
weather so inclement as to endanger the health of the child;
observance of major religious holidays;
legal obligations requiring personal appearance;
verified post-high school visits, such as college visits (two days during a student’s junior year and three days during a
student’s senior year); and
other exceptional reasons with approval of the Principal or designee.
The provision of a written explanation will not automatically result in the absence being documented as excused. Excused absences are limited to the categories set forth above.
Unexcused Absence - An absence for which no written verification or documentation is provided (i.e. a “no call-no show” absence) or that occurs for a reason that cannot be considered an excused absence.
We use a supportive approach to improving attendance by identifying barriers and working with families to overcome those barriers. However in the case of excessive absences/tardies (excused or unexcused), the following could occur:
Upon the fifth absence/tardy: Phone call and/or letter sent home to the family expressing the school’s concern. Efforts will be made to meet with the parent or guardian of the student to develop action steps for student attendance.
Upon the seventh absence/tardy:
A letter will be mailed home to the family which documents the school's increasing concern regarding the child's attendance. Additional efforts will be made to meet with the parent or guardian of the student to develop action steps for student attendance.
Upon the tenth absence/tardy:
A letter will be mailed home to the family documenting the school’s serious concern regarding the child's attendance. The parent/guardian is required to call the School Counselor to schedule a meeting.
If the child’s attendance does not improve after the above steps have been taken, a letter will be mailed home signed by the District Attorney’s Office and School Administration. A meeting will be held with the School Counselor, Principal and representatives from the District Attorney’s Office. Community resources will be made available to assist families, if necessary.
Under MGL c. 119, § 21, (Mass. General Law) a child may be eligible for “Child Requiring Assistance" services through the juvenile court system if the child is “habitually truant. ” A school aged child is “habitually truant” when not otherwise excused from attendance in accordance with lawful and reasonable school regulations or willfully fails to attend school for more than 8 school days in a quarter. The school may pursue a CRA or assist parents with pursuing “CRA” services and supports.
Under Chapter 119, section 51A of the Massachusetts General Laws, a report can be filed on behalf of a child under the age of eighteen for educational neglect if a child is not attending school on a regular basis. This report of suspected Child Abuse or Neglect, commonly referred to as a 51A, is filed with the Department of Children and Family Services. By law, school personnel are mandated reporters.
A supervised recess is held each day for all students immediately before or after lunch. Students will go outdoors, weather permitting. They should be dressed appropriately for the weather conditions of the day. It is recommended that students not wear flip flops for safety reasons.
Support Services
Hyannis West has a number of support services available to our students. Since Hyannis West is a school-wide Title I School, licensed Title I teachers assist students in meeting Reading and Math standards in and out of the classroom setting. English Language Education, Gateway, speech therapy, occupational and physical therapy, resource room, and counseling are services available to all students.
Gateway Programs
The Barnstable Public Schools Gateway Program is designed to broaden thinking skills, decision making skills, to encourage creativity, and to train students in skills necessary for independent research and projects. Students in Kindergarten through grade 3 participate in Gateway activities.
Gateway facilitates the Destination Imagination Program, available to students whenever family members are available to serve as trained coaches. For more information about the Gateway Program or if you are interested in becoming a DI coach, please call Kari Morse, Director of the Gateway Program, at (508) 790-6372.
Special Subjects
Students in grades K-3 receive specialized instruction in Art, Health, Music, Physical Education (Gym), and Science/Technology. Specials are 50 minutes per day. All students must wear sneakers on Gym day.
Field Trips
Field trips enhance the curriculum and are worthwhile means of learning. Each teacher will provide families with specific field trip information. A signed permission slip is required for each student. Students not participating in a field trip should be in attendance at school. A student who does not have written permission to attend or whose conduct is considered disruptive and/or unsafe may be denied participation.
Hyannis West School Council
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
Volunteer Opportunities
Family/Teacher Conferences
Classroom Assignments
Interpreter Services
Hyannis West’s federal Title I funding is based on the percentage of free/reduced lunch students.
Hyannis West participates in the Universal Breakfast and Lunch Program which means that every child is eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch every school day. The lunch program offers a choice of hot and cold lunches. Menus are posted on the Barnstable Public Schools website.
Report Cards
Health Education
Technology Policy
Electronic Devices/Toys
Dress Code
The way we dress has an impact on our educational atmosphere. Students are not permitted to dress in a manner that is disruptive to the educational process. Examples of items that could be considered disruptive include:
Extremely short skirts or shorts, tank tops, halter-tops or other garments that reveal the midriff or undergarments.
Clothing with language or pictures that are profane or suggestive, or which promote products or activities that are illegal or violent.
Clothing which is disparaging to others.
Clothing, pins, insignias, colors, jewelry, or emblems that identify students as a member of a gang.
It is also assumed that children will dress properly for the weather conditions during outdoor activities. Sneakers are required for the weekly Gym class. The principal has the authority to request/require a student to change their clothing in school and/or send students home to change their clothing. Parents may be contacted when a student does not comply with the dress code.
School-Wide/Classroom Expectations
Behavior at Hyannis West we utilize the Responsive Classroom approach to teaching and learning that promotes a safe, challenging, and joyful school.
School-wide Expectations are displayed in every classroom and office space and are explicitly taught to students. Students will have the opportunity to practice these expectations throughout the school year.
Classroom Expectations are developed by each class based on their hopes and dreams for the year. Classroom expectations are agreed upon, displayed in each classroom, and referred to frequently.
Consequences for not following classroom and school-wide expectations will be based upon the frequency and/or severity of the incident(s). Parents/guardians will be notified of incidents resulting in serious classroom disruption and/or physical harm. Due process will be followed.
The following actions may be taken when expectations are not followed:
Verbal reminder
Time out or work in alternative location within the classroom or school
Loss of privilege (ie. recess, use of material, special activity, etc.)
School suspension (in or out of school)
Parent/guardian meeting
Barnstable School Bus Rules & Regulations
If you have questions regarding bus stops, pick-up or drop off times or other concerns please contact First Student Bus Company 508-362-4663 or Barnstable Public Schools Transportation Coordinator, Sandy Gifford at 508-790-6478.
Students are expected to obey the directions of the driver, and to behave in a safe and courteous manner. The school discipline code is in effect on the school bus and when loading and unloading. Any of the following rules violations may result in a School Bus Incident Report being filed with the Principal:
Pupils will only be allowed on a bus with a proper bus pass.
Pupils will be under the authority of the bus driver while being transported.
Pupils will not open or close the bus windows without the driver’s permission.
Pupils will keep hands, arms or heads inside the bus.
Pupils will conduct themselves in a safe, respectful manner on the bus.
Pupils will use quiet, respectful voices - inappropriate language and shouting are not allowed.
Pupils will be courteous to the driver, to fellow pupils and to the passerby.
Pupils will enter the bus in an orderly fashion, go directly to a seat and remain seated until the destination is reached.
Pupils will board and depart from the bus only at their school and their assigned stop.
Pupils will cooperate with the bus driver for the safety of all.
The bus driver may assign pupils individual seats if he/she feels it is in the best interest of safety.
Pupils may ride ASSIGNED BUSES ONLY.
All articles such as athletic equipment, books, musical instruments, etc. are to be kept out of the aisles.
Littering or defacing of the buses is not allowed.
The emergency door is to be used for emergency only. Safety equipment on the bus must not be touched.
Transportation by school bus is dependent upon good behavior and conforming to the School Bus Rules and Regulations of the Town of Barnstable.
Consequences for Bus Misbehavior
First Bus Incident Report: Discussion with the principal, a warning, and the parent may be contacted and a loss of one recess may result.
Second Report: The parent will be contacted; the child may lose recess time for one to three days, and could lose bus privileges for one day.
Third Report: The parent will be contacted; the child may lose recess privileges for three to five days, and may lose bus privileges for one to three days.
Fourth Report: Automatic loss of bus privileges for three to five consecutive days. Parents will be notified and a conference may be held. The child may also lose recess privileges for five days.
Fifth Bus Report: The child will be removed from the bus until a conference is held with the bus contractor, driver, principal, and at least one parent of the child, and consequences determined. Such consequences may include the permanent loss of bus privileges or expulsion from school.
**Infractions noted may result in disciplinary measures appropriate to step 3, 4, or 5, even if those steps had not previously been reached.
The safety of the child is of paramount importance to the Barnstable Public Schools. Therefore, a parent or a named authorized person is expected to be out at the bus stop as the bus arrives. If the aforementioned person is not out at the bus stop as the bus arrives, the bus driver will take the youngster back to school. The principal or his/her designee will make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent of the whereabouts of the child. At the end of an hour, if a parent has not been reached, the Police Department will be notified to request an officer be assigned to immediately work with school personnel in attempting to locate parents relatives and, if it becomes necessary, an
appropriate agency to take custody of the child. Yearly the parent, via a written note, has the right to waive this procedure. However, in doing so, the parent assumes full responsibility for the safety and well-being of the child. A telephone call is not an accepted form to waive the above policy.
Barnstable Public Schools District Handbook
Main Office: 508-790-6480