Dyslexia Insider
9 Week Update
1st 9 Weeks Edition
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Welcome Back
We are so excited to have our classrooms full again and therapy sessions back in full swing! Here is what we have to look forward to this year:
- Dyslexia Events:
- Dyslexia Simulation
- Parent Resource Nights
- Bilingual Events and more!
- Dyslexia Instruction and Support: Every student identified will receive the services they need. Every grade level and campus provides dyslexia instruction, accommodations and support. We are here for you!
By now your Dyslexia Therapist should have made a point of contact. If you need a reminder of who your students therapist is you can always check our department website, see links below. We look forward to a successful year of making connections and developing our students growth for a positive a successful year!
Meet Our Special Education Coordinators for Dyslexia
Stephanie Clark, M.Ed., LDT, CALT-QI, C-SLDS, Ed. Diag.
is the Garland ISD Dyslexia Training Center Administrator and Special Education Coordinator for elementary dyslexia services for Garland Independent School District. With a robust background in education and specialized expertise in dyslexia, Stephanie is a Licensed Dyslexia Therapist, Certified Academic Language Therapist, Qualified Instructor of Therapy, Certified Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist, and Educational Diagnostician
Anita Gonzales, M.Ed., LDT, CALT
is the Garland ISD Special Education Coordinator for bilingual and secondary dyslexia services for Garland Independent School District. With a rich background in education and specialized expertise in dyslexia and bilingual studies, Anita is a Licensed Dyslexia Therapist, Certified Academic Language Therapist
Ready Hub
Ready Hub provides a centralized place for staff and students to access digital resources with a single sign-on experience.
The Ready Hub username and password are the same credentials used for logging into a GISD computer.
Most applications will not require a second login. Simply clicking the Ready Hub icons will automatically log users into the program. Icons marked with an asterisk will require a separate login.
For security reasons, applications such as Skyward and Google apps that contain personal documents or student information will present their normal login screens
Don Johnston Human Learning Tools: What are They and How They Can Help Your Student?
Does your student struggle with reading and writing? Have you ever been concerned that your student is struggling with accessing the curriculum? In GISD, we are fortunate to have tools availble for students to ensure equal access to content. Accommodations, and access to tools that support our students learning, is invaluable.
Don Johnston tools, such as Snap&Read and Co-Writer are available for all of our students, and can be a game changer in the life of students and families.
Check out Don Johnston Webinars and their Learning Academy, here: https://learningtools.donjohnston.com/learning-academy/
Parent Resources
Informational PodCasts
Community Dyslexia Resources
International Dyslexia Association
The International Dyslexia Association is committed to creating a future for all individuals who struggle with dyslexia and other related reading difference so that they may have a richer, more robust lives and access to the tools and resources they need. The IDA provides information and resources to parents, teachers, students, and communities regarding dyslexia all over the world. Click on the link below to find out more about your local Dallas Branch IDA!
StandUp LD
Our goal is to inspire students, educate parents, and support teachers! We have programming throughout the year in Dallas that is free for parents and students. Our target audience is parents and students who want support with Dyslexia, ADHD, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, & Dyspraxia. Stay connected with us via Facebook and our website. Also, if you need help with anything feel free to contact us.
Contact: Heather McGehearty
cell: 972-948-1568
email: heather@standupld.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StandUpLD/
Website: https://standupld.org/
CHADD empowers people affected by ADHD by:
- providing evidence-based information;
- supporting individuals, their families, and professionals who assist them throughout their journeys; and
- advocating for equity, inclusion, and universal rights.